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Posts posted by uk_unbeliever

  1. I was pretty hyped for high elves but the Teclis model really doesn't float my boat. I like the V shaped reference to the older model and clearly it's very nicely detailed but I don't understand why he's just kind of next to the sphinx, it doesn't look right to me. The sphinx is cool- would be great on its own.  Teclis looks ok (the face and super straight legs look a bit off to me) but some magical elements to explain the floating (like on nagash or celestant prime) would look better in my opinion. This looks like a conversion people do when they stick a flying model on some scenery because they need the model to look like it's flying past it- that's ok because you're focus is on the model, but here it's  a confusing as to what is the focal point of the model.

    The ghost elf I like a lot better

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  2. Got the first copy, looks awesome, clearly the first copy is amazing value. Subscribing looks to be good value, I wasn't going to but it looks attractive. It's all well explained, but there's one potential mini-scam in this in that you agree to:


    "As a subscriber  i will automatically receive any binders as they become available at a cost of £8.99 each"


    Does this mean they can vary the direct debit to add in a bunch these overpriced binders at various points "when they become available" with no opt out?

  3. I'm psyched about this, i loved 8th ed rank and flank and the old world law.

    Hopefully it'll be something that allows cross compatibility of based models with aos somehow. Imagine the possibilities of doing multibase units with models with the quality GW is putting out now! Done well it would look amazing but i doubt they'd go down the KoW unit design route.

    Warhammer total war 3 is out next year, dlcs for a further year or 2 after that. Coincidence that this timeline will coincide with a possible relaunch of the old world ready for TW: warhammer origins? 


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