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Posts posted by Lorax

  1. On 10/20/2019 at 5:48 AM, B.C.D. said:

    Holy bananas!! They look awesome and the display is siiiick :D

    How did you do on parade day? Did you win with them??

    Thank you for the feedback.  The Dawi Zhar brought home a medal.  It was a fun day; and I am so happy to have a permanent display for my favorite army.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. Finally finished my Armies on Parade entry for this year.  PRAISE HASHUT.  

    I wanted to build a display worthy of the Legion of Azgorh, and opted for a stacked stone ziggurat.  The army itself consists of 30 fireglaives, 9 bull renders, Taur'uk, Shar'tor, Drazoath the Ashen, Skullcracker, Iron Daemon, 2 magma cannons, 2 Dreadquake mortars, 2 Deathshrieker Rockets, 2 daemonsmiths, 1 custom chaos sorceror lord on mount, 6 k'daai, 1 k'daai destroyer, and 1 maulerfiend.  

    A long labor of love, but very happy with the outcome, and look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.  


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  3.  Finally finished my Armies on Parade entry for this year.  PRAISE HASHUT.  

    I wanted to build a display worthy of the Legion of Azgorh, and opted for a stacked stone ziggurat.  The army itself consists of 30 fireglaives, 9 bull renders, Taur'uk, Shar'tor, Drazoath the Ashen, Skullcracker, Iron Daemon, 2 magma cannons, 2 Dreadquake mortars, 2 Deathshrieker Rockets, 2 daemonsmiths, 1 custom chaos sorceror lord on mount, 6 k'daai, 1 k'daai destroyer, and 1 maulerfiend.  

    A long labor of love, but very happy with the outcome, and look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.  





















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  4. I love the conversion!  It looks incredible and it well executed.  Magnus and a treeman?  The only tiny nitpick would be to possible fill the gap near the neck a little bit more; you could potentially just either put more of a collar around his neck with the vines, or go for the smooth nature of the flesh.  Maybe, if it is not too intrusive, you could actually take the head off and move it slightly forward and then do some minor gap filling. 

    It is a beautiful model, and I can't wait to see this fully painted with your armies scheme; the vibrancy of your pink/magenta is impressive.  



    • Thanks 1
  5. On 5/18/2019 at 1:55 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    Oh dear Lord, that is AWESOME!  Definitely do this.  It would be a huge spoiler against many armies, and while it lacks what you said it has plenty to get in there and mulch almost everything. 

    So many people hate having to have Shartor as general cuz we loose the Grotesque Trait on the Tauruk…..however I don't feel that's actually that much of a sacrifice, as he could still have the Armor of Bazherak.   Freeing up those points for the war machines is a good trade.  

    I just played this morning with my BullCentaur army, and I had the Execution Herd with 2x3 and 1x6 Renders, and Drazhoath, Standard Bearer, and 3x10 Fireglaives.    I think 3x3 Renders would have been plenty too as it's really really hard to get any more than that into combat most of the time.  I miss the days of yore when Renders could take great weapons like Bullgors can, but that's another tail...…..

    I highly recommend the Execution Herd, which would require the sacrifice of 1 Skullcracker.  Rerolling hits against (usually) at least 2 enemy units per game is so very useful!  As is the extra CP and artefact, though without another HQ I guess kinda wasted.  Renders not necessarily needing the Tauruk's Command Ability allowed me to use Shartor's ability to make 3 charge rolls turn 1, and also ignore a battleshock roll.

    The Fireglaives got an objective turn 1 but are so slow they really can't hope to capture much else later on, as they squish easily on the way too.   30 of them failed to kill a unit of 10 Bladegheists over the whole game (as he could summon back more).  But that's pretty sad, even rolling average as I was.

    Drazhoath is so disappointing every time I use him I would definitely not use him except for a mass Blackshard Warhost (he can be my Sorcerer Lord on Manticore from now on).   If his Hellshard Amulet worked against mortal wounds, and he somehow had a casting buff or just hit on 3+ instead of mostly 4+, I'd say he's worth it.

    Standard Bearer always helps to some extent; I had Talisman of the Watcher on him for the extra relic and that rerolled some saves.  His Bravery buff is solid and rerolling 1s to wound is very good.  I didn't use him this game but a Castellan with the Thermalrider Cloak would have also helped kill stuff faster, that was amazing at Adepticon when I used the Magma Train battalion and 2 Skullcrackers.

    So yup, I'm making a 3rd Skullcracker!

    Thanks for the great response.  I have run the Execution Herd a few different times, it does pack a nice punch.  I also recently have been running the Castellan.  Being able to add one to  wounds for all Legion of Azgorh models is actually pretty devastating .   I have had a couple of spectacular games where the Castellan is on the front lines, and giving off his Martial Contempt so that the Artillery absolutely rain hell on a unit. 

    I too feel your pain, as it seems like when I take the Execution Herd, I tend to miss out on the bonus artefact (a product of my bad list building really).  I agree with your analysis of the Fireglaives, so slow and a little squishy.  I own about 60 fireglaives but only about 20 ironsworn, I am thinking of getting a few more to get that massive regiment discount, and they might make better objective sitters.  

    Unsung heroes of several of my games have been K'daai.  In my games they do surprisingly well just because of the sheer number of attacks and also the 3" range.  They can safely hide behind a unit of ironsworn and still swing over them.   A unit of 3 has 15 attacks dealing, on average, about 5 damage to a unit with a 4+ save.  They are also surprisingly fast, which leads to some nice plays for stealing objectives.  

    Drazoath has had very mixed results for me.  He is one of the fastest units in the whole game, but he is such a mixed bag.  Flames of Azgorh and Fireball both have gone off enough times for me to make him worthwhile as an annoyance.  I tend to then charge him into infantry blocks; he has been able to hold off big blocks in my games, but I tend to pick units that don't have rend or high damage.  I like him just as a fast unit that can sometimes get objectives, but for all of that he is definitely overcosted.  

    Actually re-reading my post, it becomes clear that LoA play style is essentially that the battleline (with exception of Centaurs) are very slow and typically bad at "taking" objectives, whereas all of the elites are the opposite, a waste of points for holding and decent at getting to and contesting objectives.  All LoA elites tend to lack the bodies to outright steal an objective.  

    Still absolutely love the army though.

    Lastly, it sounds like I am preaching to the choir in terms of the value of the Skullcracker.  How are you considering kit bashing yours?  I have been looking at maulerfiends as one option; and Empire Steam Tanks with some retrofits as the others. 


  6. So I have been playing LoA for sometime now.  I have been running variations on several different lists, but have stumbled upon a 2k list exactly, that seems like it would be fun (not sure how competitive).  Typically I have been taking big blocks of fireglaives, Drazoath, and usually either 2 iron daemons (with artillery) or 2 skullcrackers (with artillery).  Lately, I have noticed how much work my skullcrackers have been doing, which has led me to this idea:


    Bull Centaur Taur'ruk (160)

    Shar'tor the Executioner (220) - General


    3 x Bull Centaur Renders (180)

    3 x Bull Centaur Renders (180)

    3 x Bull Centaur Renders (180)


    Skullcracker War Engine (200)

    Skullcracker War Engine (200)

    Skullcracker War Engine (200)

    Skullcracker War Engine (200)

    Magma Cannon (140)

    Magma Cannon (140)


    TOTAL: 2000/2000


    WOUNDS: 116

    LEADERS: 2/6

    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)

    BEHEMOTHS: 4/4

    ARTILLERY: 2/4


    The lists lacks a lot (obviously).  No real magic/unbind.  No shooting (except for the 2 Magma Cannons).  No real bodies to contest things.  Only 1 hero with an artifact of power (certain missions), no wizards (certain missions), hard to contest/hold objectives.  All that said I think the list would be fun; essentially a giant lawnmower moving toward enemy units.  The idea would be to reserve the magma cannons for high value targets, and just rush the skullcrackers into hordes or heroes.  The Centaurs would stick around with the two heroes and either flank or try to break front lines.  Alternatively a single unit could leave to try to hunt or hold objectives.  The list could even drop one unit of the renders and pick up 2 units of Ironsworn to babysit objectives.  

    How foolish am I for wanting to try this?

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  7. 7 hours ago, Injuryprone said:

    Why, why did you hurt my plague toads?

    This is what I am wondering. I have 12 toads that are pretty much useless now.  I kept rereading it in disbelief. How can nurgle daemons NOT have a real no pain save!  SHAME!

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