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Posts posted by KevenM

  1. 16 hours ago, paera said:


    so about to clean and start painting my 20+ year collection of big hats. Bit unsure about how to base them; I know its round for AoS but would it be impossible to play AoS with square ones?

    You are correct - AoS is generally on rounds, however, I can't think of anyone who would really mind playing an opponent who uses square bases (they were very common when AoS started) - particularly in casual games. 

    I know that large competitive events generally won't accept square bases anymore, but you should still be completely fine for a lot of your local FLGS events.

    Hope that helps!

  2. 54 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Well they have had the Battletome and Warscroll cards shipping manifests leaked. I highly doubt they would bring out a whole Battletome and an assortment of Warscrolls cards for One repackaged model. If I were to wager a guess I would say the Sons will get at least 2 new kits with my fingers crossed for a 3rd and then have the Aleguzzlar included in their ranks bringing the total kits to 3/4. Obviously variation amongst the kits, perhaps King Brodd/Chieftain/Shaman for one and then a Standard/Soldier/Siege/Ranged unit for the other.

    If we are going with SoB predictions - I will aim for fences here... I'm going with 4 new kits + the Aleguzzler for 5 in total with a breakdown as follows:

    1) Dualkit: King Brodd / Warrior Chief;

    2) Dualkit: Mage Gargant hero / Priest Gargant hero;

    3) Dualkit: Lightly armoured and armed Gargant warriors (up to 3 per unit)/ Heavily armoured Gargant 'hoplite-esque' warriors with spears/pikes (up to 3 per unit);

    4) Dualkit: Skirmisher ranged Gargants (throwing nets, huge bolas or spears - up to 3 per unit) / Siege weapon Gargants - gargant-handling ballistas ofc (up to 3 per unit); and

    5) Good ol' Aleguzzler Gargants as the 'chaff' throwaway red-haired outrageously drunk stepchild of the faction.

    In total I'm thinking of armies ranging on average from half a dozen to a dozen models at 2K points.

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  3. 50 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    OR how about Peachy comes into the Office having sold their Bugmans Brew Recipe for Beans...Magic Beans.

    Look, I've been saying it for weeks... the Sons of Behemat teaser is absolutely going to  simply be a soundbite of a gargant going:



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  4. 11 hours ago, Latty said:

    So I had a thought about LoA and realm rules; say you play a game in Aqshy and roll the burning skies realmscape, how would that interact with the burning skies that we have as a battle trait? Would ours overrule the realm rules? Would Draz'hoath and K'daai be subject to the rule? Would they stack, making the opponent take the roll twice? Thoughts?

    This exact situation happened to me at a local RTT about two months back. The way we ended up playing it was that all units were affected (for example my K'daai) and my opponent would only roll once. 

    The thinking being that you can't be affected by the same rule twice, he was affected by my allegiance ability (or even the realm rule...  result would be the same), while I was affected by the generic realm rule which we rolled as part of the tournament.

    Working solution I think which makes sense 'logically' if not necessarily 'thematically' for the army.

  5. So the new Warhammer Old World preview is up on WarCom and its about... Kislev?

    I just went from barely interested to a lot more rather quickly...

    Look at some of concept art.

    P.S. A part of me can't help but think that they are generating updated Kislev art for the third chapter of Total War Warhammer.



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  6. 21 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Isn’t the underworld shadespire game out already, haven’t heard much news about it

    Yes actually. I've played it and its well done, it still needs some work though as it is 'clunky' (for lack of a better word) with regards to animations and flow.

    I think its a great introduction to Underworlds or (as a pretty direct translation of the tabletop) a way to get your fix when there are no opponents around.

  7. 6 hours ago, Qrow said:

    No point changes of LoA is a little dissappointing, I was hoping to at least see a reduction for drazhoath, he was overcosted before the latest battletomes and is now a joke when compared to verminlords and other similar models. Kinda feels like forgeworld just got lazy and didn't even look at LoA or TH.

    Pretty much what you said. The army remains alright from a competitive perspective but I would've appreciated a little help from FW/GW on this one :)

    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Hey again everyone, I'm trying to downsize my army count to around 3 and looks like LoA will take up that 3rd slot. I've asked about numerous builds here before, but I really like some that include 9-12 K'daai, 2-3 Magma Cannons (with or without an Iron Daemon) and a couple big units of 20-30 Fireglaives. Looked at Robs gunner guide on the honest wargamer for some inspiration on this matter and it seems good. Any insight for competitive play?

    For competitive play here are my two cents: I think you have some of the key elements of a good LoA list in there. Competively, I suggest units of 6 for the K'daai - less prone to damaging battleshock losses while still having a metric ton of attacks. 

    I am 100% in favour of the big blocs of fireglaives. They have good offensive output. I suggest a unit of 10 to bubblewrap the magma cannons and prevent units with movement tricks from charging them. If your opponent doesn't have any they are perfect to hold an objective.

    Speaking of magma cannons they can be swingy and solely based on mathhammer they may not be the most competitive but I still like to take a pair in competitive play because their potential damage really forces opponents to modify their plans and make mistakes. Always have a daemonsmith with them though for that expanded threat range.

    As far as other elements go, make sure you've got some magoc users. Daemonsmiths are excellent so I always take one or two. Drazoath is expensive and not ultra-competitve but I've found his ability to cast two spells, fly / high movement and decent combat potential useful to threaten a flank and force your opponent to split their forces (espeicially useful against splely close combat armies).

    For heroes, the Tau'ruk is a must. He is the best hero choice in the army in my opinion and a beat stick in combat. Castellans are nothing special and banner bearers can be useful - just be careful about including them in K'daai or centaur heavy lists because they tend to get left behind.

    Finally, bull centaurs are decent but you have to take them for the right reasons... their biggest assets are high(er) movement and a lot of wounds with a decent save. I usually take them in units of 6 to tie down large sections of the board.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Iron Daemons, Dreadquakes or Rockets - they are all swingy and a bit underwhelming...

    For endless spells I'd go for Cogs or Geminids obviously!

    Hope that helps :)

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Lammasu?!  Love that guy, that's what I used for my Drazhoath :D  But then you couldn't take the Azgorh allegiance.  But you could plop a Slaves to Darkness Sorcerer Lord on one and ally that in, with a Chaos Mark.  That would provide maximum fireball throwing.  Wish I had another 6 Renders to try out that big of a herd.

    The Lammasu falls under Monster of Chaos which is an ally for LoA so you can still use the allegiance ability. It is still on the Warscroll Builder app too (along with the Great Taurus which I've also run).

    Its not super competitive but its still a cool model which you and your opponent will get a kick out of. Plus it still does some useful things in the army like fly, high(ish) movement, spell caster and giving a -1 to cast for enemy non-chaos wizards... for 140 points. Again, obviously not bleeding edge competitive but it can move with Drazoath and the Bull Centaurs a lot better than a Daemonsmith and is a fun option for a themed list!

    Here is mine - painted a long time ago and probably the only Lammasu on a round base in all of the world 😂:




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    On 2/11/2019 at 12:20 AM, peasant said:

    Hello! Im thinking of buying The executioners herd from forge world to make an all Bahal army, do you think is worth?


    Absolutely, models are amazing and its a fun list to play. I've run a Bull Centaur themed list at a number of local tournaments and had a blast going 2-1, 2-1 and 3-2.

    This was my take on it:


    Bull Centaur Tau'ruk (General)



    Bull Centaur Renders x6

    Bull Centaur Renders x6

    Bull Centaur Renders x6

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives x10

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives x10

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives x10




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  11. 1 hour ago, Entombet said:

    Well i can imagine GW doing their own version of Evil Dwarves and tying them to Death as they lack shooting. This "chd" town from map was in Nagash realm after all?.

    I'm not convinced, if GW were to make a "Death Dwarf" faction, there is litterally no good reason for them to use LoA iconography (bull heads etc) or naming conventions.

    For the same reason that LoA aren't named like the old Dwarfs, Fyreslayers  or KO, I don't think these hypothetical Death Dwarfs would be named like LoA (or anything else for that matter).

  12. New Endless spell previewed at Warhammerfest. They haven't stated which faction this one is for but if I was a betting man I'd definitly place my money on the Legion!!

    Oh and by the way, that's a gorgeous sculpt and I want FW to make LoA stuff in that style. Just saying.


  13. 48 minutes ago, cplhicks said:

    Thanks for the replies gents!

    I figured as much I'm just a bit sad as sometimes I feel GW creates these artificial boundaries between Forge World stuff. 

    Although technically they can ally with Everchosen as they can ally with all chaos factions lolol. 

    Agreed 100% there shouldn't be any bounderies between GW/FW like that...

    Oh and nice catch on Everchosen, hadn't thought of that. A bit impractical to build a 2000 point list from their 3(?) models though eh? Hahaha

  14. 8 hours ago, ForumAccount said:

    I think you can ally them in, they just don't show FW stuff in non-FW sources. For example the Mourngul wasn't mentioned in the Nighthaunt battletome, but you can still use it.

    I'm going to disagree with you there, the Mournghoul can be used with Nighthaunt because it has the Nighthaunt (and Malignant for that matter) keyword and that has always been the reason.

    As for this:

    9 hours ago, cplhicks said:

    Can non FW take FW armies as allies?

    I want some guns for my Slaves to Darkness army but Legion of Azgorh  are not listed allies in the GHB.  Looks like the GHB doesn't mention any FW armies.  The Legion of Azgorh pdf says that they can take StD as allies but I want to to it the other way. 

    Is this an oversight or intentional? 

    My understanding is that they cannot be allied in as Slaves to Darkness does not have LoA as an ally in the list. I'm sure most opponents will let you play them as allies in friendly games but I don't think that would fly in tournaments or any other more 'official' setting.

    You always have the option of running a joint STD / LoA list under GA Chaos though! 

    Hope that helps!

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Nevvermore said:

    How are the changes?

    Overall I'm happy. With Allegiance Abilities, a good spell available to all wizards, command traits, artifacts, new battalion, a warscroll changes and buffs as well as a few points reductions I'd say it's pretty good.

    Basically the GHB 17 treatment a number of legacy factions got with additional warscroll changes.

    The faction won't tear up the top tables by any stretch of the imagination but it will be able to compete in the new edition.

  16. 5 minutes ago, mattbarker said:

    Only one I still can't get my head around is the Fireglaive Deathmask. 

    Really not sure why they've made him worse at shooting, which is what the unit is for, and better at close combat, which isn't what the unit is for! 

    They want to sell more infernal guard command kits maybe? Those don't come with Fireglaives unfortunately so they are making the unit champions loadout fit with the kit I suppose?

  17. My initial feelings on the update are actually pretty good - aside from changes to the individual warscrolls I feel like the Legion is going to be able to compete in the new edition.

    First off, the Blackshard Armour allegiance ability is easy to overlook but I think its a bit of a hidden gem. Ignoring the first wound done to each unit in each combat and shooting phase is better than it sounds when you consider that this also includes the opponents combat phase. If we do a quick bit of math-hammer here, let's assume that your enemy is targeting 4 units in the shooting phase and each of the combat phases and you are negating 12 wounds a turn. Over a 5 turn game that's a total of 60 ignored wounds. Considering most lists at 2000 points have between 100-150 wounds I don't think that's a trivial amount! Plus, combining this with things like the new Look Out Sir rule just adds to the resiliency of heros...

    The Burning Skies ability is a lot more situational though and not a big game-changer. That being said, against certain armies its going to have an effect. The new Nighthaunt or the Idoneth Deepkin for example where all or a large portion of the army is flying are going to be taking a number of mortal wounds out of it. Heck in the best case scenario your opponent gets psyched out and moves his units (or especially weaker support heroes)  less far to prevent those mortal wounds from triggering. Look at it this way, you essentially get a chance at a free arcane bolt against each flying unit. I'll take it.

    The Fireball spell all wizards get is also pretty good. It's an easy cast with a possibility to D6 mortal wounds on hordes...

    For command traits, sure none are as good as the old cunning deceiver (which is now going to change I believe?) but they aren't bad either. I don't care much for the Contemptuous trait but I like Relentless for the possibility to trigger a second attack sequence for your general which could be devastating on Drazhoath, Shar'tor or the Taur'ruk. However, I think the Grotesque trait is the best here. Combine it with the new Look Out Sir and you are at -1 to hit against your general in both the shooting and combat phases - oh and throw on a new and improved Ashstorm spell on whatever your boss is fighting and you are looking at a cool -2 to hit for both shooting and combat attacks against the general.

    The artifacts are ok for the most part. The Black Hammer of Hashut is meh in my opinion since there's a lot of ways to re-roll1's in this army. The armour of Bahzerak is cool as it gives the hero a 5+ ward save and I'm a fan of the Chalice of Blood and Darkness since it can spoil one of your opponents magic phases...

    My read of the overall changes to the faction is that our heros pretty much all got better without increasing in points. Drazoath has a nice command ability with the 24'' battleshock immune bubble (although you'll have to be careful with his mobility), Shar'tor has a much better ability to cause mortal wounds and a situational but useful command ability when there are a lot of centaurs around.  The Castellan hasn't changed and the Taur'ruk remains a beast in close combat with a 2+ (often re-rolling 1's), 3+ once he uses his command ability (although his previous command ability was likely better).  The real winners in the hero department though are definitely the Daemonsmith who can throw the Blood of Hashut each turn, has a much improve Ashstorm spell, access to Fireball and can cast endless spells for a cool 100 pts as well as the Battle Standard Bearer who now gives off a permanent bubble of +1 bravery and re-roll 1's to wound at 18'' for 100 pts.

    On the monstrous cav side I think the bull-centaur renders took a pretty big hit a losing their -2 rend but at least their shields always trigger on a 6 and they didn't increase in cost. I think they were probably a bit undercosted before to be honest. Although the Fireborn's are no longer summonable, they've got an extra attack, can run and charge and are unaffected by rend now for a drop of 20 points too! I think they are now viable in a lot of lists.

    I feel like our infantry got a nice buff and I'm probably going to be running bigger blocs of Fireglaives and more Ironsworn now. The Fireglaives doing mortal wounds every time they roll a 6 to hit will really add up if you start taking big blocs of them and the Ironsworn's Spiteshield ability is now a lot more useful than it was now that its no longer affected by rend. Oh and ironsworn are now 10 points cheaper to boot. All in all, supported by a BSB and maybe a Castellan/Blckshard Warhost battalion I feel that our infantry can really do some work.

    Artillery-wise we remain in a good position and I can't find too much to say about it. The Dreadquake isn't going to see much more use, the Magma Cannon remains an amazing choice at 140 points and I continue to like the rocket launcher for 120 points with a possible 4 attacks, 3+, 3+ when shooting at infantry blocks.

    The battalions are a bit of a disappointment for me though. I'm lukewarm on what the execution herd does for 160 points... it comes in at a minimum of 1080 points for re-rolled attacks against a unit of your choice and that seems... expensive? The Hashut's Wrath Battalion I feel is a bit worse off than it was but its cheaper than the other ones for that extra command point / artifact and let's you get more use out of the Daemonsmith. On the other hand, I like the Blackshard Warhost a lot more now that the BSB is actually useful and that you want to take bigger blocs of Fireglaives. With the battalion, unit banners and the bsb its possible to get your Fireglaives and Ironsworn at bravery 9 pretty reliably now which is good (plus the bonuses for 10/20/30 models) -  however the re-roll hit rolls of 1 in melee is probably going to be wasted since we get a lot of re-roll 1's in this army.

    All-in-all I'm quite happy with these changes and look forward to fielding the Legion in AoS 2.0!


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  18. 54 minutes ago, mattbarker said:

    Blackshard armour re-roll against ranged now an ignore 1st wound in each shooting & combat phase for each unit. This feels a bit weaker? instead of saving the hit again, we just ignore the first wound of it? a giant blast of a high damage, high rend shot will now hurt rather than be saved.


    now have a fixed 5+ save rather than the +2 against - rend attacks and have lost their reroll 1 rule :( and their burning bright rule and aren't summonable 


    Pyrelock Pistol has changed to 1mortal wound + original damage on a 6 rather than 2 damage


    lost naptha bomb, lost bring down the best and the unit leader loadout has changed to "an Ashsteel Hand Weapon and Pyrelock Pistol" seems odd as the models don't reflect that... 


    only one benefit now?


    only one weapon option with more consistent but lower damage potential, can't stack command ability as expected


    favour of burning gods ability changed to command ability, original command abillity lost


    blood of hashut no longer a single use, that's pretty awesome. 


    blazing body much better

    command ability is a bubble inspiring presence ?

    These are pretty cool, but will take some thinking! 

    A few additional changes that I caught on reading this....


    - Ash Storm spell now has a range of 36'' and subtracts -1 from all hit rolls made by that unit. Excellent!

    - Ensorcelled armour now adds 1 to unbind rolls if the Daemonsmith has suffered wounds. Good but situational.

    Shar'tor the Executioner:

    - Mask of the Executioner has changed from a once a game thing linked to the charge roll to an ability doing up to D6 mortal wounds at the start of each hero phase.

    - Command ability lets Bull Centaurs re-roll charges and hit rolls of 1 for their hooves.

    Bull Centaur Taur'ruk:

    - Command ability has allowing centaurs to run and charge is gone. Replaced by an add +1 to hit rolls made by centaurs within 12'' of this model. Previous command ability was better in my opinion.

    Bull Centaur Renders:

    - Lost their option to take great weapons for -2 rend. :( sad about this one...

    - Spiteshield now always triggers on a 6 and cannot be modified by rend to send back mortal wounds in close combat.  Increases the value of the shields though...

    Infernal Guard Battle Standard Bearer:

    - Combined effects of the banner whereas it now both adds 1 to bravery and let's you re-roll wound rolls of 1 instead of having to choose one of the two  *without the need to plant the banner!*. Big buff to this guy's usefulness especially with the new look out sir rule!

    - +1 wound

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives:

    - Hit rolls of 6 now cause an automatic mortal wound on top of any normal damage. This is good and easily outweighs the once per game D3 mortal wounds at 6" of the old Bomb.

    - Can re-roll hit rolls of 1 if they didn't move. Happens more often than you'd think...

    Infernal Guard Ironsworn:

    - Spiteshield now always triggers on a 6 and cannot be modified by rend to send back mortal wounds in close combat.  Quite happy about this one kickbacks are now more reliable.

    K'Daai Fireborn:

    - Can now always run and charge. Combined with high(ish) movement and fly that's not bad.

    - I'll need to double-check but I believe they are +1 attack.

    - Save is not modifiable by rend.

    Dreadquake Mortar:

    - Lost its ability to do 2D6 damage against hordes and can now re-roll 1D6 instead. Ouch that hurts one of the Mortar's only redeeming qualities...

    Hashut's Wrath Artillery Train:

    - Lost the re-roll hit rolls of 1 for artillery that had not moved in the movement phase and instead benefit from the daemonsmith's presence even if he is not within 3'' of them. Meh, I understand that the old ability did not benefit magma cannons but it made the rockets and mortars more reliable at least. Not sure how I feel about this one.

    Execution Herd:

    - Pick 1 unit from enemy army and all centaurs re-roll hits against it until it dies, once it is done, pick another unit and do the same. Hmmmm not too happy about this battalion, I would have liked a bit more out of this. I guess it can ****** with your opponents head though as they try to keep their big baddy away from your centaurs.

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