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Posts posted by ArcheiosAggelos

  1. It's been quite some time since I posted, but I did indeed return to my AoS28 project. My brother and I have a blog now, so I will link there, but I also know how irritating it is when someone just shares a blog link and posts nothing in the thread, so I'll add some duplicate pictures here.

    in brief, the project now has a name: the Witching Wood Campaign. It takes place in the Realm of Life and involves the hunt for a real gate which leads to Shapespire. Right now I have three warbands and three NPC groups posted in the blog, but interest among my friends has been a little overwhelming since I made the blog post, so I will be adding at least two new warbands.

    Here is the link to the Witching Wood post on my blog, Porchhammer: 


    Here is my personal warband for the campaign, the Lost Company of Anaximander.


    Here are some shots of the necromancer's warband:



    And the warband of Festus, the Antlered King of the Underways, a champion of 



    And finally, the NPC monsters in the forest, some wild Sylvaneth, the mysterious Harrowhounds, and a trio of terrifying fimir:




    I hope you guys like what you see. There is lots of background and rules to see at the blog, in addition to more pictures, let me know if there is anything you'd like to see more of.

    And, most of all, many thanks for the continued inspiration. Keep up the good work everyone!

    • Like 10
  2. 9 hours ago, Jondo said:

    I am working on a Warband of Order, a mix of rugged adventurers, veterans of many battles who have seen the horror of chaos. They may once have started out as shiny and enthusiastic, but they have changed...
    My first piece is a Kroxxigor wich i made from the body of an older cold one with the head of a new, Lotr-Troll legs and Stormcast arms.

    Well i am very pleased with the result but i cannot decide between these two shield sizes.
    What would you prefer? I tend towards the bigger one, but i think it covers so much of the model...







    That is an incredibly cool conversion. The bigger shield suits him much better in my eyes. I can't wait to see this guy painted up with a couple of companions.

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  3. Alright, here goes. I've never shared minis online before, so please me gentle. :)

    I have decided to build a warband around a pair of apprentice wizards from the Realm of Life. The apprentices lived out in the wilds in a tower with their master. When their master was killed by a rival (probably a nasty Tzeentch champion or somesuch), the apprentices were barely saved by a Knight Questor.

    I have completed one apprentice and his strange familiar owl. This guy was mostly made from the Empire Wizard kit. The pictures don't show it, but he is missing a finger on his left hand, probably as a result of his master's killer.



    Below is the Knight Questor who managed to save the two foolish apprentices after the death of their master. One of my reasons for working on this project is to fully engage with the AoS, and there is nothing more AoS than a Stormcast. I don't enjoy most of their models, but have always quite liked the Knight Questor from Silver Tower. I did a quick swap of his shield and shoulder pad, then nabbed the hooded head. I intend to paint the bit of his face quite pale and his cloak a black or dark grey. In my head, the Stormcast are quite funerary; they are, after all, undead of a sort.




    The new gryph hound box is too good to pass up, so I built a trusty companion for my Questor. No real conversion work here.


    Given that I had several bits left from the shield pack I bought for the Knight Questor, I decided the make his "squire." This young man has attached himself to the Questor, following him all about the Realm of Life. The Questor barely speaks to him, but did grant him his shield after the "squire" saved him from an ambush by a Nurgle warband.




    The Questor and his friends, all together:


    I've got one more apprentice to do, and then another mortal follower or two, before wrapping the project. Tell me what you think.



    • Like 8
  4. I was never so foolish as to swear never to play AoS, but I definitely turned my nose up at it. There are still some things that are troubling to me, but more and more of the background seems pretty neat, and a lot of the models are great. The real turning point was visiting the GW store with a buddy of mine who had flirted with the hobby several times before. He went all in on AoS minis, nabbing a get started box and several things to add to it; I, being a good and caring friend, had to get some Sylvaneth so that he had someone to play with...

    Now I am posting here and working on an AoS28 warband.

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