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Posts posted by ZealousJ

  1. Little out there question - 

    How likely do you think it is that Flesh Eater Courts allies will be expanded on in GHB2019? In particular do you think it's likely Nighthaunt could be made allies in light of the new tome including fluff where the two work in tandem?

    I mostly as as now I have more or less 1600 points of FEC which makes for quite a visually satisfying collection of models without any duplicate units. I'd really like to add a little variety by adding a handful of spooks.

    Just a question



  2. On 2/4/2019 at 3:46 PM, Beliman said:

    Doesn't matter how many you can take, not enough dakka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    New rumours: After Sylvaneth and KO warbands for Warhammer Underworlds, it could be a new box with both armies and 2.0 battletomes (like Carrion Empire box). Like I said, it's just a rumour....

    ALL ABOARD THE HYPE SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How reliable a rumour? I'm between going all in for flesh eaters or sky dwarves for my first serious go at aos and what's holding me back from kharadron is the cost. An inexpensive boxed set would be exactly what I'd need to be swayed

  3. No worries! I was genuinely curious.

    I'm pretry certain Tzeentch was a few months earlier than the Overlords but oddly enough I'd describe it as being a 'new' style tome. It has such a huge selection of models, command traits, and relics and the like, whereas KO  reads more like an old one.

    From what I understunderd KO are in much greater need of a new tome too.

    anyways, I'll stop blocking up your thread

  4. Just now, Saxon said:

    Sorry my mistake. You're right, with a bit of tweaking it would be fairly easy to pull out some models for the humans. A big warmachine powered by the storms would be cool. The collegiate arcane would also need to be pulled into the allegiance as well. 

    No trouble at all. I wasnt overly clear.

    And yeah you're right, I'd totally forgotten about the wizards. That could lend a very interesting twist to things too

  5. 1 minute ago, Saxon said:

    I disagree. I have 3k points worth of updated free guild and have to play as grand order alliance to really stand a chance against decent armies with a battletome. The major reason is just the predicable nature of the humans. Blob army relying on guns and numbers. Easy to defeat - pick off gunners with spells to reduce their to hit bonuses and kill the general and the humans fold like a deck of cards. 

    To be clear I was referring entirely to the fluff. I've no real opinion or experience of how free guild play in game I'm afraid. I was trying to say that as far as I can see theres no reason a new faction of mostly humans would be at a disadvantage narratively speaking against Daughters of Khaine or Flesh Eater Courts or Gloonspite Gitz

    • Like 2
  6. I realised my post above is... muddled. That's posting mid child care for you 

    I suspect we'll get a free peoples army rather than free guild. I fully expect it will act as a general representation of free peoples rather than a definitive one, what with the mortal realms being so varied and strange. Much in the same way as the Genestealer cults model range is themed around mining colonies yet the fluff goes to great length to insist this is not the only representation.

    I suspect we will get a mixed alliance of the mortal races, each fulfilling a broad role and each ramped up in their fantasy appearance.

    I feel the humans are probably the most difficult to predict but I'd very much expect a shift from the old empire style which is very specific to the old setting. I'd also expect a shift to larger bases ala kairic acolytes and for them to make up the bulk of the battle line.

    I also feel the ironweld arsenal will get an overhaul and be combined into this faction. There are quite a few mentions of them in the fluff, including recent army books, and the current range is a hodgepodge of models that do not mesh with the aesthetic of AoS. I'd expect a couple of large extremely powerful, over the top, and possibly storm powered, war machines manned by duardin.

    In regard to humans having failed and not being able to hold up against the other forces in AoS credibly, I dont really see that myself. Theres nothing particularly overpowered about several of the factions other than access to powerful magic, specific technologies, or having the sponsorship of a God or demi God, all of which the free peoples can claim too.


  7. I entirely agree that the setting really needs some fairly relatable human factions. It's always been a big appeal of these sorts of games for certain parts of the fan base, myself included. As much as I live some of the more fantastical players in the setting, I find it much more enjoyable playing those which a more relatable - more human.

    I dont think it's too difficult to create such a faction (though I admit it's not easy) that fits the mortal realms. There are lots of lite fluff nuggets dotted around the place that suggests this the less physically imposing, magically talented mortals live.

    What I'd particularly like to see, and have been hopeful for for some time, is a spread of humans across the grand alliances. Perhaps one faction each for death, order, and chaos, to suggest the different ways in which humans adapted to survive the age of chaos. Darkoath seem to be a movement in that direction for chaos and draw on a really deep fantasy aesthetic. I'd be really interested in seeing a mortal death army that expands on how those loyal to nagash live their lives. Given how the fluff describes the stormcast as a strikeforce that takes ground and waits for the free peoples to hold it, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a mixed aelf, dujardin, and human faction rolled together to represent the mortal armies loyal to sigmar. I'm imagining something similar the the alliance in warcraft 3 cranked up a fair bit. That said, theres room for a more unusual mortal order army 

    • Like 4
  8. Just  when I thought I was all in for kharadron overlords this pops up. Flesh eaters are one if my favourite factions and if the model range gets expanded and their battle line issues get sorted...


    But then again the smy dwarves may get the same treatment.


    What am I to do?!

  9. Just so you know I wasn't being insincerely sympathetic. I'm always doubting my paint jobs. In fact I've never finished an army, always going back to redo jobs or changing my mind on schemes. If I can help someone avoid that disease all the better :)


    This is my favourite sky pirate thread so far. I really can't wait to see a unit of arkanauts standing next to a fully painted ship (no pressure) :P


    • Haha 1
  10. I think it looks pretty great. It doesn't look patchy at all in the pictures and I can only see debris when I zoom right in.

    I particular I like the yellow and, though it's probably not what you want to hear, the black bits look great.

    You've made this model look more interesting to me than the stock pics.

    I'd say keep it up, but I know what it's like when a paint job just isn't sitting well with you. 

    Consider this plog followed :)

  11. 1 hour ago, daedalus81 said:

    It stops at a consistent application that affects everyone equally.  Planning your unit positioning to get extra attacks out of 32s is a tactical move within the universal expectations of fairness - not a basing standard.

    Tournaments will go this way.  Everyone else is free to do whatever they want guided by the communities they play in.  You will not get a consensus for freedom of basing here, ever.

    Some models on rounds and some models on squares will not be consistent.  Ever.  
    And for the very same reasons measuring from models instead of bases will not be consistent.  Ever.

    This is the problem but in many ways GW have dodged it by designing a game overtly intend to to be flexible and simple.

    If the designers wanted the game to be inherently competitive they'd have to insist on more reliable measuring/LOS rules and standardised basing. If they did they'd clearly alienate a large portion of the fan base.

    As a returning player who left after getting sick of GWs cynical ' buy this or lose' escalation tactics i love the balance AoS has struck. It's simple and considered enough to be relatively balanced and yet it's insistence on remaining appealing to casual gamers makes it remain a friendly prospect.

    • Like 2
  12. 19 hours ago, Sete said:

    Yeah but the old ones are no longer available. 

    I doubt the (assumption coming) new skellies will have these monopose included. They are clearly meant for shadespire like the AoS and Khorne.

    Could it be a reboxing?


    There's always the chance they'll go the Silver Tower Kairic Acolyte/ Tzaangor route and release mono pose for the side game and similarly designed multi pose kits afterwards

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Circus of Paint said:

    I've started making notes for reinventing the Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast for Age of Sigmar.

    All I have so far is a faction name and loose ideas in my head - "Drownwalkers"!

    I really like the idea of drowned zombies.

    In fact I think, what with the age of chaos having lasted so long, that there's scope for a whole drowned civilisation

    • Like 1
  14. I'm really interested in having the details of how mortals survive in the mortal realms expanded upon.

    How do men live in the realm of beasts for example? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there are cities on the backs of giant worms. I'd love to see a nomadic, slightly barbarian slightly 'sand raider's style faction that crossed racial boundaries including ogruns (ogroid?), Humans, aelfs etc who have based.a culture entirely on a realm full of monsters and orruks.

    I think this sort of thing could be applied to any realm. A mortal faction native to the realm of death could exist in such away that they recognise nagash as a god but do not worship him, in a similar way to how many indigenous cultures venerate and fear natural disasters.

  15. That image has me quite excited. I'm not a big elf fan but there's a lot of scope for new elven aesthetics in age of sigmar. Could be some really interesting stuff incoming.

    As for Death I feel it would be strange to not release a new sub faction this year. There is so much potential there for new and interesting death stuff, especially with all the barely touched upon mortal followers of nagash.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Tanka said:

    was speaking to a rep today.

    Products remaining in range will be Cogsmith, Gyrocopter/Bomber, Ironbreakers/Irondrakes, Hammerers/Longbeards... all warmachines to go bye bye or at least be replaced by bigger badder ones. Expect all infantry to get a re-pack and price drop (at least at a $ per model cost).

    If this is true it's very promising

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