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Posts posted by Iandanger

  1. Hello all, this is my first real post (well, my second attempt at it after the formatting was a mess)! I've been getting into the AoS Spirit on Twitter (@crimson_oracle) and my blog http://occupyterra.wordpress.com

    I'm going to post each of my warbands as I get their background done. The first is a tzeentch arcanite force that I've converted from parts I had lying around. Advanced warning, most of my fantasy stuff is from an old copy of battle masters I pilfered from my dad's storage unit and some 90's chaos kits. I'm actually looking for recommendations on what GW kits and 3rd party bits fit the theme, I'm not too familiar with fantasy kit.


    More on these chaps in a bit

    It is my intention to build a flushed out setting, in fact one that i may roleplay in with a group in the future. My biggest difficulty in approaching AoS up to now was the scale left me with very little real-world reference points that fuel most of my imagined projects (my intro to Warhammer was playing chaos warbands with a friend, and my next was Mordheim, I'm kind of a low fantasy guy). Anyhow, I'm putting up a first draft here of the territory I'm imagining.

    Glyse, Ghyran frontierlands 

    I am employing spoiler tags here to prevent wall of text and images:



    The region is called Glyse, which is a border territory in Ghyran, ruled from a free city called Novun. Originally an Aelf settlement, the free people erected a stone castle adjacent to the elegant wood structures, and it serves as both a stronghold in times of strife and a hub for commerce and tradecraft. Novun is a dreary and provincial place. The blacksmiths make excellent horseshoes, but their armor work is fairly crude and their arms unimpressive. The Fletcher's are talented, however, with elvish arrows in ready supply for the many hunting parties that enter the forests and wastes that border the territory.


    The City is a small keep surrounded by bustling markets and shops


    The architecture I envision is closer to this than classic castle designs, but I’m still brainstorming


    The keep itself is well defended, and regional strongholds serve as refuge for the farmers who are too far for regular patrols to reach

    It is a time of building, a time of growth. The realmgate wars were won and men retook the lands. The vast landscape surrounding the free cities was settled by throngs of refugees seeking a new life. In these verdant lands, agriculture took hold as chaos receded. In this new birth of life, order took hold, modeled on the tradition of Sigmar. Feudal rule organized the throngs and helped instill martial prowess in this new frontier. 


    The lands close to Hammerhall may be blossoming, but the forces of chaos have not left these lands, they have only been pushed back.

    The great houses hold territory nearest the cities, and the cities increase in size as they get closer to Hammerhall, where the land has been reclaimed longest, while the lesser houses work the rougher soil of recently reclaimed lands. Their borders are met with immense dense forests that take years to clear and which shelter numerous tribes of nomadic raiders, and even occasional tribes of greenskins. The area has been fairly tranquil for the past year, and harvests have been good, upwardly mobile young knights, eager to prove their mettle, organize tournaments. Preachers take up collections and give sermons in the streets outside tournaments. The increase in travel and commerce draws the attention of gangs of fanatical witch hunters, traveling under cover and searching for signs of corruption. 


    The religious zeal can turn good men into a mob, and some even abandon their old lives to serve the faith of Sigmar.



    The Arcane Brotherhood of Brayton Witchblood

    Again, spoiler tag employed for everyone’s sake



    Sorcerer Lord Brayton Witchblood, born Darius Brayton, was once the first son of a minor noble household. He was trained as a knight from a boy, serving as a squire for a distant family member. While he excelled at the martial aspects of nobility, he was distant and distracted in lessons and had frequent outbursts and nightmares. He was, unbeknownst to all his kin, showing the first signs of the gift of magick. As he came of age, a servant in his knight's household began to teach him how to hide his gift and use it.


    One of Brayton’s attendants, I plan to get a pack and books for him to carry for his master

    As he came of age, Brayton took up his father's heraldry and set out to prove himself. He entered the tournament circuit and began to compete, straining the resources of their household. Performing far above his station, Brayton's success drew attention, and in the city of Novun, his string of victories came to an end. As he rode to joust his opponent, he pushed with his mind to throw his opponent off balance, but his spell did nothing. The next thing he knew, he was face up in the mud. 



    The opposing knight removed his helm, and called down to Brayton "Witch! Now you burn!" The man lunged, a jeweled dagger in his palm, aiming the ensorcelled blade at Brayton's heart. Reacting, Brayton attempted to deflect the blow, but the blade pierced his arm and his blood burst into flame on contact. The last thing Brayton remembered was grabbing the reins of his mount as it fled, trying desperately to extinguish the flames consuming his arm. When he awoke, he was in anew camp, and his attendants surrounded him, and the smell of charred flesh filled the air. Where once was an arm, a charred stump ended abruptly just past the shoulder.


    This Reaper thing will serve as a familiar

    Over the course of the next few days, Brayton learned to compensate for his new limitation, finding his spellcraft a sufficient tool to enable him to ride, but his martial abilities suffered badly. He became obsessed with the flames, consumed by visions of fire, pink, blue, cleansing. He took these visions as a sign and began to stalk the forests, searching for a prophet in the wilderness.


    Moonfaced Tzaangor is a really fun WIP


    I had already built and begun painting the Silver Tower Tzaangors, and I had a lot of tzeentch bits from my daemon army, so I decided the tzaangors I start with will all be kitbashed gors.

    One day, his party spotted a herd of beastmen making camp. Malformed even for bray folk, the creatures had feathers, strange mutations and some, bird like features. They struck out against the braykin, killing all but 2. They forced the other two to lead them to their shaman. Kee'rut, flamesight, chosen of tzeentch, invited the knight into his hut and they began to speak. Under the fell creature's tutelage, Brayton took Tzeentch as his patron, and sought to prove his worth to his new god. Taking his party on a raid, he slew a hunting party with a sorcerous flame, and was rewarded for his cleverness with two new appendages to replace his lost limb.


    Kee’rut, I feel like I may want to ditch his current cape and sculpt a new one…

    This is where we find him, restored to his combat prowess and leading his remaining attendants, baptized as his karic acolyte guard after a horrific sacrificial ceremony. Kee'rut and his Guard of tzaangors follow in their stead. Brayton has decided to push deeper into the forrests, seeking the secrets of the chaotic wastes beyond.




    Meanwhile, the inheritor of his title, distraught at the dishonor of their former master's corruption,  swears an oath to hunt down his kin and end his dishonor, restoring their house's name. Mustering soldiers in force, he has a gryph hound tracking Witchblood's trail.


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