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Posts posted by Dingar

  1. Also I had a question on something that's been bugging me for so long: which warscroll do we use for the dang Baleful Realmgate?

    The one on the website is different from the one on the app. I've read comments here saying you don't even use a warscroll for it, but the GHB 2019 says "if a warscroll is available for a terrain feature, you must use the rules on the warscroll instead of rolling on the Scenery table." So it has a warscroll! It just has two versions and I have no idea which to use. 

    I'm sure I'm easily overlooking something here. 

  2. Malakree, easy answer: Cablitz! :P I don't really play enough to advise otherwise. I mean, we've already had one cabbage, what about second cabbage?!?!?!

    Krall, killer list. I would drop the 2nd shaman and bring the 2nd ardboyz unit up to 20! Two units of 20 boyz is a lot for your opponent to deal with from what I gather. And let's be honest, our weirdnob ain't the best(yet, maybe new tome will give more versatile spells!)

    Jabbuk, I think you'd have fun either option. The shaman to teleport your ardboyz as a wall might be more tactful I think, but what megaboss doesn't want a good Warchanter enciting frenzy in their WAAAGH?!

    • Thanks 1
  3. DOPE! The WAAAGH hype rises once more!! Thumbing through the past couple of pages(and my collection) here's what I'm going to try running as I prepare for some events:

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (420)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

    30 x Orruk Ardboys (420)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (170)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (170)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (170)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (170)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

    Bloodtoofs (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 170

    I know Brutes aren't as lucrative as our other Battleline now, but I love 'em and have so many lol.
    I'm sad about dropping Iron Fist, as I've always ran it.  I'm hoping that airdropping 30 Ardboyz will give them time to get across the table and not have to rely on Iron Fist! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Since this doesn't require either the GG's or the Boingrots it lets you try out the base of the list before you make your choice.

    Wow! That's a stellar list!! And I can totally run it now without investing in GGs or BBs. I hadn't ever really considered the Bloodtoofs battalion. Does the Realmgate cost extra points or does the battalion cover that?

    Either way, I will definitely run this list soon against some friends! 

    I have a Maw Krusha with Gordrakk on it! Too bad bits for that unit aren't too popular. I'd love to magnetize him and trade out with a regular megaboss for occasions like this.

    Thank yall for the conversation. Really helpful and fun! 



    No idea what you're talking about.


    • Like 1
  5. Thank you both! Great insight, really appreciated. Here are the two lists:

    List one:

    The Iron Brutes from the Realm of Beasts, Ghur
    Ironjawz Allegiance

    Megaboss Wa'Ghar - Prophet of the WAAAGH! Also carrying Anraheir's Claw
    Warchanter Daev Gruul - Carrying the Golden Toof
    Weirdnob Shaman Krog
    Weirdnob Shaman Krom

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs Endless Spell
    Ironfist Battalion
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Big Boss Big'Ead - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Peggie - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Crim'sin - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Bron'sin - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Brun'stang - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa

    10 Boingrot Bounderz, led by Boss Gumbo
    10 Boingrot Bounderz, led by Boss Grak
    List two:
    The Iron Brutes from the Realm of Beasts, Ghur
    Ironjawz Allegiance

    Megaboss Wa'Ghar - Prophet of the WAAAGH! Also carrying Anraheir's Claw
     Weirdnob Shaman Krog - Carrying the Golden Toof
    Fungoid Cave Shaman Spoodle
    Fungoid Cave Shaman Grabby

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs Endless Spell
    Ironfist Battalion
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Big Boss Big'Ead - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Peggie - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Crim'sin - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Bron'sin - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    5 Orruk Brutes, led by Boss Brun'stang - Carrying Boss Klaw, Brute Choppas, and a Gore Choppa
    3 Gore Gruntas, led by Snarl Jaw
    3 Gore Gruntas, led by William
    3 Gore Gruntas, led by Cleavah
    Sorry for any weird formatting. My phone has erased this post 3 times now so I'm not deleting their names, sorry lol. I'm sure that makes the lists more difficult to read
    • Like 2
  6. Hey TGA Ironjawz crew. Long time lurker first time poster 

    I'm having a hard time deciding between Gore Gruntas and Boingrot Bounderz in my IJ list. 

    Gore Gruntas make more sense tactically, as they can benefit from the Ironjawz allegiance abilities. Their speed is reliable too.

    Boingrot Bounderz are just cool, but gain no benefits from IJ allegiance abilities, and would miss out on their Gloomspite allegiance abilities/battalions which make them tons better. 

    Both fit thematically, and honestly I'd take the Squigs if I knew that meant I wasn't handicapping myself tactically. But knowing I'll be playing in a competitive event I'm uncertain on what to do. I want to go rule of cool but I also don't want to go 0-5 at a GT. 

    Any insight would greatly be appreciated. Thanksss

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