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Posts posted by Kevlin

  1. It may not be a problem or even an issue in most armies but in the Slaves of darkness there is a 8 GP difference between a Chaos Chosen and an Exalted hero with very little to differ them statswise. But a lvl 5 chosen is a monster compared to a lvl 5 hero.

    Just my 2GP :-)

    Now I'm going to enjoy just building and painting for a while until I can find the time and someone to play with. Love your energy and creativity Bottle. Keep it up, it's an inspiration to us all.

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  2. If i remember correctly you could have up to 5 (I think) other heroes and then the henchmen so the heroes could all roll on the same advancement but the non leader heroes had a head start since they got fewer XP to start with hence levelling faster.

    In the Hinterlands every model is equal so it might be an idea to let them start out on the same page instead of paying 50XP to be a hero. I haven't played any campaigns with it yet, how has it worked out for you who has a few campaign games under your belt? Might be nothing since the heroes is too far ahead already as they are compared to regular soldiers.

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  3. This is an amazing fan product Bottle, 100 gold stars for the effort.

    I have a question about the XP system. Why does the Hero have to start at lvl 5? You have paid for her in GP already so there is no unfair advantage between her and a regular soldier. But the regular soldier will have gained two advancements at the same time as the hero have gotten only one with her 20XP. I understand that there must be a progressive curve for advancements but the hero have the unfair disadvantage of skipping the first cheap advances.

    Say you have a cheap hero lvl 5 vs an expensive soldier lvl 5. The expensive soldier have the same stats since power level is connected to price but he has had 4 advancements to the hero making him much better. 

    Morheim and necromunda have the same system so I see the reason to include it but I could never wrap my head around the logic back then either. Maybe someone could explain it to me like I was a 6 year old so that I could see the reasoning behind it once and for all.

    Cheers for all the hard work!

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  4. Wow, some inspiring stuff here already. I might have to make room for a little dark fantasy as well in my precious hobby time.

    11 hours ago, bottle said:

    (PS I am looking for the lanterns off the Steamtank kit, if you have one going spare let me know! :) )

    I made a review of a company in the UK who made lanterns over at my blog.


    They where decent so check it out. Used one for a inq28 mini.


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