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Posts posted by BlooDeck

  1. Just now, daedalus81 said:

    I don't think Judicators are getting replaced.  I'd expect these guys to be long range with some sort of move penalty.

    Sorry I didn't mean to say they are getting replaced. Just this provides the explanation on why they're sold out on the GW store.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Garxia said:

    Stormcast Ballista?

    Seems the release was bigger than expected.

    That release gives hopes for a rerealease with new toys for older battletome armies (C'mon GW, new Ironjawz!).


    That explains the sold out Judicators. 

    Oh man I would love an expanded Ironjawz army, maybe some kind of ranged unit and another way of speeding them up so it isn't always Ironfist/Destruction Allegiance.

    • Like 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, TalesOfSigmar said:

    Taken from Twitter, guessing these are the Gryph-Chargers

    File 27-01-2017, 13 36 24.png


    There are similarities and the crossbow is the same, but the paint job is different. Maybe an alternative colour scheme or is this the Aether-Wing? 

  4. 23 minutes ago, BelgianBeerBear said:

    Wait say what about dwarf giants?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ages ago during the End Times there was a rumour about a giant chaos knight on a two-headed dragon (turns out it had three heads and was the big old Exalted Marshal of the Apocalypse himself), heavy orc boar riders with really dynamic poses (Gore-Gruntaz) and a giant dwarf golem.

    Combine it with one of the older Rumour Engines and I think there is a strong case for a dwarf giant as the big centerpiece for the Steamhead Duardin when they come out. 

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    I really hope that we don't get Chapter Tactics, but its the Grand Battalions for each stormhost like the cults in the Tzeentch book.  Chapter Tactics will be a huge mistake IMHO, grand battalions might make sense.

    I'm surprised that that they didn't arrange it like Slyvaneth/Beastclaw/Bonesplittaz as well. I'm starting to get a little concerned about rules bloat.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Darth Alec said:

    If they had wanted to get rid of Slaanesh permanently, they'd have done so. Either during the End Times, or during the Age of Myth. No that hard to write it out if necessary. But Slaanesh is staying. There's a lot of stories with Slaanesh characters, keeps getting mentioned in the backgroud and has a lot of models that weren't phased out.


    It's more likely that GW knew their own release schedule/model production. They saw that Slaanesh wasn't getting anything new for quite a while, so figured they'd make that into a plotline. Maybe not with a conscious plan or anything. Just an idea that "once we get around to doing Slaanesh again, we'll have a cool story hook".

    I can see that. And a lot of the rumours for a Slaanesh removal are centered around how they're creepy-sexy and looking at the Yncarne makes me think GW is still OK with producing models like that.

  7. 41 minutes ago, shinros said:

    There are two human factions free guild and devoted of sigmar, free guild is the more open option. 



    This is true. I just like the name Order of Azyr ok! :P

    Also I'm loving this drip feed of lore. Hammerhal sounds like it is going to be a central part of the second AoS arc, what with all the mentions it keeps on getting.

  8. 6 hours ago, shinros said:

    Problem is that the order of ayzr is a separate organisation made up of witch hunters only according to nick that's the name of the witch hunter order created by sigmar. The name devoted of sigmar encompasses a broader range you can easily tell hey here is an army of sigmarite zealots. The devoted of sigmar I guess is made up of difference organizations working together.  

    True, I guess I was just presuming Devoted of Sigmar was going to become the new name for flagellants. I guess my concern is that Devoted just limits the army to Sigmarite zealots, whilst I kind of hope for a wider human faction.

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