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Posts posted by MilesBergs

  1. On 3/5/2020 at 11:54 PM, Kasper said:

    @MilesBergs Welcome back my man. :) 

    Tbh it is kinda hard to guide you, as it heavily depends on what you want to do, as you have a decent core - I'm just confused as to why you only have 1 Warchanter? :D It looks like you bought 2 SC.

    Ironjawz actually have quite a few different lists, that depend on how you want to play the game. Some people really like Brutes, even though they are generally considered worse than Ardboyz - Tbh they are not THAT bad, they just offer something different. Brutes deal a little more damage, but lack the bravery, body count and charge bonus that Ardboyz get.

    Like you can go for 2x Maw Krusha + 4x3 Pigs.

    You can go for 1 Maw Krusha + 6 Pigs + 2 Warchanters + 1 Weirdnob and then Ardboyz for the remaining points. Maybe even skip out on the Weirdnob for more Ardboyz.

    Some people skip out on pigs and the Maw Krusha and just fields loads of Ardboyz.


    Generally Orruks seem to run with 2 big threats, or loads of bodies to simply grind your opponent down.



    I actually bought the OG army box that had the giant in it. It came with everything by 'Ardboyz really. I played Orcs & Goblins during the WFB days and had a leftover boys from that which I built out to fit AoS. 


    This is all good info thanks ! 

  2. Greetings Fellow IronJawz Players. 


    I had to step away from AoS roughly a year and a half ago and much has changed since then. I was hoping you fine folks could assist me in rounding out my collection. I'm mostly looking for recommendations as I know the play style of these guys have changed. 

    What I currently have is 

    - Mega Boss on Maw Krusha

    - Mega Boss on Foot

    - Weirnob Shaman 

    - Warchanter

    - 10 Brutes

    -6 Goregruntas

    -20 'Ardboyz.


    Seems like given the current rules I want to double down on 'Ardboyz but I could be wrong. Appreciate all of you, stoked to be back! 

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