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Posts posted by Drew64

  1. I joined a while back, but other than commenting in a few threads i've mostly just read other people's posts.

    Like almost everyone I came back to the hobby after a long break.
    Fell in love with Tzeentch after seeing the silver tower box, so hyped for the new Battletome.

    Based near cambridge UK, which doesnt seem to have any gaming groups around, so don't get to play as much as i would like.
    Hope to try and go to some events this year to play more.

    • Like 2
  2. Hi,

    I've been really keen on getting into IJ as i was wanting amore elite army after painting a million ghosts for my Nighthaunt.

    I've been scanning lists and everything seems to heavily involve 'Ard-boyz. I assume because 'Ardfist is bonkers.
    Is is possible to make a viable IJ/big waagh list based around Brutes? they are some of my favourite models in the range.

    Also, if i run brutes are dual choppas the option to take?

  3. 14 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    I know you want to stick with the tzaangor coven, i'd say keep the units but drop the battalion.  Use the rest of the points to either boost one or both enlightend/skyfyres to 9 man units or to do the previous and make them on disc.

    Is the gaunt summoner your general?? with out LoC you are going to definitely want him to be with arcane sacrifice so you can make his spell more reliable. Otherwise i'd drop him as hard casting a 7+ (factoring the already +1 to cast) isn't worth the effort in my opinion. Similar might be true for the ogroid, a chaos lord might be pretty cool as his buff is amazing with a great casting value. 

    Is the  "pile in and fight inthe hero phase" from the battallion not as silly as it sounds?

    Or is it a case of I'd be expecting to not be tied in combat with the same unit for multiple turns?


    I'd assumed the Summoner would be my General, but im still catching up with AoS2 and realm artifacts etc. so hadn't settled on what i'd give him.

    He was intended to be my anti horde, relying on Destiny dice to cast it (initialy with balewind/spell portal for range) is this no longer as viable in AoS2?

    You're right about the Ogroid, he's almost entirely there because i like the model, and is my best painted unit. (not solid reasoning!)

    I guess in my list above i could just remove the Ogroid, but in a LoC, and a spell portal? probably not the strongest list, but is an option.

    Will definitely play around with your other suggestions, thanks!

  4. I'm hoping i can get some advice on list building, as im pretty lost on tzeentch in AoS2.
    I got into Tzeentch from Silver Tower, and then picked up the battleforce, so my unit pool isnt huge so far, and hoping I can get something semi viable without essentially buying a new army.

    Here's what i have so far, with 270 points to play with.


    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    Tzaangor Shaman (180)
    Gaunt Summoner  + Familiars (180)
    Ogroid Thaumaturge (180)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)
    20 x Tzaangors (360)
    6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400)
    3 x Tzaangor Enlightened (100)
    Tzaangor Coven (110)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    TOTAL: 1730/2000

    Would like to stick with the tzaangor coven as a base, as i really like tzaangors.

    Options i've thought of:

    • Could add an un-marked warshrine as an ally for rerolls of ones on hit/wound
      • But that's likely putting too much investment for one unit.
    • Remove 3 skyfires, add in a lord of change.
      • Maybe 90 points of...endless spells?
    • Add another 10 tzaangor, and a great bray shaman as ally
      • I like the idea of devolving a unit for a counter-charge.
    • Remove 3 skyfires; add 10/20 acolytes to each unit, 3 more enlightened on foot - wytchfire coven.
      • Army becomes 4 drop.
      • could have a unit of 10 + 40 acolytes, with 10 man group being a screen
        • Could buy another spell or similar with the big unit saving.


    Open to any suggestions, hoping to get this army on the table!


    I converted the enlightened on foot, and built the skyfires when they were the hotness - I could probably rebase the enlightened onto disks if needed.

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