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Posts posted by Burf

  1. 4 minutes ago, Killax said:

    It's always up to yourself to get a book or not. I have no clue where the idea comes from that this book will have no new units in it. If anything it will have a great slew of Allegiance abilities which per definition is a great boost.

    As before MP focusses on Death, this book, if anything will be a massive bundle to finally adress many issues that are there for a large part of Grand Allegiance Death. I deem it extremely likely it is paired with new releases.

    If you had bothered to read the press release, you'd know that it was heavily implied that this book wouldn't have new models. (Every model in the death range...so far+ showing off custodes AND spoiling skyfires in 40k but only having the book.) It doesn't absolutely preclude new releases but pretending like it's not the more likely position based on available evidence is silly.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    No. I do play Death, and have played Death since it was Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts. Your tone, needs some work.

    My point was that if new units are coming soon, those should be in a book that is also coming soon. That would make the most sense.

    The hopeful half of me also thinks that there is NO way GW would focus on Soulblight like this, when there  are only two different units which are available in store, the rest being website only.

    I highly doubt any new models are coming with this book. The NEXT book is likely to have a maggotkin+ size release of an entirely new faction.

    I don't think Deathrattle or Nighthaunt or Soulblight are going to be getting a full update, though they may recieve some ancillary crossover units.

  3. Just now, Tzaangor Management said:

    Neave Blacktalon, Gavriel Sureheart, Hunter Prime, Pallador Prime, Knight Errant and the Knight Aquilor has a no helmet option. Might be more, but those are the ones that came to mind.

    Talking of rumours, has anyone heard anything about the power supply upgrade at the GW production centre? I don't see two new armies in January without this being resolved, as it's been cited as the reason for production slowing down in the back half of last year. Granted we may have placed more importance on this than necessary (who us, endlessly speculating based on a few scraps of information?! 9_9), but it seems like a stumbling block that I've not heard about being removed.

    I meant a model with NO helmeted option, not with A NON helmeted option, i.e. a model that cannot be assembled with a helmet from just the contents of its box.

    All the ones you described are ones that had a helmeted AND non-helmeted option.

  4. 2 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    Haha I guess I'm used to the Freeguild Generals with the fluffy hats and not so much on the facial hair side of things (Although... that being said I probably should know better since I do have the dude with huge moustache with pistol and hammer).


    That being said, in relation to the Warrior Priest above. It's a bit of a shame that the pose is so.... similar, identical almost. Think it would look a bit clowny to have them both in the same army.

    I think it's a deliberate homage to that model and I also think having both in the same army is highly unlikely going forward.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Mr. White said:

    No problem. I wasn't clear at all.

    As a side bar, has there been a stormcast with no helmeted option besides the knight errant? I guess Meatloaf the Celestant might not of had one (though no model in GWs history has needed on more) but his rules are terrible and the model was ugly so I didn't look into it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. White said:

    I know. but with full masks we can 'pretend' they're that way on our tables. ;)

    You and the like 10-15% of people that interpreted the lore that way. It's WAY more interesting if they're flesh and blood. Being able to go back and mess with your relatives would be hilarious.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Captain Marius said:

    I reckon the release of new AoS factions is following the pattern of one per god, and we're finally seeing the second half of these factions. We've had new models (including entire new ranges) for Sigmar, Khorne, Grimnir, Gorkamorka, Alarielle and now Nurgle, with Nagash coming up next.

    Evetchosen is a bit of an outlier (tho Archaon is a demigod at least) and Sigmar and Khorne have had further updates.

    The rumours suggest shadow aelves of Malerion after Nagash's new faction, which would hopefully fit into this year's release schedule (last year saw only 3 factions receive proper releases).

    After shadow aelves i predict the Horned Rat will get a release, as hes recently been set up in opposition to Malerion in the background. That leaves Tyrion's light aelves and finally Slaanesh, which could all conceivably be released in 2019, tho id bet on 2020 for Slaanesh.

    Hopefully theyll sprinkle in a bunch of books for the random old factions too, as many sets of allegiance abilities were conspicuously absent from GHB17! 

    I doubt Malign Portents will be much more than the 4 heralds and Nagash's new faction, unless it really is the sequel to Realmgate Wars and provides the narrative throughline for the next series of releases... which would be awesome!

    All in all loads to look forward to!

    I personally think Malign Portents could be something DEEPLY interesting. GW have kept any and all specifics so perfectly under wraps (which is not GWs MO considering the reveal is in 3 days) that the idea of them coming hard outta leftfield is looking enticingly likely. It might be something like what you said but they are putting a tremendous amount of work into hyping it while revealing NOTHING.


    Oh and if they do Death->Elves->Skaven(combined with the non-zero chance of seeing plastic Sisters this year) I don't have enough organs to sell.

  8. 8 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    Well the new tome also lower the  points on blightkings so I guess they might appear more often in the future. If we are to rely on STD theeeen please make some new chaos warrior models.. 

    We need a break from chaos tbh, they're starting to make Stormcasts look like High Aelves...

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Bjarni St. said:

    I'd so love to see the reaction to a Forgeworld Heresy equivalent for Stormcast. 

    H...how would they even do that? Wouldn't that just be WHFB with Stormcasts in it? That would be really really dumb.

    Or are you just trolling the whole 'too much Stromcurst dur-ka-dur' thing?

    Either way it doesn't make any sense.

    • Haha 1
  10. 13 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    In the process of creating it.  No idea what this will mean, but there will be a team of people dedicated to AoS in the same way as they've got a team for Lord of the Rings and Specialist Games.

    Pass on this if they don't seriously step up their game. Outside the Mourngul FW's AoS stuff looks Terrible.

  11. I actually think they likely missed an opportunity here with this pricepoint. 

    One of the biggest things that X-wing has that Warhammer struggles with is impulse buy-ability. Just going out and picking up a new X-wing ship is something you can do 'cause you're bored on a tuesday. Warhammer doesn't really have that and this could have been the perfect opportunity. 15-20USD for 3-5 models is something I would probably buy just because I was the only one at the hobby store and didn't feel like going home yet. These, however, are shaping up to be 25-30$ which is just a hair too expensive to purchase without thinking and having the starter set at 70 makes the game seem like too much of a commitment to me, especially when it'll be basically impossible to offload the Khorne half that is totally useless to me.


    Close but no cigar gw.

  12. 2 hours ago, hellalugosi said:

    this is considering that this city allegiance is free! so theres no reason not to take it when i'm running things like aforementioned celestant, flagellants, a handful of GA:O cavalry, etc. The chance of it happening on a 5+ is much better than it never happening at all. this can also help slower units that have been chaffed up, so escape, get a movement, and possibly charge onto a desired enemy unit to attack or enemy unit sitting on an objective. 

    I'm excited, obviously, i've been a big fan of these less guaranteed style abilities that GHB2017 has introduced, but then again, i've always played models with wacky RNG, so i'm used to it. 

    The point is that it's likely not worth more than the other options that are available due to the unpredictability and long setup time. As a Stormcast player I'd take the battleshock bonus in any list where battleshock immunity isn't baked in over this one. 

  13. 43 minutes ago, hellalugosi said:

    things that get bonuses on charge like lord celestant on dracoth with glaive, are gonna love this. forced disengage, able to move and charge again, super versatile!!!

    Keep in mind that what you just described will take 2-3 turns and will only happen on a 5+.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Davariel said:

    That rumour engine pick looks too spiky to me to be aelves or death (though a new faction for either could have very different aesthetics of course). I'd actually guess it's something for Slaanesh since it's got the  "SPIKES ERREYWHERE" look of chaos in a more elegant, curved package. Maybe a helmet crest or unusual sort of weapon?

    Eh, slaanesh stuff stuff tends to be more...crab-ish. This is very bat-like so it's pretty definitely either death or dark elves.

  15. 41 minutes ago, hellalugosi said:

    im gonna put my money on a herald of CHAOS. a markable daemon that can be customized like the daemon prince? satisfies everyone and is something really useful?

    Doesn't satisfy Skaven. And I think we all know that that's the only part of chaos anyone actually cares about.

    • Like 4
  16. 50 minutes ago, angrycontra said:

    I doubt that gw is making any plastic vampires (at least not yet). My best guess would that they're rebasing them and giving them new box to make those blood knights more attractive. I will say though that I always found it weird that they made soulblight a faction when most of their stuff is old resin stuff.

    They might do a second round of allies boxes for other kirby era overpriced kits.

  17. 4 minutes ago, MidasKiss said:

    Hoping for Moonclan then because they have plenty of cool ideas. Plastic squigs are going to rock 2018

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

    We're coming up on the point where we'll know 100% if things like this are actually a possibility soon. Since AoS released only Chaos has gotten kits that aren't part of a completely new faction (that I can recall, yes Sylvaneth and Ironjawz do count as completely new factions) So there is still a possibility they just choose not to update existing factions (other than replacing them with Suspiciously Similar Counterparts ala Fyre Slayers, Kharadrons, Iron Jaws) personally I would be very surprised if they don't revisit the old factions (especially Skaven) but we won't KNOW until we see what the first release after shadow elves is.

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