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Posts posted by bonzai

  1. On 6/21/2021 at 12:37 PM, AlmGandix3 said:

    As far as I know every priest can get one prayer either from the prayer "lore" from it's faction or from the new generic ones but don't quote me on that one. I don't know if this applies for factions without a prayer lore.

    I'll look it up later

    Enhancements are picked after you have chosen the battalions for your army (see 26.0). You can always take 1 enhancement of each type for your army, and the battalions or battlepack you are using may allow you to take additional enhancements for your army.

    Each time you take a prayer scripture enhancement, you can pick 1 prayer for each Priest in your army from any of the prayer scriptures available to that Priest (you can pick different prayers from different prayer scriptures for different Priests). Each Priest knows the prayer that you picked for them in addition to the other prayers they know.

    So yes we can get them



    Yup, get all that. That's why I said getting smite and to a lesser extent bless were a nice windfall. I just wasn't aware of any prayer lore's that Orruk Warclans had access to, let alone a "Curse prayer". It sounded handy, so I was curious where I could find it.

  2. 4 hours ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    Also there is the curse prayer which our wardokks can get which gives us mortal wound on 6s versus 1 target which helps with high armor saves.

    I'll be damned. All these years and I never noticed that they were priests in addition to wizards. That means they also get bless and smite. Bless is kind of worthless in a Bonesplitters army, but being able to dance, cast a spell, and then smite is putting in a lot of work. 

    What, where, and how are they getting this curse?


  3. Yeah, I am kind of trying to figure out what way I want to go this edition. Ever since our first battle tome dropped, my style of play has always been caster focused Drakkfoot. 

    While I can look at the rules and appreciate the necessity of many of the changes, I can't help but feel like many of them ****** my army over.

    1. Casting mishaps make my high caster style potentially risky. 

    2. New coherency rules limit our attacks. For an army that relies on quantity over quality, this really hurts.

    3. One of our hidden strengths was our ability to spam point efficient wounds. Reinforcement caps neuter that. 

    4. Caps on buffs hurt. We had multiple ways of turning mediocre units into a something scary. Again that has been toned down.

    I guess the first thing I need to know is the fate of the rogue Idol. If it remains mostly unchanged, then I will play something close to what I play now. On a positive note, being able to control endless spells will be interesting. Especially emerald life swarm. Not only it and the wardoks keep the rogue Idol healed up, but it and rally can help keep our units around.

    Hopefully a new battle tome will drop after the last of the kruelboyz models are released and we aren't completely ignored. My biggest wishlists aside from new units?

    A Kop Rukk rework. It was way better in the previous version, and kind of worthless if you were running a wurrgog anyways as you can't cast the bonus spell more than once. I would like the casting bonuses back, or maybe a re-roll to failed casts, or maybe auto passing dance rolls for the wardoks.

    The concerns about how our shields are worded are also a very valid concern.

    Another thing would be to finally have a path to glory table that actually had all of our units for once. Not joking. Every version ever printed has been missing some of our units.


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  4. On 10/26/2020 at 1:05 AM, Evantas said:

    In terms of how I expect to play, the 10-man corsair squads are objective holders / wounds for your general, they are not meant to initiate combat at all, if possible.  Just poke with the crossbows and contest objectives by being the cheapest source of numbers. However it's probably something you can play around with since you are going to have to paint/setup 60 cosairs anyway. 

    I love this list, it seems thematic and nicely symmetrical, please play it soon! I am not able to ever play this army so I'd settle for seeing it vicariously.

    Yeah, that is exactly how I see it. 

    The difference between 10 and 20 Corsair Crossbows is roughly 7 wounds. Probably not enough to worry about.  As I said before, the auto dispel on the incantor is probably worth more in the long. 

    And yes, thematically I love the idea behind this army. I am resolved to go forward with it. If nothing else as a show piece army.

  5. 21 hours ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    Aren't the blade guys more awesome if they're a horde of 40?

    You need 15 to get the bonus to hit. So at 30 they are double the threshold. That being said I am leaning towards the  knight Incantor version a bit more, as the auto dispell scroll is clutch.

  6. 4 hours ago, Evantas said:

    This is what I could fit after playing with Warscroll Builder, I'm already at 1990 pts.

    You could substitute the knight-incantor for a sorceress and an endless spell, but the sorceress is extremely vulnerable and you don't have any points to get a bodyguard for her. Also the knight incantor can be subbed for the Cthululu figure easily I think, the staff is similar. 

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    - City: Anvilgard (Illicit Dealings: Hidden Agents)

    Black Ark Fleetmaster (60)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Secretive Warlock - Vitrolic Spray
    - Artefact: Drakescale Cloak

    Bundo Whalebiter (490)
    - Allies

    Knight-Incantor (120)
    - Artefact: Asphyxica Censer
    - Lore of Dark Sorcerery: Vitriolic Spray
    - City Role: General's Adjutant

    40 x Black Ark Corsairs (280)
    - Vicious Blades & Wicked Cutlasses
    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Repeater Handbow
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Repeater Handbow

    3 x Scourgerunner Chariots (210)
    3 x Scourgerunner Chariots (210)

    Kharibdyss (170)
    - Drakeblood Curse: Acidic Blood
    - Cities of Sigmar Battleline (City: Anvilgard)
    Kharibdyss (170)
    - Drakeblood Curse: Jutting Bones
    - Cities of Sigmar Battleline (City: Anvilgard)

    Charrwind Beasthunters (120)

    Doh! I should have known that the GHB2030 was already obsolete.  With the point differences, I  agree with the changes you made. Good call on the knight incantor. He is more durable, and the dispel scroll is clutch. The only other change that I would make, is change the spell on the Fleetmaster to sap strength, just to add variety.

    Only other possibility I see is dropping the combat squad to 30, the incantor to a sorceress, and boosting the retinue squad to 20 for the boost to hit and max numbers for the retinue

    Thanks Evantas and everyone else for the input!

  7. Wouldn't that mess up my Scourge Privateers allegiance though? 


    Edit: I guess that wouldn't mess up much in the long run though. The general has to be Scourge Privateers to unlock the troops, not full allegiance. Cool.

    Too bad the Sorceress is 90 points instead of 80. It makes the cuts a little less straight forward.

  8. I have been fighting the urge to start a Scourge Privateers army for some time. I love the idea of a dark elf pirate army, and Fellheart is one of my favorite old world characters. Up till now what has been stopping me is two things. 1. Lack of diversity in the model range. 2. On paper they seemed to be lacking real punching power or game winning mechanics outside of chariot spam. Cities of Sigmar helped but now with Sons of Behemet having a Kraken Eater mercenary, it has me thinking on them again. It brings a wrecking ball/ distraction carnifex type of unit that will take pressure off the rest of the squishy units. Plus its a nautical flavored unit that should fit right in with the pirate theme, and adds more variety to the list.

    Here is my first draft of a list;

    City: Anvilguard 

    Illicit Dealings: Hidden Agenda

    Charrwind Beasthunters 120

    Black Ark Fleetmaster 60
    Secretive warlock, vitriol spray, Drake scale cloak

    Black Ark Fleetmaster 60
    Venomfang Blade

    Battle line
    40 Black Ark Corsair 280

    40 Black Ark Corsair 280

    10 Black Ark Corsair 80

    3 Scourgerunner chariots 150

    3 Scourgerunner chariots 150

    Kharibdyss 170

    Kharibdyss 170
    Acidic Blood

    Bundo Whalebiter 480

    Total: 2,000

    Thanks to the battalion the list is 4 drops. It has nice command points, and command point generation. Seems  fairly balanced with melee and ranged options, a little speed, a dabbling of casting mainly to attempt dispels and getting rid of endless spells. Most of the units are battleline, so I should have plenty of scoring options. It is light on heroes, but hopefully FNP from the cloak and the retinue rule should help preserve them a little.

    Suggestions and criticisms are welcome. I don't expect top tier performance from it, but it will hopefully make a game of it without resorting to chariot spam.

  9. On 11/13/2019 at 5:57 PM, PlasticCraic said:

    And he can benefit from Mighty D too, if you build in access to that from your General (Brutish Cunning) or an Ironfist, which doubles the benefit of all your other buffs.

    So if he's got extra damage from the Warchanter, you can get it in the Hero phase pile in as well as the Combat phase.

    Or if you use it to move him instead, and you have cast Breath of Gork, he's on a 20" flying move...twice.  So that's a 40" total flying move in one turn :D

    Even the Orruk keyword plays its part, because he gets the 6++ aftersave and +1" to charge. 

    He really is awesome in Big Waaagh.

    I am looking at him from just a Bonesplitters option and it is pretty insane 

    An extra 5 inch movement at the start of the game (8 if you have the great hunter trait), plus either a 20 to 30 inch flying move thanks to breath of Gork.  He can have a 2+ rerollable save thanks to the kunning beast spirits, mystic shield and a wardokk dance, plus a 5+ to ignore damage. With brutal beast spirits he hits on 2+. If you can squeeze an allied warchanter in there his stomps do insane damage.  Then, each wardokk can attempt to heal him 1d3 next hero phase. 

    That is one heck of a distraction carnifex to throw at the enemy turn 1.  

  10. I finally got my battle tome and had a chance to go through it. I have a tournament in a month that I would like to attend, and need to update my list.

    My old list;

    Drakfoot warclan 
    Kop rukk 
    4x wardokk 
    30 more boys 
    30 more boys 
    5 boar boys 
    Rogue Idol 
    Total: 1980

    After the changes, I do not think that  the Kopp Rukk is worth it any more. I am keeping Drakfoot as that is how I painted mine.  I also want to keep it caster heavy and the Rogue Idol. That said, here is my new version.

    3x wardokk 
    4 Big Stabbas
    30 more boys 
    30 more boys 
    10 boar boy maniacs 
    Rogue Idol 
    Total: 2000

    The only thing I am on the fence about, is the more boys. Part of me wants to swap them for Savage Orruks with stickas and add 2 more Big Stabbas and a cheap endless spell. Suggestions will be most welcome!

  11. Thanks for the feedback guys. One last question for you guys. Evocators on Dracolines? Are they worth the points? 100 points a piece is a lot, but a squad of 6 with a Lord Arcanum supporting would be a wrecking ball of a unit. 

    With the input I got, I could see a 2k list potentially looking like:

    Lord Arcanum on Gryph charger 
    Lord Ordinator
    Knight Incantor 
    6 Evocators on Dracolines
    1 celestar bastilla
    1 celestar bastilla 
    1 celestar bastilla 
    1 celestar bastilla 
    5 sequitors 
    5 sequitors 
    5 sequitors 
    Total: 1970

    Still it seems like a lot of eggs in one basket.

  12. Hey guys!

    I have a friend that wants to get into AoS and wants to start Stormcasts. I have picked up some models from some night haunt box sets and was thinking of donating them to him. I figure if he buys 1 box of sequitors, a battletome, and combines them with the models I am donating, he would get a running start with the following list:

    Lord Arcanum on Gryph charger 
    Knight Incantor 
    Knight Incantor 
    5 Evocators 
    3 Castigators 
    3 Castigators 
    1 celestar bastilla 
    1 celestar bastilla 
    5 sequitors 
    5 sequitors 
    5 sequitors 
    Total: 1490

    My question is how solid is this list for a begining player? I play more horde style armies so elite armies are not my wheel house. As such my gut reaction is that it needs more bodies. My instincts for playing the list would be to split the army into 3 groups. 2 groups with a squad of sequitors, castigators,  bastilla, and knight to hold objectives or apply ranged pressure with a sequitor screen, while the 3rd sequitor screens the lord and Evocators while they go on offense.

    I am not really sold on the castigators. On paper they look under whelming. How do you guys find them? I am only using them because I will already have the models. Everything else on the list seems decent (sequitors) to down right nasty (evocators). 

    Lastly, any recomendations command traits, artifacts, etc... and what to add to bring it up to 2k would be greatly appreciated 

  13. 8 hours ago, Requizen said:

    Kop Rukk: 2-5 Wardokks + 2-5 Morboyz: Wardokk can cast Hand of Gork on top of other spells if near enough Morboyz (140)

    Hmmm... not sure if the Kop Rukk is worth it any more to be honest. Especially since I will be taking a prophet any ways.  As nice as Fist of Gork is, the rule of one still applies. I am going to have to think on it long and hard. Its 140 points and if you point out the command point, artifact, and drop reduction it may be technicaly worth its cost point wise, but I am not sure if its worth the opportunity cost those points represent. 

    Also... from what leaks I heard Moreboys are still battleline, but no longer get their max squad discount? 

    My old list was;

    Drakfoot warclan 
    Kop rukk 
    4x wardokk 
    30 more boys 
    30 more boys 
    5 boar boys 
    Rogue Idol 
    Total: 1980

    The list would now cost 1870 as is. I still want to do caster spam, but if I drop the Kop Rukk and change the Moreboys to regular boys I would free up 260 more points.  Thats enough to throw in a unit of 30 arrow boys and point out at 1970. Right this second, that is looking like a lot more attractive list.

  14. Ok, I have cooled down just a little. The ethereal part of the rule is still a joke, but the ignore negate wounds part is a decent, if situational ability. It stops deathless minions saves, ward saves, morathi, and a host of other abilities. It pretty much comes down to what you are going up against, and can help with grind fests that we used to lose through attrition. 

    That said, I am going to miss the warclan spell and anti magic bonuses we used to get. 

    Oh... and I am anxious to know what faction the rogue Idol is going to now that greenskins are gone. Fingers crossed that it folds into something I can ally with once the book comes out if not directly into bone splitters its self.

  15. 7 hours ago, Wazzuli said:

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. As a Drakkfoot player I am concerned. Right now Drakkfoot are the spell/anti-spell casting clan. It was an expensive but very usefull niche clan to take. Now they are..... anti night haunt? REALLY?!? They went from tattooing themselves with khorne blessed blood that gives them better antimagic abilities to negating one mechanic found mostly in a single faction. So we get to keep our rend. Aside from Big Stabbas, with what units was that ever an issue? Bone splitters were always about volume of attacks, not high quality rend attacks. So now big stabbas work against night haunts....  um thanks? And what does "negates wounds" mean exactly? That is pretty vague and needs clarification. Does it only apply to abilities that specifically say "Negate"? I sincerely hope that there is a lot more to it than this, as this is terrible design as it stands and seems to have been written by some one with no concept on how the army plays.

    Now I am wondering what this means for our battalions. Sounds like the clan battalions are being removed in exchange for generic sub faction choices. This will free up 140 points, which is enough to add a single extra unit. But it drastically increases the number of drops, and we lose an artifact, an extra command point, a powerful spell, and the powerful ability to negate hostile spells on a 6. This seems like a ****** deal for the Drakkfoot.

    I just hope that the Kopp Rukk is unchanged or I will have to redesign my entire army.

    There was no mention of any faction specific endless spells or terrain either. 

    I am not impressed at all. We are losing our own battletome for this?

    • Like 1
  16. I finaly got my battle tome, and have had time to digest it a bit. A little back ground on me. When the first GHB dropped, Skaven was my first AoS army. My collection started with two Island of Blood sets and a doomwheel and grew from there. I focused on large bricks of Verminus units, with a sprinkling of Warpfire throwers and WLC to deal mortal wounds. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the synergies of the clawpack formation, banner bearer, gnaw-gnaw, and death frenzy. With the GHB 17, I shelved the army. The nerf to the crown of Conquest and banner took away the bulk of my battle shock management, and the army was prone to imploding. They also removed the claw pack which hurt my offense. The army for all intents and purposes was gutted. GHB 18 breathed some life back into the army, and I used it as a soft ball list for my wife's new night haunts in teaching games. Here was my last version of my list;

    Verminlord Warbringer w/ crown, cunning deciever

    Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror

    Skaven Warlord w/ war halberd & barbed blade

    Skaven Warlord w/ warpforged blade

    20 Stormvermin

    40 Clanrats w/ blades

    40 Clanrats w/spears

    40 Clanrats w/ blades


    Warpfire thrower

    Warpfire thrower

    Warpfire thrower

    Warplightning cannon

    Total: 1,970

    The battletome changed things up a bit, but I think the overall spirit of the list is still valid. Lots of bodies with gnaw-gnaw and and death frenzy acting as force multipliers and ranged mortal wound output to overcome tougher units. That said, here are some of the impacts on the list that I see. First off, I don't think that the Claw-horde battalion would be worth fitting in. It's the same cost as a WLC, and it's primary benefit will almost never come in to play. Wholy within 13 inches is a short range to fit one brick of 40 rats, let alone more than one. With the large units I want to bring, I will still be several drops regardless. So really the only benefit is the artifact and comand point. Those are nice, but not 2nd WLC nice.

    I am having second thoughts about Stormvermin. Before, 20 was a solid unit. Now with the changes to their bonuses, you either want to run cheap units of 10 for battle line, or big units of 40. 500 points for 40 is just too much for as fragile as they are, and is hard to justify in a list. For now I am thinking of dropping them.

    Another bonus with the new book, is that I don't have to worry about allies. As Verminus focused, I can take whatever I want. At first was seriously thinking about adding a greyseer. It would give added anti magic, and another death frenzy. I was even thinking about making him my general for the command point regen. The problem is that it has no unique command abilities, so how often would it realy come into play? The Vermin Lord would be the best canidate for that mechanic, and I already have my warbringer. So here is my first draft for my updated list.

    Verminlord Warbringer w/ (general) brutal fury, things bane.

    Clawlord on Brood Horror w/ savage overlord

    Clawlord w/ verminous valor

    Clawlord w/ malevolent

    Clawlord w/ devious adversary

    40 Clanrats w/ blades

    40 Clanrats w/spears

    40 Clanrats w/ blades

    Warpfire thrower

    Warpfire thrower

    Warpfire thrower

    Warplightning cannon

    Warplightning cannon

    Total: 1,950

    I took out the storm vermin and replaced it with a 2nd warp lightning cannon and 3rd clawlord. This gives me an extra command point as well. The vermin lord gets to go nova once per game and has extra damage. The clawlord on brood horror has a +2 bravery bubble now, and each clan rat squad gets its own clawlord on foot. I will probably put the warpfire throwers in one squad, and the WLC in the others. Gnaw holes will help the cannon stay in range and get the rats closer to objectives. Those are my initial thoughts. Suggestions are welcome!

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  17. I am happy that we are getting a book, but like the rest I wish we were getting a few more models. In particular a plastic vargulf. I would love if it was a combo kit, making a courtier and a banner man for a totem option. 

    I am not a huge fan of the throne. It looks too clean and well crafted for my concept of the FEC asthetic. I would expect something more hap hazard looking.

    Still, a lot of work can be done with the rules update. My biggest wish is that they do away with the requirement that couriers be your general to unlock battle line options. It feels wrong that the vampire king takes orders from a mere mordant.

    I have real hopes for the spells. I want something that can help counter ranged units, and maybe something that can boost a units rend.

    Looking forward to seeing what we get.

  18. On 1/21/2019 at 5:20 PM, Requizen said:

    Anyone allied in an Ironjawz Weirdnob Shaman? A big blob of Bonesplitterz can fuel his casting (only needs the Orruk keyword) and Foot of Gork can really add some punch to our army.

    I used to run one on a balewind in a Kunning rukk list before the changes to it. The idea was that it would add mortal wound output to the rukk. With an effective +3 to cast, it was still pretty random, going off about half the time.  I haven't tried it at all since the changes to endless spells.  I would not recommend running one unless you can get it a minimum of +3 to cast, and even then its going to be streaky, going gangbusters one game and nothing the next.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Mogwai Man said:

    Thank you for the advice I appreciate it. I was also wondering on the weapon choices between chompas & stikkas for boarboys & orruks.

    Is the extra 2 inches worthwhile for orruks? Or is it better to stick with chompas?

    For boarboys it seems using stikkas is more beneficial than chompas since they gain the +1 damage to monsters.

    You are right on the boarboys. Especially since it always seems like its the boars themselves that do the heavy lifting, so the spear bonuses are just an extra benefit.

    As for normal orruks... my rule is chompas for msu, spears for large bricks.

  20. 12 minutes ago, Mogwai Man said:

    I just started my first army and it's bonesplitterz. I have a few questions.

    Is there a preference between Morboys & Orruks? Boarboys & Maniaks? 

    Are Big Stabbas worth putting together? Wish GW would package the big stabbas separately.

    Morboys have better offense, orruks have a bit better survivability. Same with boarboys and maniaks, but boarboys can have a closer damage output thanks to them retreating and re-charging each turn.  You can play some fun tricks with them and catch your opponent flat footed some times.

    Big stabbas are very worth it. They are the armies main source of quality damage. What I did is buy a box of boys and made 15 of them and two big stabbas. That way I knew 2 boxes would net me my unit of 30, I would get 4 big stabbas, and I would have a few spares for whatever... 

    • Like 1
  21. 23 hours ago, Requizen said:

    Hey all, I was looking at Bonesplitterz as a possible new army but I'm not really sure how the army functions now that Kunnin Rukk is nerfed. Should it be hordes of boys pushed across the table? Should it be cheeky MSU units trying to get good value each? It doesn't seem like they're super good at weight of dice type combat in the way Skeletons are, or super durable blobs like Nurgle. How are you building them lately? 

    Bonesplitterz still have a few strengths working for them. 

    1. Great points to wound efficiency! You can flood the board in cheap wounds. Add in that you always get a save, and every model is multi wound, and you have an army that can be really hard for some armies to chew through. Especially in bricks of 30.

    2. Best casting in the destruction faction! We have 3 different caster options, a really great spell lore, and several means of boosting casting and unbinding.  Maybe the gobbo's will give us a run for our money, but we can contend with all but the very best of casting factions (Tzeentch, legion of sacroment, etc. .). This is important as aside from big stabbas we lack rend and high damage attacks.

    3. Great battalion options! We are one of the easiest armies to make one drop, so try and take advantage of it. Some of them are down right powerful.

    4. Great Allies. We have a huge and diverse range of options that add versatility.

    That said, we have glaring weaknesses as well. Big stabbas are our only real source of rend and high damage. After the arrow boy nerf, we don't have any real point efficient damage dealers. Our cheap wounds tend to have half the models, and therefore less attacks than other armies.So while we tend to be more durable, we have less offensive volume per point. The book has synergies and options to help boost their output (usually with extra actions), but they don't come cheap. Lastly, there are certain armies like daughters of khaine that can simply chew through as many wounds as we care to feed to them. We have very little defensive options other than throwing  more boys at the problem.

    This is the list I use, though I haven't gamed all that much this edition due to work constraints.


    Wurrgog w/ squirmy warpaint, gryph feather charm, brutal beast spirits 
    Wardokk w/ hand of gork, big wurrgog mask 
    Wardokk w/squiggly curse 
    Wardokk w/ bonekrusha 
    Wardokk w/ gorkamorka warcry, mystic waaagh paint 

    30 moreboys 
    30 moreboys 
    5 boarboys 

    Rogue Idol 

    Kopp Rukk 

    Total: 1980

    2 drops, 3 artifacts, 3 starting command points. 5 casters all with some sort of mortal wound output. I can get +3 to cast from the Kopp Ruk and idol, plus any additional bonuses from the weird dance results. I can split off 2 wardokks per moreboys blob to give them both the full kopp ruk bonuses. The idol gives a lot of boosts, takes the place of big stabbas in this list, and worst case will boost the moreboys if he dies. With the wurrgog and Drakkfoot bonus spell I get up to 2 extra pile ins a turn. The wurrgog is very durable as with the gryph feather, look out sir, and his mask he is pretty much always a -2 to hit. The boar boys are mainly for fast objective gathering and harrassment of artillery and such. 

    This list tries to take advantage of the armies strengths that I outlined. It has it's issues though. It has a lot of points tied up in battalions so it doesn't have as many bodies as it would like. Armies like daughters of khaine can cut through 120 6+ save wounds in no time flat, so its an uphill battle. Similarly Disciples of Tzeentch are one of the few armies that can out gun this list casting wise, which shuts down all its ranged and most of its mortal wound output. 

    Hope this helps!

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