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Posts posted by bonzai

  1. 1 hour ago, Bonesplitterz said:

    6+ base ward

    4+ with artefact

    2+ with Waaagh (for one turn)


    The waagh won't help the mask sadly, as the waaagh only takes place in the combat phase and the Mask is used in the Hero phase in place of spell casting. A 4+ ward is still nice. It basically is a suicide vest vs heroes and monsters. Again the problem is that it has to live through a combat phase for it to work.

  2. 3 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:


    On the plus side we have a hilarious combo: Waggog Prophet with Glowing Tatoos (+2 ward).  Activate bonesplittas Waaagh and the Mask and nuke basically any unit in the game off the board.  On average you do about 50 mortal wounds before melting your brains out :D


    How is he getting a 2+ save? The item ads +2 to the bearer. The Wurrgog lost his 4+ ward, so the item would make it a 3+, which is still pretty good.

    Over all I agree. Icebones are the winners. I am not happy with the changes. We aren't unplayable, but it feels like we lost a lot of very important stuff for very small gains here and there.

  3. So.... I saw the preview on face Hammer. I only looked at the Bonesplitterz sections and well.... I am not impressed. It's not that there are terrible.. In fact we have gained a few things. The problem is that for every small gain they got, they lost something important. Examples?

    We gained army wide double hits on 6's, which is admittedly powerful. However we lost all of our beast hunter rules. Let me say that again.... In the monster focused edition, the faction that is all about hunting monsters, has lost it's primary monster hunting rule. Exploding 6's is probably more generally useful, but monster hunters was an important flavor element to the army. Our waaagh is kind of a wash, training offense (+1 or +2 attacks) for defense (4+ ward) for a single round per game.

    Our comand traits and artifacts have been stripped down. Our spell Lore has been universally nerfed. Firstly we only get 4 spells now. Squiggly curse no longer does a d6 on doubles, Gorka Morka warcry no longer deals damage. We have the nerfed version of Brutal Beast Spirits, and spell that gives rend to a units mounts. That's it.

    Bonegrinz are +1 to Arrow Boys attacks, but you now have no way to improve their hit rolls. So they are probably the weakest subfaction. Icebones get mortal wounds on wound rolls of 6, which combo's with the double hits on a 6 rule. This clearly makes Icebones the stand out pick in the army. Lastly Drakkfoot now flat out negate ward saves. Which is nice, but unless they get changed it won't effect deathless saves and such.

    Wurrgog has been nerfed. He no longer gets the improved ward, command point generation, or penalties to hit. Instead he gets the old mask artifact. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun item. The problem is that if you use it you give up casting that round, which is the main reason you take a wurrgog in the first place. Wardokks have lost their priest tag, which was the single biggest gain our army had this edition.

    Point wise it has some wierd changes. Our Heroes went down in points but our battle lines got increased. 165 points for 10 Savage Orruks? Why?

    Like I said, it is a real mixed bag. Icebones are the winners here. It looks like we have gone from the Arrow Meta to the Boar Meta, but we will see. 

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Is anyone else worried about what's going to happen to Arrow Boyz in the new tomb?  In 3.0 they are probably our biggest winners, Unleash hell  is amazing with Brutal Beast Spirits and All out attack can make a full unit bring some serious pain.  

    But so far the few things we know about Savages Orruks 3.0 aren't looking good for them.  The bonus attack seems to be locked into Bonegrins (so no more Drakkfoot or Icebone arrow fun) and brutal Beast spirits looks to be replaced with Power of the Were-boar, which stops you using missile weapons.  Feels like our shooting game is going the way of the Dodo!

    Yep, that was my read as well. Taking away our ability to hit on 4's is a huge nerf, as well as the bonus from large units. Being shoe horned into taking Bone grins gets your extra attack back, and let's msu arrowboys be more effective, but it doesn't solve the issue of hitting on 5's. 

    So far I haven't been happy with the Bonesplitterz specific previews that I have seen. But I am hoping that there are great things coming that we are missing. I know that they will be pushing Kruelboyz and Big Waaagh this edition, but I am hoping that we at least get a little love.

  5. FEC are my 2nd army. I finally got around to tweaking a list for 3rd edition. After playing a few games in the new edition, I think I have a decent feel for it. The good news is that I think we are a lot better off than I initially thought. This is what I was considering:


    Abhorrent Archregent 245 (hellish orator, eye of Hysh, Spectral Host)
    Abhorrent Ghoul King on terrorghiest 445 (Gruesome Bite, Blood feast)
    Crypt Infernal Courtier 130
    6 Crypt Flayer 360
    6 Crypt Flayer 360
    6 Crypt Flayer 360
    10 Crypt Ghouls 95

    Total: 1995

    Terrain: Charnel Throne
    Faction: Blisterskin
    Battalions: battle regiment

    From my initial games in this edition, I have realized how important early objective grabs are. This list is all one drop, so it helps ensure that you go first if you want to. It is blistering fast, and has teleporting capabilities. This ensures that your troops and heroes can be in position to claim objectives and battle tactics. I will probably always free summon a Varghulf and normaly summon 3 more flayers, gining me 5 battleline, 4 heroes. The one thing I kind of regret is having only one monster. I could drop 2 of the flayer squads down to 3, and get another non mounted terrorghiest. I might do that honestly, but for now I think I will run with this.

    It amazes me how much the army has pivoted from an overwhelming assault army into a finesse tactical one. But I think if we focus heavily on objectives and tactics, we can do well in this edition.

  6. 14 hours ago, Boggler said:

    Big shout out to SERA-JANE who took 9th place with this Bonesplitterz list amongst some heavy meta lists: People on the Internet should be talking about you!

      Reveal hidden contents

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Drakkfoot
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    Triumphs: Inspired

    Wurrgog Prophet (170)*
    - General
    - Artefact: Glowin' Tattooz  
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka
    Wardokk (85)*
    - Artefact: Burnin' Tattooz  
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    Wardokk (85)*
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    Wardokk (85)**
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse

    20 x Savage Orruks (260)*
    - Stikkas
    - Reinforced x 1
    20 x Savage Orruks (260)*
    - Stikkas
    - Reinforced x 1
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (260)**
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (150)**
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (150)**
    10 x Savage Orruks (130)***
    - Stikkas

    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (110)***
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (110)***

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Chronomantic Cogs (45)
    The Burning Head (20)
    Purple Sun of Shyish (70)

    Core Battalions
    ***Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 208
    Drops: 12


    I wonder how he sweated those Wardok's in there for Curse and I guess the Big Stabbas smashed Archaon?

    Thanks for posting this! Wish I could ask some questions... I am curious how the bricks of Stikka's worked out. Did they screen effectively with the new coherency rules? Was 20 plenty and did they hold up well? Would they have rather taken 30 arrowboys instead of the 1 squad of 10 boys? How did the Endless Spells perform?

  7. 17 hours ago, Blood0Tiger said:

    Currently still in the rough design phase for my 3.0 update.

    Would like to know the opinions of " possessed", For example dominated animals used by the spirits to be unwilling vessels of their raw power?

    I will say the bonesplittaz are personally a massive missed opportunity with the amount of unused content in AOS 1.0 and continued into 2.0 Warclans book. I know everyone is anxious about the 3.0 Warclans book. My personal delving has been eye opening the past week. 

    Hopefully I can provide some content for them as an individual culture they implied them to be in the past.

    I have always played Drakkfoot. In 1st edition you were able to summon various Forge World monsters via casting a spell. It was a whopping 10 to cast, but with the various bonuses we could cast the spell fairly reliably. I always loved the Idea of a Wurrgog being able to conjure an incarnate elemental of beasts, and I have always been a little sad that we lost that.

  8. 22 hours ago, Boggler said:

    I guess my point was that GW won't provide competitive rules to an older set of models.

    There is no way Bonesplitterz get a Hero phase shooting. I can't see them taking the old battalions and rolling them in to hero abilities or other army command traits. If they do then Fyreslayers will get a built in Lords of the Lodge with their army for free just because...

    Personally Brian Nelson > Peter Jackson

    I love my Bonesplitterz. The character of the multi-pose models are way ahead of their time. We don't need more models! We need warscrolls.

    Lol. I want more models.... specifically a center piece model. A named character wouldn't hurt either.

    I have a slim hope that we haven't been defacto squated, solely thanks to Headrakka's mob for Underworlds. Fingers crossed that they had fun making them and we get a model or two down the line. 

    Otherwise I agree with you. No way we get hero phase shooting. The article did show that they didn't take the lazy way out and simply copy and paste all the old stuff. Sadly, what I did see didn't bode well for Arrowboys, but that isn't the whole picture. Maybe they put a little work in. Maybe shields are re-worded so they aren't a +1 to saves. Maybe they don't snip the priest tag and actually give us a prayer list. Maybe the whole sub Factions are reworked and are all viable and interesting. Maybe they even add one or two.


    Wishful thinking I know, but we can assess the damage in a few days.

    • Like 1
  9. Saw the new teaser article for the upcoming battle tome. It's early yet, but so far I am not very impressed yet. They have changed the big waaagh system from stacking bonuses over time to a blades of Khorne style use it and lose it type of system. Bonegrinz now give +1 attack to arrowboys. The way the article reads, it implies that the bonus attack from large unit size has been taken away. It shoe horns you into playing Bonegrinz, with a minor upside that small units get the extra attacks too. The problem is that brutal beast spirits has been nerfed and renamed. Before it was an important buff for my Arrowboys, letting my big unit hit on 4's instead of 5's.Now it's melee only. All of this combined feels like a big nerf so far..... and this is them trying to excite us!

  10. 11 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Honestly, I'd be amazed of Wardoks didn't get nerfed, spell, pray and dance is too good for 85 points.   

    Halfway expecting that GW takes the lazy way out, adds the Kruelboyz, tweaks the Big Waaagh to include them and call it good.

  11. Hey guys. Nighthaunts are my wife's army, as it was one of the few armies at the time that had decent female representation and the new wave of models had just been released. So I helped her build a female forward list. It focused on stacking negative to hit modifiers from the Harridens, Mourngul, Lord Executioner, ghost mum, etc..., and stacking negative leadership penalties via the alliance ability and endless spell effects. It was a tough list to learn the game on, as it had a lot of moving parts that needed to be pulled off together to get the most out of it. Still, it was the best list I could think of for the models that she wanted to use. She hasn't played in several years, but I am hoping that she will start again in the new addition.

    From what I can tell, the list has been destroyed in 3rd edition. You can no longer tank some ones to hit roll.... at least beyond a -1 penalty. The negative leadership penalties have been stripped out of all the Endless spells, so they are limited to the negative 1 from their allegiance ability. Those two things were key synergies in her list, and have been hit with the nerf bat in this edition. So now I will have to help her build up a new list from scratch, and I could use any help you guys can throw my way.

    First Question... I never bought the broken realms books, but I understand that Nighthaunts got some love in one of them? Can I get a summary of what they got? I heard something about a battalion that would have been perfect for her list which would now be illegal, a buff to Harridens that make them better but also makes them taken in more expensive, and a small boost to hexwraiths? Is it worth picking up the book just for that?

    Next Question... Myrmourn Banshee. I was never a huge fan of them, but my wife loves the models and at the time I was list building there was a school of thought that they could deal out damage in a large unit. Now with reinforcement at a premium I am not sure that it would be worthwhile to waste a reinforcement slot on them, or if they are worth taking at all in units of 4. Judging by the feedback here so far, it doesn't look good for them.

    Lastly, I could use any 1st hand nighthaunt experience in this edition. It seems like more than ever, they are forced to play the mission and playing the points game. Fortunately I think the army has tools to help it win if it can survive what the opponent throws at them. In particular I can see having a Dreadblade Harrow as my general. Letting him teleport around the battlefield and teleporting others to him. This could be overkill though, as half the army can already deepstrike and is comparatively fast. But my early games with my own army in 3rd edition has shown me just how powerful a teleporting objective grabbing heroes can be. But I would love to hear ideas discussed.

    For my wife's list, I am thinking a hammer unit of 20 Harridens, maybe double Mourngul, and Olyeander. The question comes down to what would be the best in terms of Support heroes and Battleline with the remaining 925 points.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  12. 5 hours ago, Bonesplitterz said:


    Savage Orruk Boar Boys, Brutes and Mega-Boss on Maw-Crusher are listed as “No longer available online”… 

    You think it’s for repackaging ?

    I certainly hope so.  Our armies are small enough already, we can't afford to lose any.

  13. 8 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I really like this.  I've been looking at similar things myself.  

    I definitely prefer the other wizards over the Wurggog Prophet - I'd take either a 4th Wardokk and / or a Maniak Weirdnob over him currently.  MWN's rerolls are clutch, especially the extra chances to dispell.

    I think my list was basically the same but with a 4th Wardokk and the extra points gone into another unit of pigs (I hadn't settled on Endless Spells).

    I think it would be particularly strong as a Teams event list.

    The Wurrgog pulled his weight. Extra command points, 2 spells a turn, and with all the bonuses to cast, it gets easy to boost the Fist of gork spell. Killed off half a unit of Witch elves in one blast, in my tournament on Saturday. That being said, I can certainly see the appeal of a maniac wierdnob. Rerolls, and the exploding 6's spells makes a compelling argument, as curse is such a short range. Plus he is fast, and that is important for certain missions that require a hero to capture objectives. 

    My lists main problem was power projection on multiple fronts. The boarboys were great for screening and grabbing early objectives,  but they can't sustain against anything serious. The rest of my list slowly ground down anything in it's path, but a lot of weight was put on the pigs early. It didn't help that I never got past turn 3 either due to time constraints. The Bundo list offers an interesting solution, and the Wierdnob speeds up the archers considerably. It is an approach that I will certainly be thinking about.

    • Like 3
  14. 8 hours ago, Verminlord said:

    I'm from Texas, I just asked him about it:



    Very nice. I have been seriously eyeing Bundo as a back up in case Rogue Idols get squated. I played a small tournament on Saturday, and agree that triple Wardokk is the way to go. I also had a brick of 30 arrowboys, but instead had 2 Rogue Idols. Being able to kick objectives adds a whole new aspect to the list, and solves one of the problems my list had regarding force projection. 

    Only change I would do to his list is swap the boarboy maniacs for regular Boar Boys, and add an Emerald lifeswarm. The extra healing adds up, especially now that you can control it. Will help top off Bundo and can be parked next to the arrowboys to help replenish the squad.

  15. Looks like the last part of my post got clipped when I posted it. I won't retype everything, but in summary....

    My 3rd match was called after round 3. Again 2 hour and 15 minute rounds were not enough time. Once again I lost, but it was a lot closer, and it could have been anyone's game still. I finally had a good feel for what battle tactics worked best for me.

    Even though I didn't win a single game, I was happy with my list. Wardokks are the engine that makes it work. Casting, praying, and dancing. I damaged myself a bit by rolling 1's, but it was manageable with all the healing I had. With their ability to buff casting and dispelling checks, added to the bonuses provided by the rogue Idols, I was able to match Arkhan, Morathi, and Bela'kor in casting battles and come out ahead more often than not. Plus, the casting bonuses helped ensure that the Fist of Gork was wounding on a 4+.

    My healing was great. If they didn't out right kill off an Idol, I could heal them back to full health in a turn with a potential 5d3 of healing. In addition, the Emerald Lifeswarm could return Arrowboys on a 3+. Combined with Rally, it helps keep the unit strength up.

    Unleash hell was just as brutal as I figured it would be. The Curse prayer was trickier than expected to pull off due to it's short range. When it did go off, averaging 15 mortal wounds in a round of shooting was devastating.

    The main problem with my list was in my tactics. Aside from my Boarboys, the whole army clumps together and concentrates it's power at one point. This does allow armies that split their forces to get ahead early by claiming more objectives. This was especially clear in the second round game with the Apex Predators mission. With only Heroes able to claim objectives, I was limiting myself to claiming just one objective by keeping my Heroes clumped together. By splitting his army up, I was able to chew through it piecemeal, and with more time I think I could have pulled it out. But it is something to consider.

    I also found that the list had ample command point generation. In fact I had to force myself to spend them more freely, as most of the time I ended the round with points going to waste.

    I really hope forge world keeps the Idol around. They were important to my list. If they do squatt them, then I will probably get Bundo Whalebiter in the list to at least replace 1. However the caster bonuses would be sorely missed.

    Over all I had a great time, and was happy to finally be gaming again. All of my opponents had a blast playing against me, as they had never seen an Orruk list play like it before. I think that all 3 of my opponents had solid lists and played competitive armies, and I was able to go toe to toe with them. At first I was worried that two Idols would be too cheesey for a supposedly casual tournament, but those concerns left as soon as I saw Morathi, Arkhan, and Bela'kor. The new battle tome will be out soon. Hopefully the Wardokks keep the priest keyword, and maybe we will get some changes to the wording on our shields. I don't expect many changes, as I think they are more concerned about the Kruelboyz.

    • Like 1
  16. I just finished my first 3.0 tournament. In fact it was my first game of 3.0 and age of Sigmar in over 2 years. It was a small local tournament. 3 rounds, 2k points, 2 battalions max. I was told that it was a laid back tournament to get our feet wet in the new edition. I went with this list:

    Sub Faction: Drakkfoot

    Wurrgog Prophet 170 (mork's boney bits, kunning bs)
    Wardokk 85 (guidance, breath of gorkamorka)
    Wardokk 85 (heal, gorka morka warcry)
    Wardokk 85 (curse, brutal beast spirits, burning tattoo)

    30 Arrow Boys 390
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)

    Rogue Idol 420
    Rogue Idol 420

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Life Swarm 60

    Battalions: Warlord, alpha beast pack

    Total: 1995

    Round 1: vs Slaves to Darkness, survival of the fittest.

    I don't have his list, but going from memory;

    Chaos lord
    Chaos sorcerer
    3 varanguard *general
    3 varanguard
    3 varanguard
    20 Mauraders
    20 Mauraders

    He has 2 battalions, including Warlord, and marks of tzeentch.

    It took a long time to get started, as we were both newbies to the edition and miscommunication on the deployment. Turn 1 go first. I castled up with my 2 rogue Idols screening my Arrow Boys and casters, and my Boar Boys are ready to charge up and grab objectives. Right off the bat, Bel'akor uses his special ability to shut down my rogue Idol. Due to terrain, and not wanting to leave it behind, I set up to counter strike.. with my boars poised to go after the side objectives next turn. I miss read my battle tactic so I did not score it. His turn he moves his varanguard to score the middle, and runs his Mauraders to go after the side objectives. He brings Bela'kor close to support the Varanguard. As it was, I was behind 1 point due to me missing my battle tactic. He had sacrificed a potential charge to ensure that he captured the center objective and in doing so Bela'kor and the Varanguard were right in my sights. If I won priority I would be able to put a big hurt on his army.

    And..... he double turned. One unit of Mauraders made it to the right objective, and he teleported the 2nd Mauraders unit next to them to make sure my boars couldn't take it from them. He throws Bela'kor and varanguard into one of my Idols, and manages to kill one. My turn I erase Bela'kor and nearly another Varanguard unit. I didn't score my battle tactic, and he holds 2 objectives to my 1. Time is called, and he wins on points.

    I think this match came down to the double turn, and being called early. However I believe it could have been anyone's game if it went the distance. I think his army was strong, and he went on to win the whole tournament and best painted. We both forgot several new rules, but it was a great start to learning the new edition.

    Score: 0-1

    Round 2: vs Ossiarch Bonereapers, Apex Predators

    His list:

    Liege Kavalos
    5 deathriders
    20 mortek guard
    20 mortek guard

    He also had 2 battalions and the most common sub Faction whose name escapes me.

    He wins 1st turn. I use my pregame moves to set up my castle. He runs his death riders and liege to the left objective, scoring it. Moves everything else up the middle. Arkhan gets a 1st turn charge and gets teleported to the right objective. One of the Morteks get into combat with the rogue Idols.

    My turn I get my ferocious advance, heal up the Idols, use my boars on the left to screen against the death riders, send the other Boar Boys to go after Arkhan. I end up wiping out the 1st mortek guard, and a harvester. The boars survive fighting Arkhan, but only just. He also heals from the casualties, so really I shouldn't have bothered. Live and learn.

    Round 2, he goes first. Next unit of mortek guard charges into the Idols, along with the Liege Kavalos. The Deathriders charge into my Boar screen. Arkhan kills the boars. Damage is dealt to the Idols, and damage is dealt back.

    My turn I ****** myself out of a point by killing the Mortek guard with my Arrowboys instead of an Idol. One Idol kills the liege, the other kills both the Mason and the Boneshaper. The boars die to the Death riders, but they are down to 2 at this point. Time is called and he wins on points.

    Over all, I think I could have taken this match up if I was given a full 5 rounds. 2 hours and 15 minutes was no where near enough time. I was steadily chewing through his army, and I may have tabled him if it continued. However, my strategy involved keeping my army clustered together, and with only Heroes able to score this mission he was able to get an early lead that I couldn't surmount in 2 turns.

    Score: 0-2

    Round 3: vs Daughters of Khaine, Savage Gains

    His List:

    Hagg Nar
    Prized Sorcery

    Blood wrack Medusa
    Command trait: devoted disciplies
    Artifact: shadow stone
    Lore of Shadows: mindrazoe

    Hag Queen on cauldron
    Artifact: ulfuri
    Prayer: catechism of murder

    Lore: pit of shades

    Shadow queen

    10 blood sisters
    10 blood stalkers
    20 witch Allies

    Endless spell: blood wrack viper

    Battalion: Warlord

  17. I just finished my first 3.0 tournament. In fact it was my first game of 3.0 and age of Sigmar in over 2 years. It was a small local tournament. 3 rounds, 2k points, 2 battalions max. I was told that it was a laid back tournament to get our feet wet in the new edition. I went with this list:

    Sub Faction: Drakkfoot

    Wurrgog Prophet 170 (mork's boney bits, kunning bs)
    Wardokk 85 (guidance, breath of gorkamorka)
    Wardokk 85 (heal, gorka morka warcry)
    Wardokk 85 (curse, brutal beast spirits, burning tattoo)

    30 Arrow Boys 390
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)

    Rogue Idol 420
    Rogue Idol 420

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Life Swarm 60

    Battalions: Warlord, alpha beast pack

    Total: 1995

    Round 1: vs Slaves to Darkness, survival of the fittest.

    I don't have his list, but going from memory;

    Chaos lord
    Chaos sorcerer
    3 varanguard *general
    3 varanguard
    3 varanguard
    20 Mauraders
    20 Mauraders

    He has 2 battalions, including Warlord, and marks of tzeentch.

    It took a long time to get started, as we were both newbies to the edition and miscommunication on the deployment. Turn 1 go first. I castled up with my 2 rogue Idols screening my Arrow Boys and casters, and my Boar Boys are ready to charge up and grab objectives. Right off the bat, Bel'akor uses his special ability to shut down my rogue Idol. Due to terrain, and not wanting to leave it behind, I set up to counter strike.. with my boars poised to go after the side objectives next turn. I miss read my battle tactic so I did not score it. His turn he moves his varanguard to score the middle, and runs his Mauraders to go after the side objectives. He brings Bela'kor close to support the Varanguard. As it was, I was behind 1 point due to me missing my battle tactic. He had sacrificed a potential charge to ensure that he captured the center objective and in doing so Bela'kor and the Varanguard were right in my sights. If I won priority I would be able to put a big hurt on his army.

    And..... he double turned. One unit of Mauraders made it to the right objective, and he teleported the 2nd Mauraders unit next to them to make sure my boars couldn't take it from them. He throws Bela'kor and varanguard into one of my Idols, and manages to kill one. My turn I erase Bela'kor and nearly another Varanguard unit. I didn't score my battle tactic, and he holds 2 objectives to my 1. Time is called, and he wins on points.

    I think this match came down to the double turn, and being called early. However I believe it could have been anyone's game if it went the distance. I think his army was strong, and he went on to win the whole tournament and best painted. We both forgot several new rules, but it was a great start to learning the new edition.

    Score: 0-1

    Round 2: vs Ossiarch Bonereapers, Apex Predators

    His list:

    Liege Kavalos
    5 deathriders
    20 mortek guard
    20 mortek guard

    He also had 2 battalions and the most common sub Faction whose name escapes me.

    He wins 1st turn. I use my pregame moves to set up my castle. He runs his death riders and liege to the left objective, scoring it. Moves everything else up the middle. Arkhan gets a 1st turn charge and gets teleported to the right objective. One of the Morteks get into combat with the rogue Idols.

    My turn I get my ferocious advance, heal up the Idols, use my boars on the left to screen against the death riders, send the other Boar Boys to go after Arkhan. I end up wiping out the 1st mortek guard, and a harvester. The boars survive fighting Arkhan, but only just. He also heals from the casualties, so really I shouldn't have bothered. Live and learn.

    Round 2, he goes first. Next unit of mortek guard charges into the Idols, along with the Liege Kavalos. The Deathriders charge into my Boar screen. Arkhan kills the boars. Damage is dealt to the Idols, and damage is dealt back.

    My turn I ****** myself out of a point by killing the Mortek guard with my Arrowboys instead of an Idol. One Idol kills the liege, the other kills both the Mason and the Boneshaper. The boars die to the Death riders, but they are down to 2 at this point. Time is called and he wins on points.

    Over all, I think I could have taken this match up if I was given a full 5 rounds. 2 hours and 15 minutes was no where near enough time. I was steadily chewing through his army, and I may have tabled him if it continued. However, my strategy involved keeping my army clustered together, and with only Heroes able to score this mission he was able to get an early lead that I couldn't surmount in 2 turns.

    Score: 0-2

    Round 3: vs Daughters of Khaine, Savage Gains

    His List:

    Hagg Nar
    Prized Sorcery

    Blood wrack Medusa
    Command trait: devoted disciplies
    Artifact: shadow stone
    Lore of Shadows: mindrazoe

    Hag Queen on cauldron
    Artifact: ulfuri
    Prayer: catechism of murder

    Lore: pit of shades

    Shadow queen

    10 blood sisters
    10 blood stalkers
    20 witch Allies

    Endless spell: blood wrack viper

    Battalion: Warlord

    I do my normal deployment, with both Boar units in woods to my left and right. My main castle is on my objective in the center of my deployment. He goes first, and the shadow queen takes the right objective. Glaive snakes go left, and the rest moves up. Pot shots are taken, but nothing significant happens. Still, I can't help but feel out classed, as they are out of unbind range, but are still able to tag me with Spells and a couple ranged attacks. My turn I recover with healing, fist of gork half the witch Aelves, move my right Boar Boys to screen again the shadow queen, the left take my left objective and charge the glaive snakes. They do damage, and survive the return attacks. End of Round one we are tied at 5 a piece.

    Round 2, I win priority. I delete the witch aelves and win my battle tactic, retreat my boars on the left to keep my objective, take some pot shots that kill the witch Aelves and win my battle tactic, and heal my Idols a bit. His turn he deletes my boars to the left with his glaive witches, and wins his battle tactic. The shadow queen charges my right Boar screen with 1 stubborn piggies with inspiring presence survives, and the Arrow snakes and medusa take the right objective. This let's him inch ahead in points.

    Turn 3 he focuses on my arrow Boys, killing a lot. Rally brings back a couple. Marathi kills the last Boar boy on the left and deals a lot of damage to one of my rogue Idols. His glaive snakes hold the left objective, he holds his and the right, pulling ahead. My turn I rally again, fly my healthiest Idol to fight the medusa, Arrow snakes, and shadow queen. I kill the medusa, winning my battle tactic, and several Arrow snakes. I don't kill all the snakes, so between them and the shadow queen they hold the objective. The shadow queen kills the most wounded Idol. She is at 8 wounds at this point.

    Time is called and he wins on point.

    Score: 0-3

    So I didn't win a single game. However I blame that more on my inexperience and the short time allotted for each game. I am not aware of any game in the tournament that went to completion. I got better with the rules as the tournament progressed. In addition every opponent I had said that I was their favorite opponent and several kept my list to tell their friends about it. There are a few games that I could pulled out a win, but time was not on my side.I am also glad that I faced 3 Meta armies and didn't feel out classed by much. My casting was on par with every army I faced  which surprised my opponents.

    So my thoughts on the list. First off... I always picked my battle line to survive as my grand strategy, and my unit of 30 Arrow Boys always survived. Between rally, and the Emerald lifeswarm, the unit can regenerate fairly well. The Emerald lifeswarm and various heals can quickly bring an Idol up to full health as well.

    I would always get +1 to save on my rogue Idols, and +1 on hit rolls for my Arrowboys, one way or another. Unleash hell is always brutal, and even more when the unit is cursed. But I found cursed to be hard to pull off.

    I had good command points generation with my Wurrgog and  guidance prayer. I found that maximizing command point usage is important. My healing was efficient enough to make the Ossiarch Bonereapers player think that it was over powered. Then I pointed out the healing and unit regen he had, and he admitted that it was a fair point. Stacking casting bonuses allowed me to go toe to toe with Arkhan, Morathi, and Bela'kor,l, which surprised them.

    So overall I am happy with how I performed, despite my tournament score. Even though I lost, I earned a lot of respect, and was everyone's favorite opponent. Given more time and familiarity, I believe that I would have done better. I really don't know what I will do if rogue Idols get squated, but they are an intrigal part of the list, especially in this moster forward edition.


    • Like 1
  18. I have finally got all boned up on Kragnos's story and have been thinking about it's implications for Destruction as a whole Lore wise. Until now I was thinking that some day we might get insanely expensive models for Gork and Mork, and that would be it. Now they introduce a previously unknown subordinate of Gorkamorka. It makes me think... what else could be coming down the pipe?

    Kragnos is a God of earthquakes, an elemental force of destruction. A natural disaster. Perhaps other similar forces of destruction could be similarly turned into destruction dieties. An aquatic one that is the diety of Tsunamis, maybe a huge wyrven whose powerful wings make him the God of hurricanes, and a fire based one representing an inferno? 

    Order potentially has 10 gods (including Grimnir), Dracothian, and then there is Kroak who is close. Chaos has 5 chaos gods, Archeaon, Bela'kor, and hopefully Morghur. Death has Nagash and his eventual 9 Mortarchs. Destruction needs to expand its roster to maintain parity. The Great Maw and Bad moon would be tough to have directly on the table, Behemet is dead (though they hinted that he could be replaced), and they seem to be holding back on releasing Gork and Mork themselves. This could be the solution to giving Destruction more god tiered characters.

    What do you guys think?

    • Like 1
  19. 8 hours ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    Personally I would want a mounted big boss and wyverns, possibly mounted by wizard or boss and unmounted. There are pictures of bonesplitterz on wyverns.

    I onestly just want to use my old azhags and single wyvern.


    From the rumors I heard that the Kruel Boys are getting wyvern. Other factions have laid claim to wynerns. That's why I like the idea of Squiggoths. Who else would be mad enough to try and domesticate and tame them?

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Feels like the changes to other armies is actually good for us.  Basically all rerolls to saves have turned into +1sv.  Since +1 save is so prevalent in 3 anyway (and max +1 save core rule) it helps mitigate our lack of rend a bit.  Much easier to brute force through  when no one is rerolling saves.


    Double edged sword though, due to the wording of our shields, we can't improve our saves on several of our units either. 5+ is the best we get, excluding the rogue Idol. I was kind of hoping that the FAQ would fix that, but at least we should be getting a new tome out as soon as they finish revealing the Kruel Boys. Sadly, I am afraid that they will just add in the kruel Boys, tweek the big whaag abilities, add the underworld units, and call it a day. 

    My minimal hopes for Bonesplitterz was:

    1. Change the wording on shields to giving a flat 5+ save instead. This way they work against ranged and melee, and can be enhanced one more time.

    2. Tweak the Kopp rukk. It is near worthless if you run a Wurrgog, (which you should), thanks to only being able to cast the spell one time anyways.. Give back the casting bonuses or make the wardokks auto pass their dances. 

    3. Fix our path to glory tables to include all of our units. Seriously.... every edition has had some of our units missing, and we are the only army that I have noticed it happening too. I would like to see it done right for once.

    My pie in the sky hopes would be new units, but that is unlikely for this update. Kruel Boys are technically the new units for the tome, and they will likely leave it there for now.

    However the new Iron Jaws model and the underworlds squad gives me hope that they haven't been defacto squated. The Lord Kroak and other individual hero releases for storm cast and sylvaneth also gives me hope that we could get a solo release with a named character One day. My money would be on Golgaz Stoneclaw. He has been talked up in path to glory, firestorm, and the lead up to Soul Storm. Model wise they would have fun creating him with his 3 trophy heads. Rule wise would also be fun and thematic. The Gork boss head let's him do something brutal, the Mork boss head let's him do something kunning, and wurrgog head let's him cast. Thus far he is the clear choice, provided he survived.

    I could also see Endless Spells and Faction terrain that could work for all 3 armies. In particular I could see waaagh Banners being a thing. Maybe 3 per box, with a few customizable gubbinz to flavor them towards your factions. They could provide some benefits to units near them like improved bravery, and charge, and maybe once per game you can spend a command point and return a destroyed battle line unit within 9 inches of it. Thematically representing more orruks being drawn to the waagh. All orruk factions would benefit and it gives us limited summoning.

    Less likely would be other units. There are a few that I could see filling gaps in the army and really fitting Thematically. 

    1. Boar mounted Wurrgog and Big Boss. No brainer here. Great for keeping up with mounted armies, and gives a few more wounds to our general.

    2. Mork Boss. Change the existing big boss to a Gork boss, and make a ranged varient that has a more cunning ability set.

    3. A totem. I picture several orcs carrying a litter with the tribes greatest trophy skull upon it, with a shaman on it who counts as a priest of Gorkamorka. This would naturally come with a priest prayer table that the Wardokks could also use.

    4. An Infiltrator unit. Savage orruk stalkers. These are the guys that track, stalk, and flush out prey for the tribe. Armed with short ranged javelin, they can come in from table edges. If an opponents monster/Behemoth is the closest model, they can get within 6 inches instead of 9. They would also get a Rukk that would let them come in off of pregame designated terrain pieces instead as an ambush. Thematically they would represent the nose of the beast, that let's it root out and pursue it's prey.

    5. Heavy infantry. Savage Orruk Big un's with hodge poge bone armor and 2 handed choppers. They would be our elite anvil unit with better saves, better rend, and better damage. Thematically they would be former iron jaws, and their rukk would represent the molars of the beast. They are used to grind the bones of their prey, and release the essence of gorkamorka that is trapped within.

    6. A show piece monster unit.... Squiggoths! I picture Squiggoths with two variant howders. One with orcs with harpoon and nets. The other potentially having a wurrgog and his best Wardokks/shamans with him. The are used to intercept and ensnare prey so that the tribe can take them down.

    That is my pie in the sky hopes for my army. I don't see any of this happening, but would be happy to be surprised.

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  21. 4 hours ago, Towenaar said:

    Wardokks are going to be really good. With ritual dance, magic and a prayer each turn they offer so much for their points.

    They synergise best with Rogue Idols too with heals and buffs. Think running x2 may be a good shout this edition:

      Hide contents


    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Drakkfoot
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Warlord Battalion
    Wardokk (85)
    - General
    - Artefact: Burnin' Tattooz

    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits/smite
    Wardokk (85)
    - Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka/guidance
    Wardokk (85)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry/curse
    Wardokk (85)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits/heal
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (260)

    Hunters of the Heartlands Battalion
    10 x Savage Boarboys (280)

    - Stikkas
    5 x Savage Boarboys (140)
    - Stikkas
    5 x Savage Boarboys (140)
    - Stikkas

    Alpha Beast Pack Battalion
    Rogue Idol (420)
    Rogue Idol (420)

    Total: 2000 / 2000


    Hopefully Rogue Idols won't go up in points too much, I'd expect them to go up by 10 as most of our units have, but I think they're a little overcosted as is when compared to say Gargants.

    Nice. This is what I was thinking.

    Sub Faction: Drakkfoot

    Wurrgog Prophet 170 (burning tattoo, kunning bs)
    Wardokk 85 (guidance, breath of gorkamorka)
    Wardokk 85 (heal, gorka morka warcry)
    Wardokk 85 (curse, brutal beast spirits)

    30 Arrow Boys 390
    30 Arrow Boys 390
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)

    Rogue Idol 420*

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Life Swarm 60
    Burning Head 20

    Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Total: 1985

    but.... I could drop the 2nd arrowboy unit and the burning head and drop in the 2nd rogue Idol. I kind of like that actually.

    • Like 2
  22. 3 hours ago, Backbreaker said:

    I always play Ironjawz. But I really want to try playing big waaagh.

    A noob question: can I apply wardokk buff on a unit of gruntas ? Can I use mighty destroyer (with the trait) on a unit of big stabba ?


    I saw someone saying the wardokk being our best support character. But if I cannot boost half of my units ^^

    Sadly there is very little inter army synergy between the Orc factions. The Kruel boys don't seem to be bringing much either. The Big Waagh allegiance abilities are designed to remedy that some what.

    That being said, Wardokks being priests opens up some new possibilities.

  23. I think I have settled on the first list that I want to try.

    Sub Faction: Drakkfoot

    Wurrgog Prophet 170 (burning tattoo, kunning bs)
    Wardokk 85 (guidance, breath of gorkamorka)
    Wardokk 85 (heal, gorka morka warcry)
    Wardokk 85 (curse, brutal beast spirits)

    30 Arrow Boys 390
    30 Arrow Boys 390
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)
    5 Boar Boys 140 (stikkas)

    Rogue Idol 420*

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Life Swarm 60
    Burning Head 20

    Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Total: 1985

    * Assuming that the Idol remains unchanged. If it goes up, I have a slight cushion and can always drop the burning head. If it gets phased out, then I might need to rethink my life choices. Lol.

    Soo.. with the battalion I am a 2 drop army. Play style would be this... buff the save on the rogue Idol to 3+ and use dances, the heal prayer, and Emerald life swarm to heal up to 5d3 damage a turn, and an extra d3 on your opponents turn since you retain control of it. If you keep the burning head close'ish to him he will re'roll hit rolls of 1. He is the wrecking ball/distraction carnifex that you send into the opponent and force them to deal with it.

    Arrowboys are there to support the Idol. Add +1 to hit for a unit of arrowboys, and curse their target, dealing mortal wounds on 6's. This should delete units quickly.

    Thanks to the Wardokks being priests as well as wizards, they get access to 3 prayers a piece now (bless, smite, and one universal). Every Hero can deal mortal wounds and provide some utility. Wardokks perform triple duty with casting, praying, and dancing.

    Boarboys are just there to be fast moving objective grabbers and harrassers.

    Over all I like the initial idea behind the list. The new priest rules and Wardokks getting access to these universal prayers is a big game changer. There are a ton of mortal wound opportunities and being Drakkfoot makes that extra brutal. Lots of healing and between the rally command ability and the life swarm, there is potential to replenish decimated units. With the guidance prayer and the Wurrgog I have a potential 2 extra command points a turn to play with. The Idol and wierdokk dance can pump up a caster level to +2, and Drakkfoot command ability let's me unbind with one of my Arrowboys units with a +1 unbind bonus. So definitely it has spell casting chops.

    Originally I was going to have 1 unit of archers and 1 large unit of Spears to screen. Then I realized that because of the caps on improving saves, the Arrowboys can be just as survivable as the Savage Orruks with shields (as shields give +1) with a prayer, spell, or dance. The Spears are better in melee, but the coherency rules will limit their attacks, and the unleash hell command ability will close the gap. So I think Arrow Boys win out.

    Then I thought about dropping the Arrowboys down to 20, using the points to pick up a big boss and maniac wierdnob, and going with a kunning rukk. But.... two squads of 20 with one extra attack round for one comes out to the same number of attacks as two full squads of 30. Plus, the bigger squad retains its bonus attacks longer, has an easier time regaining losses from rally, and will do more damage when using unleash hell. So I think I will go with two squads of 30 for now.

    What do you guys think?

  24. 20 hours ago, PlayerJ said:

    They are the under enhancements section 

    Doh! I had seen them on my initial read through, didn't really register them as we had no priests. Every subsequent read through I went right to the prayers section instead. Lol.


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