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Let's 'ere it for da boyz!

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Blog Entries posted by Let's 'ere it for da boyz!

  1. Let's 'ere it for da boyz!
    Hey all.  Thanks for moseying on over and taking a gander.
    On the advice of the all-powerful Ben Curry, he of The Bad Dice Daily Podcast fame, I am starting a little blog here.  The hope is putting my thoughts and efforts here will motivate me to continue pushing toward my ultimate goal - completing an army.
    I have been playing Warhammer for about 8 years now, exclusively with close friends and family.  Never having played at a tournament and being in such a relaxed environment, there's never been any pressure to complete an army.  I started with Dark Elves and Ogre Kingdoms back in 8th Edition.  I would guess I got about 60-70% of both armies painted to a table-top standard.  I had a lot of fun playing both of those armies.  Had a fair amount of fun painting them, too.  Particularly the Ogres - painting the 21st through 30th Witch Elves got to be a bit of a chore.  But in both cases, life happened, I lost steam and they sat unfinished.
    A career change right after the completion of the End Times took me away from the hobby for about 18 months.  Once I got re-settled, I began reading about Age of Sigmar and what people thought.  I was intrigued.  I enjoyed 8th Edition, but the games could be a bit tedious.  I liked that AoS was streamlined and the cost-of-entry wasn't so steep.  I toyed around with the idea of using my Dark Elf and Ogre Kingd- er, Aelf and Ogor models - for a bit.  But once I saw the Ironjawz release, good ol' Gee-Dubs had me hook, line and sinker.  I bought a Start Collecting box, a Megaboss and Weirdnob straight away and got painting.
    I really enjoyed painting the heroes.  The Megaboss in particular was a joy to paint.  The Gore Gruntas are amazing models, but they are soul-suckingly difficult to paint.  After I tackled them, I settled in to paint the Ardboyz.  I finished both units, but I my hobby engine was running on fumes at that point.  This was back in the Summer.  Since then, I've added a Maw Crusha, 3 more Gruntas and 20 Brutes.  The Maw Crusha is finished, and I'm pretty proud of it.  But again, it was such an awesome model, I couldn't NOT paint it.  5 of the Brutes are mostly done...but that's where it's stopped.  I do plan on coming back to them, but I have a serious case of Ironjawz fatigue at the moment.
    Which brings us to the nonce!  Thanks to TGA member @Kuma, I was able to trade for a decent start to a Stormcast army.  I got 2 Lords Celestant on Dracoth, 10 Judicators and 10 Liberators for some old Tomb Kings stuff I was never going to use.  Through the magic of eBay, I was also able to procure a Lord Relictor.  Talk about the stars aligning: this happened right before the Vanguard stuff all began to drop, so since then I've added 6 Raptors, a box of Palladors and a Lord Aquillor.  I love the potential of this army.  Also, the fact that GW is unlikely to let this faction languish without support for any appreciable amount of time is quite appealing.  I am resolved to make this the first army I will finish.  
    The fluff and aesthetic of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer were way too cool to pass up, so that's the route I'm going to go.  I've just settled into painting and have done up a test model - a Liberator - in this fashion.  And so, the race to 2000 points of painted Stormcast is on!
    That's all for this evening I guess.  I'll post up some preliminary pictures tomorrow.  Thanks for checking out my ramblings.  See you again soon.
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