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Posts posted by Expressmetal

  1. Event Title: Age of Sigmar @ Warfare 2022
    Event Author: Expressmetal
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 11/12/2022 12:00 AM to 11/13/2022 12:00 AM

    Warfare is the Wargames Association of Reading’s annual wargaming show. This year the show is being held on the
    12th and 13th November Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre. This is a new venue for the show
    and means the show will be considerably larger than it has been in previous years. As part of the show we run a
    number of Tournaments, including Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This document contains everything you need to know
    to take part.
    Tickets, which can be bought online from the Wargames Association of Reading website
    (www.wargamesreading.co.uk), are £45 and includes show entrance. When booking your tickets please ensure that
    we have your correct name(s) and email address, so we can keep you informed of any changes to the event. Refunds
    can only be given on tickets before the end of September. At the time of writing there is a maximum capacity of 50
    If you have any questions regarding the event, please email the organizers at tournaments@wargamesreading.co.uk.



    Age of Sigmar @ Warfare 2022

  2. Event Title: Age of Sigmar @ Warfare 2021
    Event Author: Expressmetal
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 11/27/2021 09:00 AM to 11/28/2021 04:00 PM

    Warfare is the Wargames Association of Reading’s annual wargaming show. This year the show is being held on the 27th and 28th November at Ascot Racecourse in Ascot. This is a new venue for the show and means the show will be considerably larger than it has been in previous years. As part of the show we run a number of Tournaments, including Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

    Tickets can be bought online from the Wargames Association of Reading website www.wargamesreading.co.uk. At the time of writing there is a maximum capacity of 36 players. Tickets are £35 (£30 if purchased before the end of August) and includes show entrance. When booking your tickets please ensure that we have your correct name(s) and email address, so we can keep you informed of any changes to the event. Refunds can only be given on tickets before the end of September. If you have any questions regarding the rulespack, please email the organizers at tournaments@wargamesreading.co.uk.

    Army Restrictions Follow the instructions and restrictions laid out on pages 9-10 in the General’s Handbook 2021 for a 2000 point pitched battle army. You may only use warscrolls with a pitched battle profile in this years Pitched Battle Profile book or any Battletome released after 1st July 2021. To prevent excessive rules queries and for the fairness of all you can only use a new Battletome if the FAQ/Errata for the book has been released before the list submission deadline. All lists must be emailed by midnight on the 12th November to tournaments@wargamesreading.co.uk for list checking. Due to the number of lists we need to check from several different tournaments we will only be in touch with you if there are any issues with your list; if you hear nothing then all is well.

    Army painting and WYSIWYG All models in your army must be fully painted to at least a battle-ready standard as defined by the General’s Handbook 2021.Models must be representative of what they represent. If you are using conversions (which we are all in favour of) please ensure that they fit the theme of the mortal realms, are not confusing to play against and not wildly different in size to the official model(s). If you are unsure if your conversion meets these broad criteria, please email us at tournaments@wargamesreading.co.uk and we will check them for you. Any models that do not meet the minimum standards for painting or WYSIWYG will be removed from play and counted as destroyed at the end of the game.

    Scoring We will be using the following scoring system for all rounds this year. A Major Victory is worth 15pts, a Minor Victory 11pts, a Draw 8pts, a Minor Loss 5pts and a Major Loss 1pt. In the event of a tie, we will compare the actual scores players achieved in games. If that is still a tie, the player with the better painted army as judged by the organisers will rank higher. Battleplans We will be using battleplans from the General’s Handbook 2021 this year. Exact details of which battleplans we will be using will be available in an updated pack closer to the event.

    All games will be played on the recommended 60” x 44” playing area with 8 pieces of scenery on each table. The scenery on each table will comprise of roughly 5 larger pieces such as a Wyldwood or Sigmarite Mausoleum and 3 smaller pieces such as group of Timeworn Ruins or a Baleful Realmgate. Pieces of scenery over 12” in size will count as 2 larger pieces of scenery as specified in the core rules, however, we will try to ensure that no table has more than 1 of these pieces on it. At the time of writing we don’t own any pieces of scenery over 17” in size.

    hope to see you there


    Age of Sigmar @ Warfare 2021

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