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Posts posted by Jaze

  1. Personally I enjoy losing games as I find it easier to evaluate what mistakes I am making  and what my opponent is doing well.  I think learning from defeat is how I don’t get frustrated.

    Pre game discussion can also go along way if opponent is willing, be it saying ‘ I would like an extra unit above the points limit as I think it would balance out x’ or ‘could you swap [unit] for something else as I can’t really counter it?’.  Mid game discussion is also of help I find where your opponent could suggest if what you are about to do is good/bad/ugly or throw out some ideas, if my opponent is about to move their superstar unit into range of all my aggressive wizards I would usally ask them if they mean to do that.

    When I am on the other side and appear to be heavily winning the game from the offset due to some imbalance I will usually give my opponent the priority choice if I win the roll. They then will often take it and have a chance to react rather than feel quite so pummelled. From a competitive mindset or sell this is still fun as I get to play out what happens/would have happened when I didn’t get that double turn or over exposed some glass cannon gubbins.

    Also what can be fun is to swap armies, like if your feeling underpowered then do the set then swap table sides. Your opponent may find the game was really close or find that they are being crushed by their own power creep, I find that often the person who wins feels it was close and the person who loses sees a massive gap (usually from the point where they can’t work out how to recover/counter the game). Playing as their army may also highlight some weaknesses you don’t see when facing them.  Also bonus you may find out your opponent are playing some stuff wrong? Possibly not but I find in a lot of casual games I watch and play most people read/skim  the first line and stop afterwards, think latest one I had was gloomspite  fanatics charging in their opponents charge phase which pretty much every local player was doing.

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