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Posts posted by KingCheops

  1. On 9/27/2018 at 6:55 AM, kenshin620 said:

    I'm not sure if it's acceptable, but could you have Riderless Cold Ones and paint them yellow/red/orange?

    There, cheap salamanders!

    And to be fair, the seraphon community on TGA is a little on the small/slow side. This topic only has 7pages!

    In the old days you'd buy a bag of the plastic dinosaurs at a toy store and a set of bases and just slap a wash and some paint on those.  Take basic skinks and model them with only a javelin and there are your handlers.  Might not be tournament legal so check with TOs if inclined that way.

  2. 12 hours ago, wayniac said:

    As much as I'd like the Magmadroth, I doubt it will happen.  That would be HUGE savings (over 50%) since if you look at the Deathrattle and Seraphon boxes, the big guy is the cost of the SC itself.  The Magmadroth is well over the price of the SC set, so including it along is giving it a big discount before you even factor in the units, so if it was 1x Magmadroth, 1x Vulkite Berserkers and 1x Hearthguard you would be getting $210 worth of stuff for $85.  There's no way GW would put that kind of savings into a box, even though they prices Fyreslayers more than they should have.

    Actually the Carnosaur kit used to cost more than the SC if purchased by itself.  About a year ago GW took the lone Carnosaur off the store and then relisted it at the same price as the start collecting.  So it wouldn't be entirely unprecedented if there was a price drop on Magmadroths.

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