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Posts posted by Tenebris

  1. Yesterday I have played two games against the new Seraphon. The first one was Realmstone Cache against the Starborne subfaction and the second one was Position over Power against the Coalesced faction. I won both but I think I have to thank to the resiliency of our units and the ward save for this. 

    My list was the following: 

    Battle Regiment

    GUO with Witherstave, Nurgling Infestation and Fleshy Abbundance

    Rotbringer Sorcerer with Tunnel Master and Plague Squall

    20x Plagueberers (single unit, reinforced)

    2x Blightkings

    2x Pusygole (2 models per unit)

    Emerald Lifeswarm

    The grand strategy was Corrupt Arcane Nexus and I have scored it both times. 


    In the first game I have faced the infamous Troglodon Bomb. This thing pumps out an average 20 mortal wounds per turn but I was lucky since my adversary placed his Troglodon too close to my lines and it was promptly destroyed on turn one. From then on I had to sit tight for three turn, take all the mortal wounds dished by Lord Kroak and then jump on the two objectives once the central exploded. Here my Pusygole were my MVP tanking his Temple Guard like bosses and then went to score me the lowermost objective while the top most was captured by my Blightkings who walked across the board every turn.


    In the second game I have faced the Coalesced and his -1 Damage had only impact on my GUO sword and flail attacks. I gave my opponent the first turn, held the Raptors charge which bounced from my Blightkings and then I went straight up the middle, killing his Carnosaur, grinding down his Saurus Warriors and knocking his scenery out of the game with my GUO. The big fatty was the MVP of this game since he accounted himself very well and was able to hold his ground against a tide of dinosaurs. The Whiterstave was key here since it allowed me to pump out constantly mortal wounds since my opponents army was stacked near their scenery. 

    All in all the Maggotkin are a blast to play and so far, mine are undefeated in Season 2. Let's see how they will fare in the new Season.

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  2. This army list is exactly 2000 points. 

    I opted to field 20 plaguebearers in a single unit for efficiency and so far they have not disappointed. With Fleshy Abbundance that is 60 wounds to chew through, can reliably tank almost anything that is thrown against them and if you add either Mystic Shield or the +1 Armour Save from the Scrivener, they can tank that much better. I also find them working well with the +1 attack from the Scrivener (which means a lot of attacks due to Veterans) and from turn 2 onward when I have the access to the Sloppity, these attacks have also the potential to inflict mortal wounds. This unit reliably killed 10 Vindictors and following up 10 Sequitors and was even able o hold its own against a Carnosaur and Stegadon charge supported with Bounty Hunters Saurus Knights. It is just a brick which refuses to die and you can throw it against everything and lock it in combat for a few turns. 

    The reason why I start with the Scrivener is because it has the two key buffs to make the brick above work that much better. If I expect a lot of melee damage I opt for the +1 Armour Save, if I have to grind down an unit, I have the option for +1 attack. Considering that my Plaguebearers are Bounty Hunters, that is good damage. 


  3. I am currently on a roll with the following Maggotkin of Nurgle list:

    Battle Regiment 

    Great Unclean One, Bilesword + Flail, Nurgling Infestation, Witherstave, Fleshy Abbundance - General

    Rotbringer Sorcerer, Gift of Disease

    Spoilpox Scrivener

    5x Blightkings

    5x Blightkings

    Bounty Hunters

    20x Plaguebearers

    2x Pusgoyle Blighlords 

    2x Pusgoyle Blightlords

    All from the Blessed Sons Contagium. Spread Rampant Disease Grand Strategy. 


    So far I have played the following missions, The Lurkers Below, Won't Back Down and The Realmstone Cache from GH 2022/23. I have won all three battles though the victory point difference was minimal. 

    I have managed to grind two lists of Stormcasts to dust and one list of Seraphon which was heavy with Saurus Warriors. All in all, I find this list performing well though the last game my Grand Strategy was denied because the Stormcast priest healed himself and ran far away from my units therefore I could not apply the Disease on it. 

    I am considering to switch the Witherstave to a Tome of a Thousand Poxes for my Spoilpox Scrivener and thus give my Sorcerer the Plague Squall spell just for such cases.

    I have yet to fight a mission with more objectives than 4 and I am worried that this is where my Maggotkin will have the most problems against other armies which move faster. 

    As for my summons I go for Sloppity Bilepiper as my first summon for the 6s to mortal wounds for my Plaguebearers and then I follow with two Nurgling Swarms, specifically because I need to either hold the objectives in my deployment zone or to contest middle objectives. I struggle capturing the objectives which are in my opponent's deployment zone. I am also at loss which Battle Tactic to pick each turn. Most require movement and the Maggotkin simply cannot move fast enough to complete them. 


    Any advice how to improve this list. Any tips on how to improve the gameplay of this list?

    I am eager to listen to Grandfather's whispers. 


  4. Greetings

    Much like the Bonesplitterz themselves I feel the call of the Waagh and I have thrown away my armour and my puny steel weapons and I have embraced the visions of Gorkamorka. 

    I currently own a single box of savage orruks which I initially intended to build as a Warcry warband but upon pondering I have decided to collect a proper Bonesplitterz tribe. 

    I call upon you Mork and Gork Bosses to help me on this journey. How should I assemble this box of models? Where to go from here on? Is Contrast a good method to paint this army?

    Can you help me assemble a 1000 points list so I can begin cracking some skulls and taking some teef...

    I am eagerly waiting the words of your Wurrgog Prophets.

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