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Posts posted by Mcm6495

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

     ¿Podría la lista de facciones de Destrucción de la Gran Alianza terminar la cuarta edición con este aspecto?

    1. kruelboyz
    2. Mandíbulas de hierro
    3. Gitz Gloomspite
    4. Ogor Mawtribes
    5. Drogrukh
    6. Hijos de Behemat


    No estoy convencido todavía. Creo que temáticamente tener la astucia de Mork representada por los Kruelboyz y la brutalidad de Gork representada en las obras de Iron Jaws. 

    Si vemos una división, entonces sería más probable que veamos a Malerion y Tyrion llegar con sus propias facciones en lugar de ser una opción dentro del DOK o las facciones LRL. 

    ¿El estudio AoS quiere aumentar el número de facciones? ¿Bajarlos? Mantenga el mismo número. Sería bueno saber del estudio en algún momento su filosofía general. ¿Más facciones mejor? ¿Menos? ¿Cuál es el punto ideal? 


    What I like most about this list you have made is the possibility that we will get the Kragnon race as a faction.

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  2. a question keeping in mind that the Orruks and the Slaves of Darkness received supplements at the end of the third edition does this mean that it is likely that their factions will receive their bateltomes from the fourth edition in the first years of this new edition

  3. Hace 1 hora, Arzalyn dijo:

    Malas noticias para todos los que esperamos que Kruleboyz y Ironjawz vuelvan a ser ejércitos separados...


    That's the box the Orruk currently have so it doesn't have to mean that the Ironjawz and the Kruleboys won't split up.

  4. Taking into account that within 29 hours the entire contents of the fourth edition box will be revealed, I would like to know what you think we will get.

    For my part, since the part that interests me the most is the skaven, I think the box could have the following:

    • New Mounted Crawlord
    • New Warlock Engineer
    • New Clanrats
    • New Warplock Jezzails
    • New Rat Ogor
    • New Artillery Piece
  5. In case the week ahead announces a new miniature from the fourth edition starter box, do you think we will continue with the stormcast or see the Skaven.

    For my part, if another Stormcast miniature is shown, I would like to see a new Stormcast character mounted on a griffin.

  6. There are rumors about what miniatures the stormcast will get for the fourth edition box.

    The only thing I know is that we will get new models of liberators, who have received their new thunderous armor, part of that in the trailer is shown three possible new miniatures that seem to belong to the newly opened chamber of ruin a character in a Gryph-charger , a unit of three miniatures wielding ax and shield, it also appears that there will be takers from the Chamber of Ruin.

    Apart from this, you think that we will get other miniatures, for my part I think that at least we will receive two heroes on foot now, if they will be new models to old models with the new thunderous armor, I don't know.

  7. 4 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

    Solo una lista de deseos de expansión de Fyreslayers de reddit. 



    For my part, I think that if we have a second wave of Fyreslayers, they will most likely be themed to the Lofnir lodge since it seems to be quite different from the other lodges.

  8. 18 hours ago, Danaork said:

    Estoy a favor de Malerion en la 4ª edición, aunque tenga que ser al final.

    I'm with you, I can't wait for Malerion and his faction to finally come out, especially because I want to see how Malerion's elves relate to the rest of the order factions.

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  9. Taking into account that the skaven are the main enemy of the fourth edition, I made this post to discuss the possibility of us getting a unique character, by unique character I mean characters like Thanquol or Lord Skreech.

    Personally, if he releases a character with a name, I would like him to be from the Skryre or Moulder Clans.

  10. 13 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Espero que uno de los ejércitos que necesita urgentemente una Ola 2 (Idoneth, Kharadron y Fyreslayers tienen alcances pequeños y eran ejércitos de la 1.ª edición, por lo que deberían tener prioridad sobre los Bonereapers) obtenga el suyo pronto, luego los Bonereapers (aunque otra banda de Warcry y algunos Las cosas del inframundo me ayudarían a salir adelante). 

    I must say that currently the Idoneth and the Fyreslayers are the only factions of the order that I like so I look forward to them receiving a second wave

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