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Posts posted by RollSixxess

  1. I do wonder if the Hell Crown teases will be an ‘Battle for Oghram’ style launch box campaign - ‘Does Hell Crown fall or is it saved?’.

    Engagement numbers on Leviathan seem to show it was a good PR move at least

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  2. Got a sneaky feeling that Custodes are stuck in the middle of the ‘divorced parents custody battle’ that is Main Studio and Specialist Games as the big ‘who gets it?’ between 40K and Heresy. 

    They definitely won’t get beastmen’d but wouldn’t suprise me to see ‘Heresy in Plastic’ result in the old FW offerings disappear soon after any plastic kits come into practice, even if it’s as iconic as the Telemon ala Leviathan Dreads or anything Solar Auxilia that had IG rules

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  3. I personally just consider that Stormcast are soon their teenage years and so have decided to become goths. Clearly the flaw in reforging is someone eventually shares their vinyl of Disintegration by the Cure and now everyone rides crows. It’s going to be tricky though - How to paint eyeliner at 28mm scale?

  4. Is the Cursed City sprue not going now because you can easily get a copy of the game with that exact sprue in?

    edit : doesn’t the cogfort also mean that Steam Tanks will finally go out to the square prairie too to play with the goats? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    After doing a bit of renewal bingo for the removed SCE I think this is the list that would get something new either with Thunderstrike or as part of the Ruination Chamber:


    Wow can’t believe the launch box contents leaked so early

    • Confused 1
  6. The Squatting Flowchart :

    Is your model one that existed during WFB and currently is being used for Old World? If Y, be concerned (unless you are Night Goblins bc I don’t see an updated Stabbas kit as much as a rerelease of Skull Pass tbh) 

    Is your model one that has just been updated by a model that is the exact same? If Y, be concerned

    GW’s internal issues surrounding production will mean that cuts need to be made. Beasts have been saved the chop completely by TOW. Undoubtably though, we will see cuts rolled out across all of the games to make way for new stuff - today’s announcement seemed to also be confirmation that Underworlds may not be long for this world too

    This thread has seemed to turn into the doomsayers anonymous though - everyone immediately terrified GW will squat every model that exists.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, Sealven said:

    Someone in the Stormkeep discord channel put together this visualization of the Stormcast range before and after the announcement.  1712232392133031m.jpg.0da6d15c39ac4cdf59449afd63c12154.jpg


    Genuinely believe they should have cut Celestant and Star Drake - give the Prime a new model and the Drakecast has already been directly replaced by Dragoncast at this point. 

    Honestly though : we can discuss Beasts being canned for Old World or Bonesplitterz, but given that these models are at most less than a decade old, this is a brutal cull

    Space Marines beware I guess

    • Confused 1
  8. If you have a BoC force, at least sleep knowing SDS will give you something more than Main Studio have the last 10 years.

    Someone might finally do the wild thing and just update a Minotaur without giving it to a random other army or game and calling it an ‘Ogroid’ 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    But newer boxes seem to be built deliberately to become less good in multiples. The Stormcast Spearhead has Yndrasta, a unique character where having multiple of her is useless. The Cities Spearhead had the Cavalier-Marshall, of which you (at the moment) don't want multiple, and the Cannon in it.

    Stormcast will likely get an alternative, like with Space Marines, from the starter set. I imagine Yndrasta is much like the Inceptors for SMs - it makes sense to keep them around as a bundle rather than invest in splitting the sprue into multi-parts.

    Cities though - agreed, it definitely is the spanner in the theory

  10. Just throwing back to the talk about Battleforce boxes and Regiments :

    GW’s ‘modular’ rules sales pitch for AOS 4th and the new Spearhead boxes push me towards the idea that GW is trying to put its ‘discount boxes’ as a central building component towards a list. Using a launch Battleforce/Box as a playable ‘~1000pt core regiment’ for your general, with the idea that a player could buy two ~500pt ‘Spearheads’ to build up two additional regiments really helps an onboarding into the ‘true-scale’ 2000pts whilst also making it easier for a newer player (‘buy these three boxes for an instant army!’). I’d place a good bet on a sales pitch for the new starters mirroring 40k’s ‘Combat Patrol in a Box!’ - just relies if the launch box pushes a ‘1000pts in a box with terrain!’ line as expected.

    I’d imagine it’s more certain if the new Spearheads, like the ones we have seen, are more cohesive in their themes e.g GSG no longer has squigs, troggs and gobbos but is more ‘here is a Squig hero with Squigs galore!’

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  11. Khul gets beheaded by Abraxia after he descends because nothing makes your antagonist look more threatening than if they kill the last antagonist 

    EDIT : Also at what point does Be’Lakor just give up? Vashtorr is now doing his thing in 40K and stole a big scary teleport engine and a large rat became a Chaos God before he did. He finds a way to mess with the immortal lightning warriors who end up becoming Primaris Marines instead. Abraxia is Chaos’s 2nd favourite child now. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Gotta say tho that I prefered the artistic direction in the Leviathan trailer. The shiny boys there really ate more ****** compared to the shiny boys here

    Clearly Stormcast are just better at their jobs fighting endless verminous hordes than Space Marines are at fighting endless chitinous hordes.

    Lightning > Guns 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Ruination Chamber even gave me back even chonkier Stormcast alongside updated OG classic ones.


    SCE clearly showing off their bulking season progress today.

    New armour looks dark fantasy in all the best ways but the shoulder pad under the cloak is just bugging me. That’s a marine shoulder pad - just straight up someone stole that part from a Space Marine in blender. 

    It’s even got the trim! 

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  14. 6 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    A big chunk of the skavendom is going to buy the box, vote, and then go to play TOW, lol

    Jokes on you - you buy the box twice, once for each game! You get a whole extra Stormcast army included that way

  15. Slightly behind - is the case of ‘Sigmar tells Porky Pies’ more of a reference to ‘oh yeah there is definitely a cure for you slowly becoming an automaton!’ (like there is an entire chamber dedicated to finding a cure and Ionus is out here trying to find one too) and not the entire point of the memory loss is to slowly replace the humanity in a Stormcast with the perfect warrior for a God King - unemotional with lifetimes of experience at war? Truly there is no hope of a cure because reforging is designed to take something away that’s unnecessary 

  16. The issue with Clanrats is not updating them locks them out of any potential rerelease come Skaven in Old World ala. what will undoubtedly happen to the rest of the leftover WFB kits. The issue with updating them is I’ve got a box full of the fuckers painted and if I have to paint another 120 of those rats again I’m going jogging down the A1 to steal every lunchbox at Warhammer World

  17. ‘In our attempts to differentiate Stormcast Eternals and Space Marines further, we have decided that Stormcast should become goths - entirely nihilistic in their outlook of their existence as hollow shells fuelled by broken souls fighting for a God King of an Endless Empire. This is to make them different from the Space Marines - very much happy in their outlook on their existence as hollow shells fuelled by broken souls fighting for a God King of an Endless Empire’ GW circa 2024

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