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Posts posted by muse.desire

  1. 3 hours ago, Sception said:

    There are currently 20 FEC warscrolls in the App, not 18.

      Reveal hidden contents
    1. abhorrant archregent
    2. abhorrant ghoul king (on foot)
    3. abhorrant ghoul king on royal terrorgheist
    4. abhorrant ghoul king on royal zombie dragon
    5. crypt ghast courtier
    6. crypt haunter courtier
    7. crypt infernal courtier
    8. duke crakmarrow
    9. varghulf courtier
    10. crypt ghouls
    11. royal terrorgheist
    12. royal zombie dragon
    13. cadaverous barricade
    14. chalice of ushoran
    15. corpsemare stampede
    16. charnel throne
    17. crypt flayers
    18. crypt horrors
    19. royal beastflayers
    20. the grymwatch

    New releases we've already seen:

    1. Ushoran
    2. Gorewarden
    3. Judge
    4. Executioner
    5. Bishop
    6. cryptguard
    7. knights
    8. varghulf (presumably replacing existing model/warscroll)

    20 existing plus seven new is 27, which is how many warscrolls are in the new warscroll pack.

    There's a chance there's still new stuff unrevealed, but only if its new models for existing units (unlikely but desperately needed for the generic courtiers if they remain as units) or if by coincidence there are exactly as many old warscrolls going away as there are new units we haven't seen yet, which while technically possible seems tremendously unlikely.

    Oh, I see what I did wrong. I actually forgot about the endless spells, however there is one model not included in your list.

    The marrowscroll harald! Seeing as this model was just released it seems unlikely to not be included in the new book. Though I might still be wrong of course. This is the first book to come out since the new dawnbringers came out so maybe it won't be included for some reason? But if it is it could mean we're just dropping a single old model but I'm excited all the same.

  2. Hello! So I'm new here but I'm not entirely sure that your count is accurate. According to the current aos app for FEC it lists a total of 18 warscrolls (including terrain) and with the new book having 27 total cards that means we have nine new units, right? But by my count we've only seen seven, including the Gorewarden, Grand Justice Gormayne, Ushoran, The Cryptguard, Morbheg Knights, Abhorrant Cardinal, and the Royal Decapitator. As far as I can tell the new varghulf is just an updated sculpt. So unless they are lame and give the Cryptguard two separate warscrolls for their different wepon types (ie Kurnoth hunter style) we should see a minimum of one or two new units still assuming my count isn't way off.

    4 hours ago, Sception said:

    "27 warscrolls" matches exactly the current count plus the new units we've already seen.  Unfortunate imo, as I've been hoping some existing scrolls would be retired or merged.  For instance, ghoul king on foot and archregeant are not distinct enough in concept, appearance, or function to warrant being two different units imo.  And the Underworlds warband would make a lot more sense as a single unit than as a separate hero and unit.

    And, unless there are more new models coming that haven't been revealed, it remains positively criminal that the generic ghoul, horror, and flayer courtiers are going to remain as key support heroes that you're supposed to build one of the normal box models as when those units can only be fielded in exact multiples of their box size.


  3. Hi all! I've only just recently discovered this site and I'm excited to be a part of the conversation. Currently I play sylvaneth, stormcast, and seraphon, but I planted my roots in this hobby all the way back in seventh edition fantasy so I have plenty of experience and stories to share.

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