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Posts posted by flying_dutchman

  1. 30 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I dont know why they cant at least do just the same on the freaking Warcom articles. Its so disrespectful to talk about your artists that design the bulk of your products whitout using surnames...

    Duncan Rhodes messed that up.  He was a nobody that gw built up to advertise the paints.  Then he left and made his own company even using his iconic catchphrase.  And while he's not the only one he's the biggest.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

    One huge attraction for me in their design in the real world functionality. Armor has actual straps, weapons have mechanisms, weapons are not two ton axes, etc. This is just one design element that I absolutely love on top of soo much more. Anatomy is spot on for me as well. Hell, the mirebrute is hands down THE BEST troll ever done by geedubs imo. 

    I really think it's been underrated just how much of a brave and innovative desicion it was for them to deviate from their tried and true orcsh design history. And I'm absolutely here for it. 

    Don't get me wrong here. I'm a huge fan of classic design that has made it's way into the fantastic ironjawz line. But I'll never look at them the same. 

    This is a big reason behind why I absolutely adore the snarlfang riders kit and hope there's more of them and they stick with it as well. 

    As always, salute to the unsung heros we know as the artists behind these.

    Keep em krule and keep em coming. 

    I still prefer heroic scale to true scale at this size.  Once you get a bit bigger true looks better

    • Like 3
  3. 22 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    I don’t remember there being anything about the Ghyran crusade failing or succeeding in the lore video? 

    One is supposed to succeed and one is supposed to fail.  Are you going to bet money gw is going to let the ghyran crusades beat the shiny new centerpiece model that is releasing with the book.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I think the fact that we know chaos marauders (at least horsemen) and the Lady of Ruin are coming out means there can't not be a book 6. There's no other release window where they'd be able to come since the 4th edition launch set will be the first AOS release after Dawnbringers ends. Also, GW would never announce a final box in a series like this without talking about how it is the final book. 

    Valid points.  I just personally can't see 3 more books being released in the little  time we have in 3rd. It seems like 4 is extensively delayed.  (Like a lot of gw stuff the past few months.)

  5. 7 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Completely forgot about their inclusion in Thondia! I agree: great narrative, so-so rules. Will be a bit salty if we never get another "Season of War" I really liked that idea

    Honestly the Anvil stuff in WD is part of why I subscribed! I felt like 2.0 had a lot of excellent conversion and rule stuff going on in WD: I was enamored with the series of conversions from each of the Mortal Realms

    I'd love if that be the new yearly book.  Just don't make the matched play section a joke and release a ghb the same year.  I'd love for the yearly ghb to have some lore and narrative play stuff and not just be the matched play book.

  6. 26 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I mean that would require ending the Dawnbringers storyline on a book that's primarily about a ghoul insurrection in Hammerhal instead of the Crusades themselves. 

    Not necessarily. They can potentially finish out the crusades in book 4 which is likely with urshoran striking back in book 5 and leading into 4e.  We already know the general plotline of how the ghyran crusades going to go thanks to Warhammer plus.  Maybe the asqhys will succeed in db4.  On maybe db5 makes them both fail.

  7. 4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    So surely this Sunday they announce Dawnbringers IV for Pre Order on Feb 3rd? Like...surely? With another 2 books due before June I think Feb will be Book IV, March Book V and April Book VI.

    Its Broken Realms all over again!!

    I'm doubting book 6 is even a thing and not just a wish at this point.  They might be building up to the chaos release being the skaven in 4e

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Garrac said:

    i dunno, launch boxes of AoS don't sell so crazy fast as the 40k ones. I mean, my shop still has like 3 launch boxes of FEC. It's completely plausible 4th ed lasts for a month if it doesn't update the ninja monkeys.

    Nothing aos sell as fast as 40k.  40k and space marines specifically are gws golden egg

  9. 2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    I would say already now (other than if you play exclusively in a GW store) most games are played on tables which do not use GW terrain kits. They tend to be too expensive and not really good in terms of gaming: no pieces to block line of sight, no flat areas where units can stand on etc. So, in a way GW is already letting 3d parties and the community fill that space, it wouldn't be shocking if they stopped selling it altogher (although I agree it seems unlikely)

    That's irrelevant to gw wanting to produce everything you need to play themselves.  Although I do miss the gw wound trackers and nice special dice they used to make.  And personally I like having official gw terrain to play with at home and wish they'd have more of a selection.  Stuff themed for non human armies like the recent warcry stuff for seraphon is nice.

  10. 5 hours ago, Garrac said:

    I said "more credibility", not that he was all of the sudden a Warhammer preview.

    The avatar of the Horned God thing seems like the thing that contradicts the Singapore rumours the most. I keep thinking that "New Verminlord" bit was refering to new variants for Moulder and Skyrre.

    I just want them to feel like a proper chaos army.  Currently it feels like an afterthought that they were added to chaos(which it is)

  11. 5 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Now that @Whitefang back me uphas more credibility thanks to him predicting greenskins for TOW this month, I think its a good time to remember this rumour he brought up

    8D0D1D73-7519-40DA-B777-1B9E3A74A4F8.jpeg.9dc2a1786a4d6f945cabfbcccce7d61a (2).jpeg

    Doesnt totally contradict the rumours from Singapore, if someone wants to bring those up again.

    Also, if anyone is waiting for camera potato to come back, I dont think its very likely to have one for the starter box. GW seems to have improve much their security since Angron got leaked. The dwarfs dices were already too much surprising to see so early on.

    I mean one is destined to succeed and one is destined to fail.  So maybe the great horned rat can finally feel like a chaos god and change destiny.  Because currently it feels like skaven was a "where do we put these guys on let's just make ghr a chaos god".

  12. 2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    They are war dollies. WAR DOLLIES!!! 🤣


    Salute. 👍

    It sucks at times because you get in more trouble for calling in during a state of emergency.  And I worked all COVID and never got it.  

    • Like 2
  13. Just now, Neverchosen said:

    Yes, Midnight on a cold day is much too late to be watching a preview about toy soldiers.

    It is when you gotta wake up at 4 to showel your truck at and drive to work.  It's bad enough her job already called it and it hasn't even started snowing.  But no I'm essential

    • Sad 2
  14. 2 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

    I get your negativity towards Underworlds for these stated reasons, I really do. However, I think you should see the skaven underworlds releases just like the developers do apparently: these are prototypes for the main release, the effort was always going to be spent creating them anyway, but by releasing them before the main release, it allows you to get a cool  couple of models to tide you over and practice your new painting recipes on, and for them to test out the design and molding process for different details, and potentially to get feedback on what works or doesn't.

    For instance, Slaanesh daemonettes never really grabbed my fancy, but as soon as I saw the first slaanesh underworlds warband I was hooked. You can see they were still experimenting with those models, and you can see how the full release is better for it.

    I think it'll be a quiet preview for the mainline games, it'll be the Skirmish and HH games that get the big stuff imo

    I'd rather they don't release any big armybook updates in that timeslot, a lot of Astra Militarum and World Eater players felt really burnt by having to buy a new expensive codex which was then invalidated barely 4 months later

    Tbf that's only because 10th was a hard restart.  Normally your codex follows into the next edition until that editions codex drops.  Sometimes this hurts.  Like the bonei boys in the begining of 3rd on a 2e battletome.  Although I feel for we players because they need 2 codexs to play one army

  15. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    A Bolt action approach would be simply awesome. I think they put a dice representing each unit in a bag, and each player gets one out every time. That's the unit they move. This would be ace and would add a lovely strategy layer.

    That's terrible.  Random double turns is better than I can only use random unit

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, DD-Lord said:

    But aren't the Stormhosts supposed to be the Stromcast equivalent to Chapters?

    Yea but they don't have battletomes supplements for the big stormhost like they do for the big (player wise) chapters.  This gives specific chapters it's own rules, characters and units. In fact the dark angel one was just announced for preorder

  17. On 1/14/2024 at 5:52 PM, Hollow said:

    Whilst I suspect you might be right, I really hope that AoS doesn't paint itself into a corner by never killing characters with current models. 

    It's double sided.  Gw has a habit of squatting named characters when they die.  Id be pretty pissed if I bought a $100 dollar centerpiece model.  Then spent weeks building and painting it.  Just to see it get squatted not even 6 months later.  Remember the lore is secondary to selling models.

  18. 7 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Ohhh, now you're talking! That'd be glorious. There's so much new stuff they could explore, now that they've fleshed out the individual Chaos factions so much. I love the Liber Chaoticas, I still often refer back to the Slaanesh volume for a quick injection of dark and twisted inspiration! 

    I'd like the principia necrotopia

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