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Posts posted by Lordneylon

  1. Hello,

    I want to play a Starborne Dracothion’s Tail 2K army without Kroak. I am a bit lost and have some questions.

    - Is it viable in a semi-competitive enviorement?
    - How many wizards? Slann+starpriest+starseer+Astrolith is enough for CCP generation? Or better to add also a troglodon Oracle?
    - Which units are good in Dracothion’s subfaction? 5 guard, 10 warriors, 6 krox, 1 Ark of Sotek is a good mix?
    - Which are good strategies when playing Dracothion’s subfaction? 

    Thank you for your advice and list proposals?

  2. Dear friends,

    I want to play a semicompetitive Vostarg army list.

    I would appreciate your kind advice and opinions.


    Auric Runeson (80)
    Auric Runemaster (125)
    Auric Flamekeeper (90)
    Auric Runefather (125)
    Battlesmith (150)

    Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (170)
    Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (170)
    Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (320)

    Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)
    Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)

    Grimwrath Berzerker (105)

    TOTAL POINTS: (1975/2000)


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  3. Dear Friends,

    I am starting a new AoS campaign. 

    It will be my first time with tzeentch. I want to play Eternal Conflagration Host. 

    First game will be at 1250 points and next ones at 2000 points.

    I kindly request your support and advice: Which are 2 eternal conflagration balanced lists at 1250 and 2000 points now that changehost only allows one unit to be teletransported? How many heroes?

    Thanks a lot!



  4. Dear Friends,

    Regarding crematorian list speculation, my 2k proposed list is as follows:


    - 2 x Boneshapers (stay in the backline near morteks)

    - 1 x Soulreaper or 1 x Soulmason (if soulreaper then go agressively with immortis or if soulmason then stay in back or middle line supporting).


    - 1 x 30 Morterk guard

    - 1 x 30 Mortek guard

    - 1 x  5 Deathriders (for some mobility or 1 x 10 Mortek guard to save 50 points)

    (Or 1 x 40 Mortek guard and 1 x  20 Mortek guard to save 80 points)


    - 1 Harvester

    - 6 Immortis (as an anvil and Mortisan heroes protection) or 6 stalker (to put preasure on key enemy units) or 3xImmortis + 3xStalker (to have more tactical options)


    - Endless Spells till achieve 2k

    What do you think?

    In my opinion doing a MW at +5 when dying could be a little bit marginal,  for this reason resurrecting could be crucial for crematorian armies and 6 stalkers/immortis to put preasure could be important.

    Thanks for your comments!


  5. Dear Friends,

    I would like to know your opinion on crematorian viability to be played in semi-competitive enviorement.

    I am in love with this subfaction. I dont intend to use Arkhan.

    Do you think it would be necessary in 2k lists to go minimum 2x40 mortek guard? and to use 2 harvester?

    Or it would be viable to balance a bit the units: 1x40, 1x20 and 1x10 morteks and only 1 harvester in order to include some immortis or stalkers?

    How many Boneshapers without Arkhan, 2?

    Thanks for your comments.

  6. Dear Friends,

    I want to start playing nighthaunt army.

    I play in a semi-competitive enviorement.

    I have soulwars minis. Which is your advice to expand to 2000 points?

    My target is to have a balanced 2k army list that I can have fun, learn de army and win from time to time.

    (which heroes? 2*20 rasps + 1*10 grimghast as battleline is ok? Is black coach worth in a semi-competitive enviorement? Etc.)

    Thanks for your advice!


  7. Thanks a lot for your detailed advice. It is of great help.

    In the case of the 2.000 points list, if I want to play with both, the keeper and shalaxi, which is the most suitable host?

    if I donot want to use Hellstrider, I am forced to use godseeker host to make chariots battlelines?


  8. Dear all,

    I am starting a PURE daemons hedonites of slaanesh army and I would appreciate your advice.

    I have a Keeper of secrets and a Shalaxi and 1 starter set and 1 rapture and wrath.

    At 1000 points and with what I own is bellow list a good list? Which is the most suitable HOST in this case? Do I have to include more heroes? Feel free to advice me changes and/or new units.

    1 * Bladebringer, herald on hellflayer.

    1 * Infernal enrapturess

    10 * Daemonets

    10 * Daemonets

    3 * Fiends

    10 * Seekers

    TOTAL = 990 points

    Which is your advice to expand to 2000 points and include keeper ans Shalaxi?

    Thanks a lot.

  9. Dear Friends,

    I am 100% new to slaanesh.

    I would appreciate your advice for a 2.000 points pure daemons slaanesh army. 

    I do not play competitive at all, but I would like to have a balanced list.

    I own a Keeper of Secrets and a Shalaxi minis assembled and I would like to play both in the same 2000 points list.

    Which host is best in this case? According to the host how I have to build the list (general advice)?

    Thanks a lot for your support!

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