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Posts posted by Dawnmane

  1. 19 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    I totally agree.

    The biggest thing that was noted when the light went out after warhammer fantasy was that the player base, who were for all intents and purposes totally locked into the GW ecosystem started looking elsewhere.

    Players suddenly realised that there was a lot out there to command their money and loyalty.

    I think that this may also be a long term plan in motion.

    Think outside of the gaming box for the moment.   Bandai dolls, marvel comics, funkopops.

    As you say, all you need to do is bring that universe so rich and diverse to the acceptance fo the world at large, and you have something big.... very, very big.

    Think about where the starwars, trek and marvel franchises have all gone.

    What if, just what if, you could get a 40k or AoS film out there with the might of Disney's money and production capability out there?

    You become mainstream, you become accepted and your brand and toys become a thing that everyone will happily buy into.

    All you have to do is lay the groundwork.  The richness and stories from the setting are in no doubt, and nor are the writers and  imagineers.  But for say the likes of a production company to drop a ton of cash to make that movie cinema worthy it needs to understand and feel what it's all about, and what better way to do that than with small indi producers.

    At this point in time, no big fish is going to drop fifty plus million on a punt. But once the small fish have done the donkey work and it's out there and everyone is talking about it, then it gets the attention of the big guys.

    If GW can push the animations and make then trend around the globe them the big fish start to take notice.  My money is a marvel / Disney film within a decade.  Probably 40k, but lets face it, with SFX the way they are now, harry potter, Game of Thrones, the Hobbit et al have shown that the swords and sandals epics are still alive and well if done right.

    My gut feeling is that this initiative is designed to run at a loss in order to accumulate content and interest.  Once the weight of material is there, the rest will follow.

    I just wanted to comment on the whole "this could be a Star Wars League IP": I'm pretty sure it can't. Fans of Warhammer games tend to forget that they only work because fans are able to read the satirical subtext (or don't care about it, which can be a bit worrying). Star Wars is a universe that speaks to a monomythical human desire to fight against oppression, become the person you were meant to be, and happy, reconciliatory endings. Star Trek is (or used to be) to some extent a story about the triumph of humanism. Marvel is about finding your identity and finding value in your flaws in order to protect society.

    Warhammer, on the other hand, is about death, destruction, militarism and violence. It's ALSO a criticism of those things, definitely, but Warhammer fiction outside of its somewhat cutesy plastic miniature iteration will never be summer blockbuster material. That's not because of bad marketing or because people haven't discovered it yet, but because it really leaves no room for the "believe in yourself and be a good person and things will be alright" stories that all the other big franchises rely upon. Also, the fascistoid aesthetic of the Imperium is not going to work in Western cinema, either (I hope!)

    Maybe someone will make a cult hit of a movie out of it, or a grimdark HBO-esque TV series, but it's never going near the big franchises without fundamentally changing what it's about. 

    [edit: had to add this] also: Warhammer is satire, which is not something you can succesfully export to global popular culture without a lot of unfortunate misunderstandings happening. And if it's not satire, it instead becomes a very problematic narrative universe promoting values that aren't getting anywhere near Hollywood in such an unmasked form.

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  2. 41 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I'm really surprised about the lack of excitement regarding Warhammer+. I thought that for Warhammer geeks like us it is like a Christmas gift we always wanted. And the animations look really good. 

    Really? I'm pretty underwhelmed by the animations. Especially Angels of Death, which I think look like a slightly remastered Starcraft 1 cinematic (exaggerating a bit). The CGI AOS stuff looks great, but I think that's just the new edition cinematic and they couldn't help but put it in there.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, willange said:

    I think if Grombi comes out with his own "Dispossessed" faction (with new models) and then THAT NEW FACTION can take a few KO and Fyreslayers per its own allegiance rules that would be fine.  I just would hate to see Fyreslayers and KO get watered down in a combined book the way Orruk Warclans kinda did with Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz.  I honestly don't see GW doing that.

    I completely agree - also: Duardin uniting instead of quarrelling? Seems off-brand. It would be way more duardin-y it Grungni/whoever tried reuniting them and it ended in a giant fight in my opinion.

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  4. Oh no oh no they can't be called Cruel Boyz. Please no. It's completely against all AOS naming convention. Surely it will be the Kruulohr Lordboyz or something.

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  5. 2 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    In the spirit of I-need-to-waste-time-until-the-reveal-tomorrow, everyone post

    -One thing you WANT to be revealed tomorrow

    -One thing you EXPECT to be revealed

    -One thing you DON'T want to be revealed

    - an AOS 3 starter set with something Destructiony versus new Stormcast that can't be reforged and as a result they've gone all Rohan "ride to ruin and the world's end!" riding around on horses in battered armour defendig the Free Cities to the last man/woman to at least go down in history doing something legendary

    - an animated video for AOS 3 and 1 or 2 models
    - the Old World stuff

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  6. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    Death guard and blood angel Codex are suppose to be release in December.

    there is still those Warcry GA book


    6 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    What have we got left? Death guard for pre-order next week maybe. Underworlds in December and general Christmas stuff? 

    Presumably some sort of preview on Christmas.

    Slaanesh for aos and the next broken realms plus the two 40k books in January?


    Underworlds is supposed to come out in early 2021, so I think the Warcry books and the last 40K stuff is most likely - and then a bunch of Christmas boxes.

  7. 32 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    I've thought from the start that what the Warcry war bands need is a hero that directly interacts with the CULTISTS keyword and can buff them in some fun and thematic way

    a chaos priest or something along those lines, it would make loads of sense and tbh I was fully expecting them to bring one out when they did the StD battle tome last year but... well the new models were fantastic but it was hardly an overwhelmingly huge range was it.

    especially as around the same time in 40K CSM got the brilliant little Dark Apostle/Dark Disciple models

    • such a good idea- Some sort of prophet to call them to the Path to Glory. Or maybe someone with the power to pick them for Chaos Warrior training so that they'll fight better to get noticed.
  8. 22 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I don't know. I think GW wants them to be cultist type models and so weaker. They aren't trying to make them compete with Chaos Warriors, knights and such. The Warcry bands are designed to be weaker chaff. The issue is they keep making them just a touch too weak for many. I think with the right buff or adjustment they could be decently powerful; without coming to dominate the army. 

    Lore-wise, this is really important. I originally migrated from Necromunda to Warcry, and in that framework it made complete sense. The Necromunda gangs are so weak compared to military soldiers that they would scream in horror if a squad of space marines descended upon them. Optimally, that's how Chaos warbands should work in Warcry as well. GW kind of messed this up by adding all the non-Chaos warbands in a way that didn't reflect this. I think Stormcast, for instance, should have been twice as expensive as they are now in Warcry, and really be 2-3 model warbands. That would have fit the story so much better, and the same would go for Ironjawz, Fyreslayers etc. Freeguild could have stayed comparable to Warcry Chaos warbands and the game would have been a lot cooler for it.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Broken Realms?! You know what's great at Breaking things? MEGA GARGANTS!! Hopefully for the Preview we get our first look at the Kit or Battletome Cover at the very least!! OR just as likely is that this could be our Psychic Awakening leading into AOS 3.0? Maybe a Realm is about to be torn asunder!!

    This is something to be properly hyped for lads!! I'm assuming the Shadow is as others have said, the Khainte Stalkers.

    I absolutely agree that broken Realms sounds like a Psychic Awakening for AOS - just remember that PA was a Malign Portents for 40k -it might be too early to restart that cycle of influence.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    You know the legend, if you paint your entire backlog, you die. I'll go buy some more just to be safe! 


    On another note, another week that my wallet gets a break!

    Yeah I know that’s why I’m so upset! (I just bought a Secret horcrux Indomitus Judicar which now lives at my friend’s place 10 Miles away, just for safety)

    • Haha 3
  11. 5 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    it makes sense they're getting the starter sets out right away.

    would be a bit weird to release them a couple of months after the hype of the new edition launching had died down.

    starter sets then a couple of weeks of specialist games releases Underworlds, maybe Warcry and then back on it in September.

    I mean sure like any good little capitalist I can't wait to hand over money to them for stuff I don't need but are people really trying to tell me that they don't have a small eco-catastrophe's worth of unpainted plastic tucked away somewhere that they can't be getting on with in the mean time?




    Yup, I’ve only got around 20 models left to paint in my backlog and they’re running out fast

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I wouldn't be worried I bet there is loads to come. 

    I wouldn't be surprised if the rumoured khaine vs slannesh box rumoured ages ago isn't a warcry starter set. 

    My favorite theory is that its going to be Khainites vs Scions of the Flame, and that it’s going to introduce a Magic system.

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