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The Lost Sigmarite

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Posts posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    MK VI was made for the last edition of HH, with all the plastic special / heavy weapons sprues, and including all the marine vehicles that come along with it. You're talking about previous versions of armors : those were indeed released again, but just count the number of new kits at that time - it makes Old World a laughing joke in comparison.

    We should stop seeing Old World as AoS's version to HH with 40k, and see it more like LoTR - a game for a core of veterans with a range built around a core of older plastic models, supported by classic metal sculpts, for which the majority of releases are heroes or FW resin.

    • Like 9
  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I don't think LRL would necessarily have Tirion this edition. Some times they just leave the dots to pick them later on. Like Grombribdal and the rumored duardin unification.

    I think the LRL releases in 4th will be : expand the river temple beyond the Warcry band and do something with what DB has done with LRL (Elania & Elathor retrieving part of the Ur-Phoenix flame).

    I too think Tyrion is for later. GW can't play all their cards at the same time... they're probably keeping stuff for 5th or even 6th/7th edition...

  3. So, Dawnbringers is over... Still think Broken Realms was way better, but at least we had some major shakeups in the AoS universe introduced in DB. What I think it implies for the future :

    • Obviously the Vermindoom and the Ruination Chamber which we already know about.
    • Kurnothi look like they're poised to become something next edition with Thorian going to find Belthanos.
    • Khul becoming a demon prince and how he's described in detail to me 100% mean he's getting a new miniature.
    • Thorian could become a new CoS character or join the Sylvaneth.
    • Elania & Elathor stealing what's left of the Ur-Phoenix Flame could hint at new Lumineth models.

    The campaign had some highs and lows, I think personally it had great ideas to move the overall plot forward, but with inconsistent executions of said ideas. Like some characters acting stupid, some pretty wtf moments, storylines that are hyped to then get resolved in a heartbeat... But overall, the results are good. Destruction got time to shine, FEC are finally out of being a minor faction no one cares about, we get our first glimpse at non-DoK Ulgu elves, GW getting rid of a bunch of AoS1 characters we didn't care about anymore. Overall, ok campaign, I just wish it was a bit more consistent.

  4. 4 minutes ago, cyrus said:



    If I was to guess what the hell this is I’d say probably the new master Moulder. Looks standard Skaven size (not behemoth sized) and heavily mutated enough to tell you this is a Moulder model.

    5 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    - Arch Warlock

    Remember the DB short about the 2 Skaven engineers trying to murder each other ? One of them had a mechsuit. Think that’s hinting at something. Probably this new model.

    • Like 2
  5. GW seems to be going heavy on the “dark Chaos engineering” vibes recently. We have Vashtorr and next up in line are Chorfs. Maybe Vashtorr will get some new friends in 40k one day (I want DarkMech to happen). Anyways, it’s a good time to be a Chaos fan.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Lol, this gave me the image of Chorfs having wrestler-style gates for their fortresses to pop off pyrotechnics whenever they march out, which rocks

    Fire and flamethrowers have always been a staple of Chorfs. I really expect a plastic Dawi Zharr army to have more pyrotechnics than a Rammstein concert.

    35 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    "there are no rats in the Realm of Azyr." is probably the thing you want to hear least from a member of the Order of Azyr when you're trying to whistleblow that your tavern fell in a gnawhole

    Truly a “there is no war in Ba Sing Se” moment. I think earlier editions have said that Eshin deathmasters sometimes slip into Azyr to spy on what the SCE are up to. I don’t think we’ll see a full Skaven invasion of the Realm of Heavens, but maybe some skirmishes between Azyrites and Eshin rats up there ? Definitely a possibility. I’d love an Underworlds/Warcry set about that.

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Will be a big surprise, honestly, but what we got so far (GSG and NH) are reasonable launches for the first bunch of BTs.

    NH always had their Bts release in the first year of a new edition ever since they came out. So it’s not a stretch to say it will happen again.

  8. Do you think the order of the faction focuses somewhat (big emphasis on somewhat) mirrors the launch order of 4.0 Bts ? Obviously we got SCE and Skavens as they’re the starter factions and will be getting their Bts first, but today we got GSG, do you think GSG will be the first Destruction Bt of AoS4 ? 

  9. 33 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    For me it is normal they feel vanilla. The flavour should/ would come with the BT to make it something exciting.

    They feel way less vanilla than what they used to be with the new Ruination grimdark SCE. And you can make them more unique if you want it - like Anvils of the Heldenhammer with skull/bone bits, Astral Templars with warpaints and markings… they’re vanilla which is also an blank canvas for you to customise should you want it. 

    21 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Well, we all know for who's the turn tomorrow


    Sounds like from the celebrity match that the rats can bury in tunnels underneath the board…

  10. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    Rob: I was fortunate enough to be invited to play Spearhead earlier and ever since, the one thing I want to scream at everyone I see is “IT’S NOT AOS COMBAT PATROL.” Sure, that’s a very 40k-centric way of looking at it but I cannot stress enough that Spearhead feels totally different from Combat Patrol, and I mean that in all of the good ways possible. It’s thoughtful, well designed, and well laid out, and it honestly feels more like AoS Kill Team than it does Combat Patrol. It’s a surprisingly deep game which I feel has real legs for competitive play.

    This sounds pretty promising.

    This makes me want to play some factions in Spearhead that I never would’ve thought collecting up to 2000 pts. Since all I need is a box that’s cheaper than a Combat Patrol for the same (or more) amount of minis.

    I always loved Idoneth, Seraphon, Tzeentch and IJ and now with Spearhead I could play these armies without the need to invest a lot in them.

    • Like 4
  11. I ain’t gonna repeat what the thread has said over this launch box already : phenomenal sculpts, great box with generous content, I love the new Skaven…

    The new Lord Veritant is an absolute 11/10. It’s my favourite mini of the whole box and it has Skaven which says a lot about the sculpt. The old one was basically a reskinned Lord Castellan, the new one as the embodiment of justice… just perfect. I love how they refreshed AoS1 SCE. 

    • Like 4
  12. 18 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Funny how they changed the cover of the warhammer FB page to Abraxia, then realised she wasn't up for preorders, quickly changed it back again to 'sigmar lied'. It's still there in the album though.



    Tinfoil hat moment : DB6 was initialy scheduled for preorder next week, but following the passing of Bernard Hill last sunday, I (and GW it seems) felt like a little MESBG commemoration was in order. Hence why they're doing the MTO with Rohan/Helm's Deep minis with 3 versions of Théoden. So that hobbyists can grab old metal minis of the King.

    I'm not mad at GW for DB6 being delayed yet again. They did the right thing. I'll just say, forth Eorlingas, and let the horn of Helm Hammerhand sound in the Deep one last time... "For he was a gentle and a great king and kept his oaths; and he rose out of the shadows to a last fair morning."

    • Like 5
  13. 5 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:


    ok so like i got a french guy in my discord that mention how the Darkoath novel start off tell how Gunnar laments the action of D6 where he couldn't stop the Skaven and a Verminlord from kickstarting the Vermindoom 

    BLInterviewChrisThursten Mar13 Image9

    seemed fake but guess this sort of show that Embergard is gone you can see Talhia over in the corner

    Those that mean that Verdigris ends up being the city that survives ? Would be crazy if that’s the case.

    • Like 1
  14. I'm not doing predictions of AoS4 releases after Skaven vs SCE. Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment.

    Even if I wanna get that Cogfort, and I want the FS/IDK homies to get a little more love this edition.

  15. If I had to bet on BT that will release early on in the next edition apart from SCE and Skaven, I'd actually pick the factions who always start up early on the roadmap based on the previous editions (including 3rd) : Nurgle, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, and either GSG or IJ/KB for the early Destro representation. 

    IDK and Fyreslayers could be there too but I really want them to have a subtsantial release but that can come early on in an edition too (a bit like what the Dark Angels got).

  16. My two cents on the pricing updates : I don't really care because I don't buy my Warhammer minis at MSRP prices now that I have a reliable 3rd party retailer that sells GW products at a -10% discount, and it's probably gonna make people buy even less at MSRP prices. Which leads me to say "never buy GW products at MSRP prices" but I think you already know that by now.

    As for the price increase in itself ? Looks like greedflation to me. We were willing to understand why they increased prices a few years ago because of Brexit, but Brexit is over now and most importantly they're making record profits as we speak. They're just saying "everything's getting more expensive" so maybe the raw materials they bring to Lenton to turn into their products are getting more expensive, but they never confirm this. This is just murky guesswork. And most importantly, Warhammer was already expensive to begin with - but if it makes people more responsible and think twice before buying, then it's a L for GW, a W for us and I'm happy with it.

    • Like 2
  17. 15 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Alright, since we’re talking about this I’ll throw in my line: bring the tomb kings back to AOS. Seriously, just create a Ancient-Egyptian/Middle Eastern themed faction that focuses on warmachines and fast attack, create an oc Mortarch (I’m thinking “Mortarch of Eternity”) and have them be all about slowly expanding Shyish’s influence throughout the realms(desertification).

    No. Tomb Kings need to remain in TOW so that the Ossiarchs can stand on their own without their old inspiration competing on their turf for the "organised undead empire" slot.

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