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Lord Kroak

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Posts posted by Lord Kroak

  1. 3 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

    I still think we might see dual-purpose kits for some of the TOW factions and AOS Dawnbringer Crusades. Generic bodies with different bits and weapons for each faction. Time will tell, but the aligning of the releases in a two-year window is of interest.  I am sure they will be interoperable. 

    I don't think that will quite work. Judging from the arm sculpts, TOW human units will be 28mm heroic scale rather than the 32mm true(ish) scale that AoS uses.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    While I have to agree that this seems a bit too plausible and based on preexisting info, coming up with unit names like "Collegiate Arcanist", "Freeguild Steelguard Veterans" or "Freeguild High-Generaltor" requires basically the same amount of effort as just using generic names if we are talking about faking rumours.

    It's not a matter of effort or creativity, it's about making claims vague enough that they're more likely to fit whatever units are actually released (the Barnum effect).

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  3. 10 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    @Empirian23 sate my thirst for Seraphon rumors and let me know what is getting revealed at Adepticon. 

    He doesn't know what's coming, his "rumors" of forthcoming Cities units is just a list of generic WFB Empire units.

    99% of the time, when someone posts a rumor of forthcoming units, but uses generic names for them like "wizard" and "general", he's just wishlisting. 

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  4. Would love to see a new special character—maybe a kroxigor ancient with his skink buddy on his shoulder, casting spells or firing off blowpipe shots while he wrecks stuff with his club—but I can't really see it happening. 

    I think this seraphon wave was motivated largely by the fact that there are now many high-quality space-Aztec-themed lizardmen miniatures available from STLs and 3rd party manufacturers. If so, GW will want to ensure that every seraphon entry in the battletome has a high-quality plastic model so people don't resort to proxies. For this reason I think every Finecast model in the old battletome will either be replaced, consolidated (e.g. sunblood & oldblood combined into one warscroll) , or removed. I don't think GW will add any other new entries to the battletome (aside from maybe unique characters) because seraphon have a wide range already.

    So, I think the only stuff left to spoil is new kroxigors, cold one riders, and maybe an oldblood on foot with different weapon options. When combined with everything else, it still amounts to one of the biggest updates this game has ever seen.


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  5. Cool new starseer(s). I think the standing version's pose would look more natural by swapping its staff-holding arm with the sitting one's, so that it looks like it's using the staff to support its weight. Hopefully the arms are interchangeable.

    The fact that you can build two versions of a model that would usually only be a one-of in an army makes me wonder whether Tetto'eko will return in the new book. Seraphon need some special characters, and it's easy to explain away the survival of lizardmen from the World-That-Was due to their starborne nature. Plus, having different rules for both variants of the kit would incentivize people to buy two boxes instead of one.

    But, since that would be the most logical option, GW probably won't do it.


  6. Longtime lurker here, thought I'd post just to clarify what we know about the seraphon release.

    Besides the already confirmed Slann, Saurus, Skink Cavalry, and Astrolith Bearer, the release will likely consist of the following:

    - New Kroxigor - confirmed by Whitefang

    - New "Salamander"/Razordon kit - hinted at by Whitefang

    - New Cold One Knights - hinted at by Adam Troke during the Bloodpelt Hunter reveal (the hunter's quiver is a reptilian head that looks a lot like a redesigned cold one, and Adam said we'd soon find out what creature the head belongs to).

    I think that'll be all the big kits that seraphon receive this year, though they'll probably also get one or two plastic heroes as those are currently lacking in the range. Maybe an oldblood with different weapon options?




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