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Posts posted by thetenyear

  1. Quote

    I'm looking to make a list that's gonna be fun for both players, and not too one dimensional. I keep looking at potential lists and it feels like the non big heroes aren't as worth it, but keep feeling like I'm low on units.

    You will always have a low model/unit count for Nurgle tbh, it's one of the difficulties playing the book. I like the second list more, the first list doesn't have as much of a focus as the second. Second one has a unit of PB's to hold the back objective and then you can split the remainder into 2 forces if you want, or have a flanking force with the LOA and drones in a smaller Battleplan. The key will be to play with the blightkings in the center most part of the map and deployed in a way that they aren't caught out off to one side isolated and useless for half the game.An example is tagging the outermost edge (in the direction of the center of the map) of an objective to capture it. 

    The only change you might make to the second list is to take nurglings instead of the pusgoyle but that largely to taste, pusgoyle with be better in combat but not as good at generating those sweet summoning points. Also a consideration is if you only have 1 nurgling unit you might want to save that as a summoning option?

    Unless you are running Pusgoyle or beast spam you won't have to worry about out classing opponents. And having more units that are 8" move will be funner for you to personally play I feel since having low movement on almost

    everything can feel unnessecarily punishing at times and you will be forced to forfeit really early depending on certain situations.

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