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Posts posted by UltimateManiac

  1. Its crazy how our playing experiences differ :) in all this games i played my Warden were far off from making huge damage. Yeah they have that -1hit effect, but to keep that effect they cant charge and only have a 1" Pile in, also the bases have to touch 2 other bases each others, so you cant place them in long lines. 

    Also where comes hat d3 Mortal Wounds from, Moonfire Flask? They only get a +1 Wound and +1 Rend on Charge and most of the time there is nothing left from the warden after they got charged. Most of the times i play against Fyreslyer, Seraphon, Soulblight and Orruks. Sentinels do nothing against 60 Zombies and some Units can also pass the Mortal Wounds on a 3+ to other units. Fyreslayer just run over everything and they benefit quite well with the new GHB. 

    Please dont get me wrong, surely Lumineth got some good stuff, but i feel like every army got some other good stuff too :)

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  2. 6 hours ago, MotherGoose said:

    Oh yea I agree with a lot of what you've said but this one hits home.

    LRL heroes are unkillable for a round and near enough the whole battle, especially when garrisoned. A little 5 wound hero once tanked my prince vhordrai and some other stuff as he was sat in the waterfall scenery.

    I charged him, and he popped +1 to save command, used the gem thing LRL have for +1, was in scenery for +1 and -1 to hit, so a 100 point 5 wound hero suddenly was -1 to hit and immune to rend 3 and had a 5+ ward.

    I really hope they remove save stacking. The +1 command is fine if there is very minimal access to other buffs, with an army like LRL its way too good. It may be better if cover provided something different, such as reroll 1s or something.

    Would be interesting to hear what else he got in his Army. +1 Save Command = -1CP, Gem can be used just by one unit per phase and its gone, also -1 bravery. Scenery can happen, thats not Lumineth exclusive. Lumineth has no Heroes >130 Point (before new GHB) so i would realy like to know what else he got in his Army. 

    I just started playing AoS like 6 Months before and im really struggling with my Lumineth. Sentinels do a decent Job, i dont get the hate they receive. I got a pack of 30, thats 29 shots with MW on 6+. 5+ if you get the spell through. Even if they all shoot on one target thats around 5-7 MW. Sure maybe it will kill small Heroes >7 Wounds, but thats not guaranteed and its 500 Points shooting at 150 Points. 

    The 5+ Ward comes with Teclis (remember 740 points) and all he does is the same thing every turn, Protection of Teclis, (5+ Save Bubble), Total Eclipse and maybe a Spellportal and his Damage Spell or something like Teleportinig Vortex. That's 1200 Points - the rest of the army cant compete against anything else in the game. Warden can't screen anything on the board, Alarith are a joke with the current book. What else do we have, where comes that the hate from?

  3. Hi Folks,

    are there any good Alarith-Lists around or is Alarith kind of ****** at the moment?

    Got a few games with a list building around Avalenor with a Stonemage, Loreseeker, Cathallar, 20 (4x5) Stoneguards and 30 Sentinels, etc but there is just no impact and i dont feel like to be a threat on the board 😔

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