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Posts posted by DwarfsOnly

  1. 3 hours ago, Ragest said:

    That is before lvo

    It's after the rules cut off. People don't want it until after but GW has historically not given a ****** about LVO as it pertains to the battlescroll release. It would also be nice for armies that are at the bottom to maybe have a shot at winning a couple more games, but some people have based their lists entirely on things we all know a nerf is coming for and are dreading it.

  2. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    That doesn’t sound right as there only two in the book if I recall correctly

    There are four main tournament archetypes, and I've seen a few others floating around.

    1. Vulkites + Flamekeepers. Most popular since LVO/New GHB. Usually in Vostarg, sometimes Greyfyrd, backed by supporting cast of Heroes, HGB, and/or a droth.
    2. Lofnir 3 droth w/ Vulkite or HGB support. Popular in the previous GHBs.
    3. Oops all Grimwraths. Self-explanatory. Sees occasional tournament play and has notched some wins due to having extremely strong matchups though also very weak ones.
    4. Control Lofnir. Droth heavy with AHG and KO Nav and/or Runelord support. Heavy on invocations. Has seen sporadic play in tournaments, mostly in the previous GHBs (Lofnir as a whole has fallen off).
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  3. 53 minutes ago, madmac said:

    . People who don't like Fyreslayers get this idea in their head that practically everyone also dislikes Fyreslayers and that they're a waste of space, etc etc.


    Yea, I was watching Warhammer Weekly the other day, Vince was on his usual rant about Fyreslayers being the worst thing that has ever come to be and every moment they are in his vision is a moment of pure suffering, or whatever. So him and the co-host talk about FS having a low meta-representation. And I was like... uhhh, what?

    Last I checked, Fyreslayers had a higher meta rep. than half the armies in the game, including Tzeentch, Khorne, DoK, Ironjawz, and everyone's favorite Seraphon. Source: TSN Age of Sigmar Stats. Woehammer's stats also bear out they are more popular. So it really is people who hate them just think everyone else does, too.

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  4. You choose the subfaction when you pick the army, this is the very first step. It's not retroactive. Nothing is retroactive, here that isn't explicitly said to be. Battle Traits are gained before enhancements as well.

    To clarify again, this is the ordering:

    1. Pick your army (1.1). This includes allegiance/subfaction.
    2. Pick Units (25.0~). Note 25.5.1, "Conditional Battlefield Roles." 
    3. Battalions are chosen (26.0).
    4. Check allegiance abilities and gain subfaction (27.2) It's important to note that by this point you have already picked all the units from your army as well (including the endless spell).
    5. Enhancements are chosen (27.3).

    No, nothing is retroactive. I guess technically the only "retroactive" part is that the subfactions themselves are picked when you pick the army (as per subfaction rules in the tomes) even though they aren't specified to be "checked" until later. But even this check is before enhancement choice. 

    So yea, it is stopping you. But keep on doing it, no reason not to if your local TOs aren't stopping it. I believe it has been denied at most larger events, however.  It definitely needs and FAQ just to make it explicit regardless which way it goes.

  5. 23 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:


    To go further, you don't unlock sub allegiances and therefore battleline-if from those until after battalions are picked, so if you picked a bunch of blood knights in a Soulblight list, your list would technically be illegal and have no battleline even as you tried to bundle them in to a battle Regiment, as you don't unlock Kastelai til you get to choosing your subfaction.


    You actually unlock sub-allegiance (i.e. subfactions) at the Allegiance Abilities phase, which is done during army building prior to battalion choice and enhancement choice in 3.0. This is noted in 27.2.1: "Some factions contain one or more subfactions. The battle traits for the faction tell you how or if you can pick a subfaction for your army." This means they are part of the battle traits determined when you take the allegiance. 

    Essentially, this is the order:

    1. Pick you Army, including allegiance
    2. Pick you units. This includes endless spells or invocations. 
    3. Battle Traits are gained when allegiance is chosen. Battle traits include choice of subfaction.
    4. Choose your battalions.
    5. Choose your enhancements.

    For your example of Soublight. You:

    1. Choose Soublight Gravelords
    2. Pick your units. This includes any conditional battlelines that are now battleline due to previous step. This also includes any endless spells.
    3. Gain their Battle Traits including "The Cursed Bloodlines" battle traits which includes the text, "When you choose a Soulblight Gravelords army, you must give it a lineage keyword from the list below."
    4. Choose your battalions. 
    5. Choose your enhancements.


    So here, as we can see in the example. You choose an army before you choose battalions and enhancements. The cursed bloodlines specifically say it is at this point you choose a bloodline.

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  6. 27 minutes ago, Oldhat said:

    Arcane Tome? Thoughts? I'd love some feedback on this list, especially since I have all but I think the Runesons and 5 AHG built, so I can get this on the table pretty quick (lmao not really, because I got to paint everything).

    I like that list much better. And yea, Arcane Tome or Ash-Cloud are probably the way to go, depending on your local Meta. I, also, might instead drop 5x Auric HG for a Grimwrath and stick him with a Magmalt Ale. But the smiter dropping 15x ahg gives solid pressure for opponents to protect their backline, which frees up your front. Seems like an improved list!

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  7. 53 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Yeah it's never been an issue at all, I've only been aware of one person raising the concern on Twitter. It's been allowed here in the UK without ever being questioned.

    It's been allowed a few places, mostly because many TOs either don't care or don't know the rules. But technically it is not valid. The reason is pretty straight forward: you build your army list before you choose enhancements. Since endless spells are chosen when building your list, you do not have a wizard to choose them. Then, after that step, your enhancements are chosen, but you are past choosing an endless spell.

    This is noted in: 27.3 where it notes enhancements are chosen after battalions.  In 26.0, battalions are picked after you have created your army. It's fairly clearly written in the core rules.

  8. Your list, Oldhat, is actually not valid. While people don't always enforce it or know, you can't take Endless spells if by taking an arcane tome. Now, you could ally in a wizard from SCE or CoS to remedy this, such as a Battlemage. But I'm not sure Gravetide is the best option. Lifeswarm seems like the more obvious go-to. I would say you'd be better off getting rid of it for an invocation, though. All of them are decent.

    I'd also rethink Lofnir if you're not using Runesons on droths, it seems like you'd perform better as Greyfyrd. 

    I know you didn't ask for feedback, but I thought you'd want it anyway.

  9. For those wondering how our fellow Slayer brethren are doing out there in a couple early, pre-FAQ tournies.

    • In my local area a player went 2-1 with a Runefather on Droth led Greyfyrd. He beat SCE and SBGL, but lost to another SCE.
    • This fellow went 3-0 with a Greyfyrd all-foot list using HGB and Vulkite shields.  He beat S2D, Morathi - DoK, and a big-dragon Krondys SCE.
    • This cool dude went 3-0 with a Lofnir 6-magmadroth list. Two Dads and their four sons. A happy family. He faced, DoK, BoC, and Tzeentch.

    It seems we already are seeing some lists honing-in on Greyfyrd as the main list. Though that might just be early adopters, so we'll see if new and exciting things pop up. I definitely think we're already seeing much better performances than in the old book; it's always great to see big improvements!

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  10. Alright, sixth game in today. I need to get in quite a few more as I continue to experiment with weird stuff.

    So this makes battles vs. Big Waagh, Skaven, GSG, SBGL, SCE, and now DoK. I'd say the SCE, SBGL, and DoK (kinda) were "meta" lists. I've won each, though that's partially due to luck in Big Waagh!'s and DoK's cases. SCE was, in part, due to a big misplay by my opponent, but those are part of the game, too.

    Both Greyfyrd and Vostarg have performed admirably for me and I can confidently say: Vulkites are way better and more useful now, Grimwrath can be a missile or a monster, Runefather is an absolute beast, and Runemaster has seen probably the biggest glow-up. Also, a surprise to myself: I have found some niche uses for Auric Hearthguard; mostly as a tunnel unit to apply backline pressure/hit supports, but also as a forward screen meant to put out a little ranged damage and then die to feed flamekeepers or allow Vulkites to ensure a charge. Still, I'll try to get in way more games before I can confidently get a handle on how powerful things really are.

    As I finish my Runeson on Magmadroths I'll begin trying out Lofnir. I've already abandoned Hermdar, what a hilariously bad ability. 



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  11. 26 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

    I bought fury of the deep, primarily for the idoneth, but I also plan to keep the fyreslayer half to use as a small army in itself and to maybe use for Barak Thryng. If I enjoy painting them I may even expand them later (I quite fancy painting a Magmadroth).
    To be honest tho, I don’t know much about Fyreslayers.
    Does anyone have any advice on how best to assemble the minis from Fury of the Deep?
    Hearthguard or Beserkers? Or should I go 5 & 5? What weapon option?

    Also what’s the best option for Vulkites?

    I know these things are highly subjective but I would appreciate any input you have.

    Vulkites are situational. Shields are a better tarpit, axes are a better damage dealer/main battleline.

    Assemble as 10x Hearthguard. Aurics are far more situational and rarely used. Poleaxes and Broadaxes both have use. A lot of people like Broadaxes, but Poleaxes are the more universal choice as they work in all situations while Broadaxes work much better into less tanky armies.

    Make sure to assemble them such that the heads are easily removed before painting. Painting with the heads on is much more difficult as their beards get in the way. 

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  12. 49 minutes ago, Ser_namron said:

    ISomeone earlier here mentioned pulling from the front line to get outside 3" then rallying, that Definitely seems like the move. You can rally in any hero phase if I'm not mistaken? So doing that even if they get a double turn to charge right back in you'll get to get 1 rally off first. 

    Yes, it's at the start of any hero phase. The picture below is an example of this in practice. Front row was 1" from rear row as a self-screen. That was a unit of 20 axes originally. Seven of them were up front spread along the zombies to "catch them" knowing they pile-in 6" (rare ability). They did 12 wounds (there were a lot more zombies before fight on death), I removed most of the screen, intentionally leaving 1 out of coherency. I picked up the out of coherency one and was >3" from zombies. He double turned me but I rallied back 7 of the 10 Vulkites and put them down in a line at the bottom with a triangle at the end to screen my smith/runemaster form the wolves coming in. He ended up having to commit too much to this singel objective.


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  13. 8 hours ago, Doko said:

    As i said many times,smith is 100% useless. The ward cant be used by hg and we have many others wards in our book.

    The rally is useless being only out of melle,and 150 points is as 50 overcosted.also no chance to defend him.so easy as if enemy have shooting he gonna be deleted the first and if enemy havent shootimg then you cant use rally because models are in combat

    And vulkites have too much low damage to even consider bringing them to a competitive game.

    Well, won my game against Soulblight today off the back of the Smith and Vulkites. I was testing a Vulkite heavy Vostarg list. Which I'll post below. Basically a way to test the "less than desirable units."

    So even with a 2+ save the Vuilkites were able to kill the opponents Lauka Vai along with bocks of zombies with no issue. I also probably rallied back 40 vulkites throughout the game. When the opponents zombies and heroes cleared them I would pull to outside 3" and then rally at start of next hero. At one point I had a block of 30 down to 2 Vulkites left but rallied back 16 of them to have 18 in the unit which promptly blew Lauka Vai on the charge.

    Aurics were bodyguarding for a vulkite-wrapped Runefather that did work since I knew zombeis would pile in 6".  

    My opponent had offensive spellcasting, but I managed to negate it with Nulsidian combined with terrain blocking LoS. 

    My buddy won a game off IDK (running new book, too) with Greyfyrd running heavy Shield Vulkites. 

    Oh, also the Molten Infernoth has been a beast in all 3 of my games with new book. Just dumping MWs on people.

    Maybe there's more juice in these units you've written off? Perhaps you should play some games.


    List (EDIT: will probably modify it a lot, but was a first run):
         - Subfaction: Vostarg
         - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
         - Triumph: Indomitable
    Auric Runemaster (125)**
         - General
         - Command Traits: Master Priest
         - Prayers: Heal
    Auric Flamekeeper (90)**
    Auric Runefather (125)**
         - Artefacts of Power: Axe of Grimnir
    Battlesmith (150)***
         - Artefacts of Power: Nulsidian Icon
    Auric Runesmiter (135)***
         - Runic Iron 
         - Artefacts of Power: Volatile Brazier
         - Prayers: Prayer Of Ash
    Battlesmith (150)***
    30 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (510)*
    20 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (340)*
    10 x Auric Hearthguard (250)*
    1 x Zharrgron Flame-spitter (55)
    1 x Molten Infernoth (70)
    1 x Magmic Battleforge (0)
     -  *Hunters of the Heartlands
     -  **Command Entourage
     -  ***Command Entourage
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App 


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  14. I like the scheme you went with, they look particularly molten. 

    My lodge is still light on lore. I got a few ideas shaking around in my head for the next path to glory. Probably some sort of Dwarves who get high off their runes like it's Peyote and then rave out. You can see the color scheme I went with lends to this.

    I'm currently working on a Runeson on Magmadroth, but it's still very early on, I only have the base coat down. My two runesons on magmadroths are only things left to paint.





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  15. 7 hours ago, Lechu said:

    Can you post your list? Thx

     - Army Faction: Fyreslayers
         - Subfaction: Greyfyrd
         - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
         - Triumph: Inspired
    Auric Runefather (125)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Spirit of Grimnir
         - Artefacts of Power: Axe of Grimnir
    Auric Runemaster (125)*
         - Prayers: Heal
    Auric Runesmiter (135)*
         - Runic Iron 
         - Artefacts of Power: Volatile Brazier
         - Prayers: Prayer Of Ash
    Battlesmith (150)***
         - Artefacts of Power: Nulsidian Icon
    Auric Runeson (80)***
         - Ancestral War-axe
         - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
         - Spells: Flaming Weapon
    Auric Flamekeeper (90)***
    15 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (480)**
         - Flamestrike Poleaxe
    15 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (480)**
         - Berzerker Broadaxe
    10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (160)**
         - Fyresteel War-pick and Bladed Slingshield
    1 x Grimwrath Berzerker (105)*

    - Draught of Magmalt Ale
    1 x Molten Infernoth (70)
     -  *Warlord
     -  **Hunters of the Heartlands
     -  ***Command Entourage
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


    This will definitely see changes from me. It was first list and just testing. The spirit of grimnir was particularly just to see if it was impactful. Maybe too swingy for my taste though it did give me an enhanced rune twice in both games.



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  16. Tested a Greyfierd-HGB-Heavy list against two armies. One was a Trogg heavy GSG, the other was Thanquol-led-Skaven with 6x Stormfiends. Both are lower-tier armies, so I won't do a batrep breakdown. I handled both their lists easily despite at least one of my opponents being much better at the game than I am. So all I can really say from it is that the army definitely is significantly improved from before. Even with Hermdar both those players and their lists could and would give me headaches, particularly the Skaven.

    MVPs: Wyldwood producing spell vs. Skaven. Grimwrath Berserker w/ Magmalt Ale vs. GSG.  Also Molten Infernoth just completely dunked on both of them.

  17. 4 hours ago, Malakithe said:


    Same concept would apply to the attacks for the Runefather.

    22.2.4: "Apply modifiers that multiply or divide a value before applying modifiers that add to or subtract from a value."

    I don't know why this has to be said over and over, but Age of Sigmar is not 40k.


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  18. 4 minutes ago, woolf said:

    eg Fyreslayers should have come across this I suppose so their players should know?

    Yes, All first strike effects take place. Then normal fight takes place. These are separate instances and I will give two examples below, actual examples that happened in a tournament. Essentially, the combat phase splits into three mini-phases and if a player with one first-strike unit can activate it and then their regular combat phase units in succession, essentially fighting twice in a row. Yes this was a thing constantly used by Fyreslayers.

    Example 1: Fyreslayers vs. Stonehorn  (both previous tomes, but with 3.0 rule set).

    Hearthguard berserkers charge a group of Ogors. A CP is spent by the Fyreslayers play giving the berserkers first-strike. The Hearthguard berserks with the first-strike effect fight. The first-strike mini-phase is now over. The Fyreslayers then choose another unit to fight as they enter normal combat phase.

    Example 2: Fyreslayers vs. IDK

    Hearthguard berserkers charge Eels. It is round 3 and the Eels have first strike. A CP is spent by the Fyreslayers play giving the berserkers first-strike. The Berserkers activate as the FS player has priority, then the rest of the IDK army activates, then the Fyreslayers finish activation.



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  19. Am I the only one excited to throw some builds on the table? I got some lists that look quite potent, especially with the new artefacts. These artefacts are an absolutely MASSIVE improvement. Also the Runemaster is now a must-have, especially with the new prayer causing wyldwood effects.

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  20. 45 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Yes,no reason to play grimwrath now,and now that is a alegiance and not in scroll they have been deleted as ally also

    Uhh, the reason to play them is because they can almost kill a gargant in a single turn with magmalt ale.

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