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Posts posted by Jarminiatures

  1. 14 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The source said that the past Wednesday:

    "For the release date, I am honestly not sure...next is Tzeentch (i read it already) but Lumineth was supposed to be at the same time. But I had no info on the release date... But I also know that Ogors and Sons are coming soon (next week for affiliate) ... So Lumi has been pushed back or some affiliates didn't got them (it could be possible because the Votann full leak did big dmg internally )"

    Did your source hint if there's anything extra coming with the Lumineth? That mysterious model behind the mountain in the warcom article has plenty of us intrigued 

  2. 3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Just so we're clear here, This is what 9 boltboyz (360 points) looks like damage wise with and without buffs.

    Heres the missing boltboy profile and 20/30 blissbarbs (280/420 points)

    330 points of the new sentinels have a higher threat range than boltboyz (30" threat vs 24", or 27" in big yellers), outdamage them against all but the 17" or 20" profile on low saves, and are significantly more durable (20W vs 18W, 5+ save vs 6+ with far better bravery.).
    They compare pretty well vs blissbarbs too, doing better vs anything but terrible saves per point.

    Kruleboyz might not be good, but boltboyz are a solid shooting unit, and short of spending 400+ points to buff them sentinels compare very well against them. They don't really seem out of line at all to me.

    I mean I don't think you'd find many people who would say Kruelboyz don't need a boost? Game balance shouldn't be a race to the bottom.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 21 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    Obviously there's more in the tome but, yeah, I'm getting GW overcorrection vibes all over this.

    I was playing at a tournament over the weekend so only really catching up, but that is definitely the vibe for Lumineth IMO and it actually feels punitive.

    Caveating that it's a box and not a battletome, Bladelords and Dawnriders needed to come down in points, not go up! Likewise, the changes to Sentinels are welcome for the benefit of everyone but they are now overcosted. The thing is too, the rumours that talked about 24", no LoS back a few weeks/months also heavily hinted at Lambent Light being nerfed and so I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that there's an extra nerf coming in the near future.

    I took a quick look at some numbers with 20 Sentinels vs their best benchmark - Reavers (also 20). With the changes from the box they're still similar points (now 165 vs 170 per 10) but now have a similarish effective threat range (30" for Sentinels vs 26" for Reavers) that is now much closer in quality (i.e. Sentinels don't ignore LoS rules anymore). I couldn't factor in the Sentinels' targets potentially not getting a cover save and Sentinels having Aetherquartz, or Reavers getting +1 to hit within 9" - but I don't expect the impact would be material.  I've done two scenarios each, where Sentinels have Power of Hysh in both (which isn't guaranteed but is probable) and then with and without Lambent Light as it currently stands (I've presumed the re-work severely nerfs it, I accept this is a presumption for this scenario). I'm unsure how exactly the calculator is figuring out the re-rolls with regards to Lambent Light MW fishing, but also there was no way to take an attack away for Sentinels since the High Sentinel can't shoot so every single Lumineth value below is slightly overstated. 

    All in all - I think as a rudimentary calculation this is okay.

    In every single scenario, as armour saves improve Reavers fairly quickly catch up and then surpass Sentinels yet they cost nearly the same. 





    6+ WARD



    5+ WARD



    4+ WARD





  4. 2 hours ago, relic456 said:

    Anyone else catch that Shining Company looks to be different? It's moved to the Bladelords warscroll and reads like you can break and remake it.

    "Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit if the base of each model in this unit is touching the base of 2 or more other models in the same unit."

    Also doesn't mention any restrictions around runs, charges, or pile-ins.

    You can re-form Shining Companies now too. All in all those Shining Companie changes are a welcome small buff, but not game changing for Bladelords still being too weak.

  5. 1 hour ago, MotherGoose said:

    The huge swings are what ruin it. I've played nagash vs teclis and 30 sentinels before and nagash died turn 1. It was a mixture of horrendous luck on my part (misscast on first spell) and disgustingly good luck on my opponents part (teclis hit everything through portal and got so many 6s, archers hit a crazy amount of 5+s).

    Setting aside how unlucky you were in this scenario, and that LRL with Teclis are kind of a hard counter to him for this, but surely the most NPE thing in the game is Hand of Dust? For the 95%+ of models in the game that don't have an ignore or reduce/negate damage from this - it's a straight up 50/50 if you die. At least with Sentinels you have to commit one of the max five chances you get per game with 340/510 points worth of models into one target to maybe kill them.

    On Teclis' autocasting too, whilst the risk of the miscast is removed with Teclis, I'd rather have 8 casts with a 3+ than 4 autocasts. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    I don't think people complain about LRL being to powerful (except for a few people that probably haven't played that many times against them) but it's all the NPE, for example the foxes that non-shooting armies can not do much against or our famous sentinels.

    Sentinels make it pretty much impossible to bring important 5-6 wounds heroes since you can not hide them so unless they have a ward save a unit of sentinels can delete them first round without you being able to anything to counter that. Same damage against my 40 unit of zombie will kill about 5 zombies which isn't a big deal. 

    So if GW removes the most prominent NPE they can actually give some buffs to LRL and most people will be happier even if the army might rise in win percentage.

    My concern is that the discourse, both online and in person, is so overwhelmingly negative about Lumineth that it's creating a kind of feedback loop where people think they need nerfing and tweaking because they're still busted or horrible without realising that the book is so imbalanced that it needs buffing in areas. It's only a personal opinion, I think the grumbling from some players at the level of support Lumineth received feeds into it too - even if they casually forget that a lot of players waited years to be able to play a fully fledged high elf-esque faction in the game.

    As people have noted, competitively Lumineth haven't been relevant for a while (mainly points hikes and the Unleash Hell tweak). I agree that the most egregious NPE needs tweaking yet go back a page here and someone is moaning about Total Eclipse. At my last tournament, I was facing a gargants player and they moaned massively about me using Darkness of the Soul on a mega. I know this is a bit ranty but it feels difficult to not get the stigma that you're That Guy as a Lumineth player.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. So are people willing to accept buffs for some Lumineth units to address the poor internal balance? Otherwise all the expected NPE "fixes" that sound like they're coming down the line will leave the upcoming book in a bad state.

    I know it'll be a case of world's smallest violin for Lumineth players amongst a lot of the AoS playerbase at the thought of Lumineth struggling but at its core it's a low resilience army, with a few magic tricks and with the ability to easily put out a moderate amount of damage but limited ways to put out a large amount of damage (except for if I run a huge block of Wardens or the overcosted monsters we have).

    • Like 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    There is no way Sentinels are 220 and Teclis is 950 unless every other army is getting extraordinary points increases as well.

    I'm a LRL player, so biased, but these points would be crazy if they're true. No Cathallar either but based on these she'd probably be going up to 160/170.

  9. 3 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    There are 6 battle tactics which need infantry, and player going second picks an objective that can only be contested by infantry.

    Ahh of course ... so probably take some Veterans in the scoring batallion for objectives and battle tactics and then push everything else into the hunter batallion(s) to slice and dice might be a sensible approach?

    • Like 1
  10. So effectively, unless I'm actually wanting to take them in the counts as 3 models for scoring purposes batallion or one drop them, then I probably don't actually want to take battleline infantry that are <5 wounds and/or without a mount since they'll be at risk of getting slaughtered in melee?

    Meaning units like Gore-gruntas (in Bloodtoofs) and Mournfang Packs (in BCR) are stonks?

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Nezzhil said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Sylvaneth Battletome

    The Wyldwoods will act like spell portals

    GHB / Battlescroll
    Dragon hero phase move goes away
    Thunder lizards scaly skin also goes awayLivll
    Living City Strike then Melt Away must finish the movement outside 9" of any enemy

    Lumineth Battletome
    Sentinels 24" reach, need LOS and lambent is changed though I dont know how
    Wind Spirits no longer move in opponents phase
    Stonemage can let the Stoneguard do MWs on 5s and 6s


    Looks like I'm taking Namarti Reavers then, given those changes I'd rather extra shots over MWs.

  12. 21 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Only a hero for LRL? A little sad, but at least I have the book rework to look forward to (or fear if they get nurfed lol).

    I wonder what the hero will do since they had a pretty constant theme of 3 units to an element and the basic units have some support already. Maybe something to go with the bladelords since they are on the cover and hopefully get a buff?

    There's definitely a space (and I would argue a need) for a Vanari beatstick (on foot or mounted) who isn't a named character. Call them a Vanari Blademaster or something.

  13. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    If the Lumineth Tome cover is reused Ill be very annoyed. We cabt kdep having recycled covers, there is no reason other than laziness.

    There's so many cool images in the current battletome, just put another of them on the cover at the very least - it's utter laziness.

    • Like 4
  14. On 5/11/2022 at 5:21 AM, Maogrim said:

    Greetings, chosen warriors and mages of Hysh!

    Rumour has it, that there might be a new battletome coming for us Lumineth as soon as Autumn! So I think this is the right time to maybe discuss the changes and new heroes/units we would like to see.

    I for one would like some tweeks to the Stoneguard's mounrain stance. As it works right now, they may just declare and are able to ignore rend -1 (and -2 if from Ymetrica). I personally would like it more if that rule seperated from the stance. The stance would remain, could be declared at the beginning of the movement phase, and would grant a safe reroll in exchange for the ability to run or change.

    Of course it would be amazing if we got the River temple which would mean 1 mage hero, 1 unit, 1 monster and a character version if said monster! For a unit I would like something with two daggers that's maybe harder to hit if they attacked in the same round. Lumineth's version of Witch Aelfs maybe?

    Would love to read your thoughts! 😊


    Below is what I want, I don't think GW are going to be this sensible or generous though. I fear a large overcorrection is coming. If we get a new hero, let it be a beatstick please or something like a Thrallmaster but for Wardens.

    Vanari/Scinari/non-elemental heroes

    • Shining Company - Simplify to if a Vanari unit has 5+ models then it's a Shining Company, remove run/charge restrictions
    • Teclis - Reduce to 700 points. Lunar Staff becomes D3+3. Starts bracketing at 6 wounds taken.
    • TLoE - Reduce to 200 points, give an extra wound, Fangsword becomes Damage 3, give a 5+ Ward
    • Lyrior/Vanari Lord Regent - Reduce Lyrior to 170, generic to 140. GIve Lyrior an extra wound. Increase Sword to Damage 2 and Rend -2. Tweak Sunmetal Weapons so it can stack with Flaming Weapon;
    • Vanari Bannerblade - increase sword to Damage 2, massive points decrease to say 80 points
    • Scinari Calligrave - Change Erasure to D3+3 on the second cast, 5+ Ward like Idoneth
    • Scinari Cathallar - 5+ Ward like Idoneth;
    • Scinari Loreseeker - 5+ Ward like Idoneth but take the +1 save away, keep as one per army but allow artefacts/traits
    • Myari - Reduce to 180 points, staff becomes Damage 2. Give Myari only a 5+ Ward. Purifiers - change as below.
    • E&E - Reduce to 220 points. Altairi becomes damage 3. Sudden Translocation heals D3 but teleportation becomes optional.
    • Vanari Wardens - Bump down to 135 points, increase Bravery by 1 (a Namarti Thrall shouldn't be braver);
    • Vanari Sentinels - Remove Sunmetal Weapons, but give an extra Attack with both bow profiles. Increase Bravery by 1.
    • Vanari Bladelords - Reduce to 110 points. Increase Perfect Strike to Rend -3, Damage 2. Increase Dual Blades to 5 attacks, Damage 2 (it needs to be a viable alternative). 
    • Vanari Dawnriders - Lances should be 2 attacks, wound 3+, rend -2, damage 2. Increase save to 3+ (come on GW, rider and horse are both armoured). Give all riders a Sword.
    • Vanari Ballista - Give it an extra shot natively (& keep Warding Lanterns as is)


    • Enduring as Rock, simplify to they always reduce Rend by 1. No need to declare
    • Stonemage - Give a 5+ Ward. Staff becomes 3 attacks, 2 damage.
    • Stoneguard - Increase to movement 6", Bravery 8. Weapons become Damage 2, improve Rend by 1. Stratum's are 3+ to wound.
    • Avalenor - Give an extra 2 wounds. Geomantic Blast becomes D3+3.  Firestealer Hammers to Rend -3. Improve the bracketing, starts at 8 suffered. Unshakeable Faith becomes  Once Per Battle, but pick 3 units not D3.
    • Spirit of the Mountain - Give an extra 2 wounds. Geomantic Blast becomes D3+3. Improve the bracketing, starts at 7 suffered. Make Elite. 


    • WIndmage - Give a 5+ Ward, 
    • Sevireth - Reduce to 280 points. Give an extra 2 wounds. Bow becomes 2 Damage. Remove movement from Spirit of the Wind rule (can still retreat & charge, add that it can retreat & shoot). Searing Desert Winds becomes 2 MW.
    • Spirit of the Wind: Reduce to 220 points. Becomes Elite. Remove movement from Spirit of the Wind rule (can still retreat & charge, add that it can retreat & shoot).
    • Windchargers - Reduce to 140 points. Bow shooting becomes rend -2 (how is it less rend than if you bonk then on the head with it?) and damage 2. 


  15. 8 minutes ago, Azamar said:

    I play both armies but it’s hard to compare like to like here- the lady of the vines’ version is clearly better but tied to a single named model. The lumineth have many ways to get pluses or rerolls to the casting attempt and any wizard can know it, meaning theoretically it’ll be active more consistently for lumineth.

    A fair and reasonable reply! I don't know why, but I just have a feeling that Lumineth are going to be overcorrected. World's smallest violin I know

    • Like 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Magic: CV 7. Friendly Sylvaneth units wholly within 12" have Ward 5+

    I'm not sure what other factions have, but if Protection of Hysh remains a CV 8 to get a 5+ Ward WW 9" in our upcoming battletome I'll be raging

    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, EntMan said:

    So, if Echoes of Doom is incoming, how much longer do people think the Start Collecting Sylvaneth will be available? (based on the timings of the withdrawl of SC Fyreslayers, Deepkin and Daughters of Khaine?)

    Need to plan my hobby purchasing so I don't miss out on a cost efficient Treelord Ancient, it wasn't next on my list but might need bumping up...

    Even if you don't buy the SC, I'm pretty sure the SC Sylvaneth box is included in the contents of the Stormbringer magazine so you can grab it then? No guarantee it would be consecutive issues mind you

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