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Posts posted by Ormly

  1. Thread Necromancy isn't my practice. And my original post was so badly incorrect due to a bad copy/paste that they were worse than useless. But apparently Google has decided that this is the place to bring you if you search for "AoS Unbinding Statistics." So read the below, and ignore the OP.


    • Like 1
  2. I read the recently published Battlescroll: The Hunt, and gave it some thought. I was initially excited, but it's rubbish.

    First, the disclaimer: No, AoS isn't balanced, and my expectations are appropriately low. That said, I'm still keen to take aim at lazy stumbles in the wrong direction.

    The basic concept is wrong It is effectively something like this: "Some factions are at a disadvantage playing against some units. So we'll dangle some VP in front of bottom-tier factions, which they can earn by overcoming that imbalance themselves. The imbalance that will remain in place. There, all better."

    It gets cause and effect backward. Instead of addressing the cause of VP imbalance, this change tries to fix the score instead. Fix the imbalances and the VP will fix themselves. Doing it this way is a lazy handicap in place of an actual change in balance.

    Focus on units instead of armies. Explain to me why (for example) if Beasts of Chaos takes Be'Lakor, they should have to offer bonus VP to their Seraphon opponents.

    This doesn't help bottom tier factions, and needlessly screws with top tiers. If you're a competitive player, why would you take Stormcast over Lumineth now? In that match-up, Lumineth can now get extra VP for killing your most popular units -- an advantage they did not need, because the balance there was already about as good as AoS gets. Competitive players are probably an unhappy lot just about now, and this shouldn't even be about them.

    This is lazy. Balance is hard, I get it. But it's kind of galling that people were paid to come up with this slapdash solution -- one that puts all the burden on players to carry around a unit priority spreadsheet and try to sort out for themselves how to get the VP advantage that would have simply emerged from better-balanced armies. Don't give me a balance fix with assembly required.

    Some of it is good: It's about time it was worth something more to kill a Mega-Gargant. Not that it helps much with balance, other than (again) to shuffle the top-tier meta, since factions that struggle with Mega-Gargants over the course of the game will still get tabled after getting those precious few bonus VP from the one they do manage to kill (if any).

    What I like best about this change, though, is that it's the only admission of overarching design mistakes ever to come out of GW (that I'm aware of). They have accidentally confessed that any armies they labeled "Prime Hunters" are so poorly designed that the only thing they could come up with was a blanket handicap for them.

    • Like 19
    • Thanks 4
    • Confused 1
  3. On 1/27/2022 at 2:24 AM, Arzja said:

    This isn't allowed anymore btw. The core rules prohibit duplicate mount traits.

    That was my mistake as well. He had changed which unit had the trait in different games, and I was confused. I'm still at a stage where shuffling things like command/mount traits and artefacts doesn't stick in my brain from one game to the next. If it looks the same on the battlefield, I can't remember what all is supposed to be different. I've gotten in the habit of just asking to be reminded as many times as I need, and my opponents have been patient with that.

  4. On 1/27/2022 at 1:59 AM, Siorra said:

    Gotrek is a deterrent. You move him onto an objective, look your opponent dead in the eye and say "come and take it if you want". No one will, but then you've got 485 points doing "nothing" on an objective. But I guess defending an objective isn't "doing nothing", so it's just a case of asking yourself if that is worth those points for that role in your army.

    What I keep asking myself in my head is, "Ok, I'm playing Sylvaneth. Can I field anything for 485 points that can camp on an objective?" But honestly I think I'm just proud of my conversion/paint job and want to put him on the table a few times. I can never figure out if I'm trying to win or look awesome losing.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/26/2022 at 5:15 PM, Doko said:

    You dont need decide,the data and math never lie. Gotrek isnt in any tournament winning list before the huge nerf he got,now less even.

    500points for a model with move 4" when enemy can redeploy a d6....... Only is good against noobs who dont know play rigth but how data shows us he is useless in competitive

    I've been told rather a lot of times now that Sylvaneth aren't really competitive as a faction, so I'm not sure this adds information. Unless that's not true.

  6. I'm still pretty new to playing, and while I understand coherency rules, I don't really understand why they work that way. My main opponent plays FEC, and he can line up a unit of 30 ghouls in a single row across our conflict line. But I can't line up my dryads to meet them, or use them as screens nearly as effectively. Because the base size is... very slightly larger? I don't get it. What's the idea behind this? Was it meant to solve some problem? We're on v3 of the rules apparently, but some rules just seem silly, like they'd be more sensible by a third version. And this one is near the top of my silliness list.

    For one thing, I just can't figure out how to use a group of 6 Kurnoth Hunters with swords at all. Makes me wish I'd built them with the other weapons, especially because $108 USD is not a small amount of money to me. I play them in 2 groups, but I was rather irritated that I had to.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm a fairly new player, and I took Sylvaneth because I like the aesthetics.

    I was complaining that my units seem fragile and even Alarielle is vulnerable to 1-shots and bursts. So somebody educated me on Gotrek.

    "There's a Duardin unit that's a walking tank."
    "Sylvaneth only has IDK and SE as allies, with some exceptions for subfactions. Don't play well with others."
    "You can put him in any Order army."

    I can what? Some crazy-ass Duardin is gonna fight for the trees? Well, maybe. So I got Gotrek. I converted him a little -- he got KO'ed by Archaon and Alarielle's magic brought him back, but he has to have leafy green hair for a bit. So lore basically works for me. I run him on occasion, swapping him in for Spirit of Durthu and 3 Kurnoth Hunters. Because they tend to die and he tends not to.

    But he feels so cheesy. As a Sylv. player, a unit without a heap of conditional abilities to remember is actually a nice bonus. But... Gotrek, again?

    So how do we feel about Gotrek? Day old cheese, or interesting when he's so slow and off-faction? I can't decide.


  8. Thanks! I took all the advice here and put it to use last night.

    I screened much better, and he tried the same thing. Terrorgheist was stopped short by battle line, which yes, all died, but that's their job. TG then killed by Spirit of Durthu + Alarielle. The thing had a 5+ ward, so it took a zillion wounds, but it died. (2 VP for Bring it Down!) Next round he sent in a buffed up missile of a Varghulf Courtier, and it managed to die to Talon of Withering (first time it ever worked for me).

    With better positioning/screening, Alarielle lived through the whole game. She was at 1 wound once and 3 wounds once, but healed back to full both times. I see the healing/burst thing now. Hard time against FEC, like a roulette wheel, but I'll cope.

    I still lost, but it was very close, and mostly came down to priority in round 3, which I understand is often the case. Even still, it was anybody's game all the way up to rd 5.

    It was an awesome game, owing partly to guidance from here.


    • If there's a Sylvaneth subforum, I haven't found it.
    • I was mistaken about Blisterskin / free Feeding Frenzy. He was taking one or the other in different games, and his provided list did include that, I just didn't catch the change.
    • Like 2
  9. I'm having a very hard time dealing with my friend's Flesh-Eater Courts army, and I need advice. I play Sylvaneth.

    1. Kills off my important units with impunity right away

    His faction abilities give his units +2 movement, and he can case Spectral Host (charge and run) on a flyer from outside unbinding range on round 1.

    This is an extreme example, but last battle on turn one, after I slightly advanced to barely outside my territory. Sent an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist, moved it something like 25" (14" base + 3" run, + 2"  + charge). He split its attacks to cut a group of Tree-Revenants and my Spirit of Durthu at once, then used Feeding Frenzy, and killed Alarielle, , despite using All-Out Defense on Alarielle.

    1,145 points lost before my 1st turn. Game over. And if it hadn't worked, well, he has two of them, and he can Feeding Frenzy one of them every round without even spending CP.

    This is a big part of the problem: Terrorgheist's Gaping Maw: If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with Fanged Maw is 6, that attack inflicts 6 mortal wounds on the target unit and the attack sequence ends. Both of them have a trait that rerolls failed hits with this. Usually he gets off at least one spell that adds attacks, with +4 attacks in the worst case, but usually +2, which is still plenty. If just one six comes up, that's half Spirit of Durthu. If two come up, Alarielle's dead. Before the other damage is considered.

    2. Summoning power

    His FEC army can summon ~450 points / 50 wounds of units in round 1 (without spellcasting).

  10. Awesome answers, thanks! And so quick! The only thing that doesn't work is the dryads. With a base size of 1.25", they can never be wholly within 1" of the woods. I'm willing to argue this is nonsensical and that I should be able to place them "within 1". I guess it will be up to my opponent to decide if I should have to do something physically impossible.

    Thanks for clarity on the app, I get it now. It's a convenience, not an authority.

  11. Hi everyone! I'm playing "for real" (following competitive rules) for the first time this week, so I need to nail down things we've been playing loose with about mah treez. Some of these are touched on in other posts, but not definitely.

    Some of these questions boil down to "Is the official AoS app authoritative when it contradicts official FAQs/books". If it does, that simplifies things, as much as I think it's totally unreasonable to have an app that can change the rules on a daily basis with no announcement.

    For convenience, here's the latest FAQ for Sylvaneth: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/KKoVfkGu4xwCkCXT.pdf

    1. The Battle Trait "Navigate the Realmroots" has never been struck down or removed in a FAQ I could find, but it's not listed in the app under Reference -> Order -> Battletome Sylvaneth -> Battle Traits. So is it gone? If so, how was I supposed to know? Reread my battle traits before each match in the app?

    2. Warsong Revenant has "This unit knows all the spells in Lore of the Deepwood." Again, this is missing from the app, even though there's no mention of it in the FAQs that list changes to Sylvaneth units. So what's the deal?

    3. This question is more general. When a wizard knows all an entire lore, do you still choose a spell for it? Example: Alarielle knows all spells from Lore of the Deepwood. So should I still get to pick a universal spell (e.g. Flaming Weapon) for her? The app doesn't allow it, but it prompts you to choose ONE spell for her from the spells she already knows without choosing it, so that's confusing. Either I can pick a universal spell or I can't pick any (because she already knows all the spells that could be chosen for her).

    4. This one genuinely irritates me, because it makes so little sense. When you summon dryads using Branchwraith, they must be placed wholly within 1" of an Awakened Wyldwood. They have a base size of 32mm (bigger than 1"). So how exactly is that supposed to be accomplished? If there are 3 pieces in the wood arranged to maximum area, they fit inside the empty area, but in any other case they do not. I'd like to place the rules designer responsible for this wholly within a region 79% of their body volume.


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