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Brian Damage

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Posts posted by Brian Damage

  1. Spiderfang aside, I think Gitz are the least in need of new/updated models right now, at least within Destruction. It's a pretty big and eclectic mix of new and well-aged models. A plastic Scuttleboss along with the Battletome is probably the most I'd expect.

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  2. The sum total of my gobbos so far, pretty much just the Fungal Loonhorde battleforce and some odds-and-ends I picked up (including a half-assembled Mangler Boss that I haven't included here).


    I didn't like the tiny skull hat that came with the Troggboss so I repurposed Mortarch spares to give them a suitably impressive crown.


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  3. Season of War have the format down and their reports are really clearly presented, even if I'd prefer fluffier lists from time to time. The dream for me is the video equivalent of the early-mid-2000s White Dwarf battle reports, though maybe nostalgia is playing a not insignificant part there.

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    18 minutes ago, RamsesIII said:

    I think that measuring a race's in-game popularity based on their campaign completion rate is somewhat flawed. Skaven, despite being considered one of the strongest races in the game, have some of the hardest campaign completion requirements in Mortal Empires (which is the most commonly played gamemode by those who own both game 1 and 2). Not only is it difficult to expand to all the capitals required due to the food limitations, but obtaining near-full Skaven corruption in so many regions can be tricky, definitely less simple than the Tomb Kings' campaign objectives (granted, recent growth and public order changes have made their campaign start tougher recently).




    Yeah I can't speak for everyone, but personally I very rarely complete a Total War campaign anyway, I just play until it stops being fun. If you took my completion stats as an indication of popularity, my favourite factions would be Empire and Beastmen, when in reality Skaven and Vampire Counts make up the bulk of my playtime.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    This is an interesting topic. What AoS army needs a reboot of the model range the most? I think there is great potential for Beastmen, Seraphon and Skaven. Skaven being the Eldar of AoS at this point are the obvious choice for a reboot imo.

    I think Cities of Sigmar needs to be redone from the ground up. Imo we lack a human army like the Empire used to be. I dont want the Empire back because i think the design is really outdated now. Models like the von Denst look great and should expanded upon. Its a relic from the whfb age. Its a collection of should be legend models with a fun story behind them because AoS would have many models without them. Many of the Order armies have already been replaced, Elves got DoK, Idoneth Deepkin and Lumineth, Dwarfs got Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords. I think the next logical step would be a human or even a mixed race army and call it Dawnbringer Crusades and remove Cities of Sigmar like Soulblight did with LoN. I predict this will be the theme of 4th edition.

    Edit: Also Wanderers should be replaced by Kurnothi and combined with Sylvaneth.

    Personally I hope that CoS don't become an entirely human army. I know you could just ally in other Order factions were that to become the case, but thematically I like the idea of an army of Humans, Elves and Dwarves fighting under the same banner. Maybe newer kits could even have all three represented in a single unit?

    • Like 8
  6. 2 hours ago, Dankboss said:

    It's to give the Madcap a niche; the Fungoid is clearly the superior Shaman, but the Madcap gets his own special toolkit to balance it out. Otherwise you'd almost never take the Madcap.

    I suppose, though I would have thought that a larger point disparity could have done that just as well without feeling quite so arbitrary. They're both pretty cheap as-is so I don't know whether making Madcaps cheaper or Fungoids dearer would be preferable. I'm also not sure how Spore Maws matches up to Night Shroud in a world with Unleash Hell but I guess the 4+ ward save and extra command point could be worth more than 10pts and a non-generic artefact.

  7. 3 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I going on to guess it a New Avatar of Khaine for Eldar since last year was a AoS model so they do a 40K this year.

    I imagined that a new Avatar of Khaine would be a cross-system model like Be'lakor, but I suppose that would leave the existing model in the AoS Cauldron of Blood kit in a really weird place.

  8. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’ve got a much better idea.

    2+ ward save.

    The first time you fail it the ward save gets removed.

    perfect for any smaller hero, and in average most monster models will loose it after having saved 6 wounds with the ward, of course we are talking about statistics and in a dice game it could mean nothing.

    But it is chaotic and fun, and something every skaven/gitz player will love

    Gitz actually already have something similar with the Glowy Howzit for Dankhold Troggbosses (4+ ward, but he eats it if you ever roll a 1).

  9. Even outside of AoS communites, the first thing people will give it is that it has some really nice models, so I guess it's no surprise it's done well for itself in the mini of the year rankings.

    Be'lakor's there to fly the flag for both 40K and AoS though, and well deserved too.

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  10. Hi all,

    I used to play 40K and WHFB about 15 years ago, with an odd smattering of Empire or Orcs from the 6th edition starter set as my main forces. A year ago in lockdown I found I had a lot of spare time inside to dedicated to painting (and much more patience and will than teenage me, to boot) so I decided to pick it up again.

    I always quite fond of the Night Goblin aesthetic so I was quite happy to see that Gloomspite Gitz carry on with that aesthetic, even if their recent competitiveness apparently leaves a lot to be desired. Slowly working towards 2k points of those and maybe look into rolling some dice sometime, so if anyone knows of any good AoS communities in the northeast of England I'd be happy to hear about them.

    Been lurking in a few Warhammer forums/subreddits since getting back into it but this one seems to have a nice community feel and good spread of AoS discussion, so I thought I'd make myself known. Great to meet you all!


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