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Posts posted by Skurrow

  1. 30 minutes ago, Rors said:

    I only just came across the new darkoath savagers and my gut reaction is they are brokenly good in idolators.

    Double reinforce two units and blob them around a sorcerer.

    Opponent takes an objective, you teleport a unit and so long as you roll a 3+ on two dice to charge they take it and you have 30 wounds on a 5+ ward that actually smack well above what their warscroll suggests when you account for having 3 leaders in every 10 on damage 2 that you put in the front ranks.


    I don't think the charge thing works as Darkoath Savagers appear to be missing the Cultist keyword.

  2. On 1/6/2022 at 12:18 AM, Bibob45 said:

    You mean the cultists with god keyword? In the Tome Celestial from White Dwarf magasine #468. Cultists, ogroid, warqueen and chieftain can have a mark of chaos. ALSO, cultists with the same Mark of Chaos as the general count as battleline

    This.  And the change appears to be an allegiance ability so, as I understand it at least, those units can't be coalition units for other Chaos factions (or be given a Mark of Chaos if allied into another army).

  3. Hi, I'm new here and to playing AOS in general.  Though, I have been following the game for a while.  Watching batreps and such.  

    I feel that I would be a horde player at heart, so its a little sad to see them falling out of vogue in AOS 3.0.

    I've been looking at various horde options and was wondering how people felt about cultists now that they can gain God keywords?  Specifically the Splintered Fang.  I occasionally hear cultist units discussed and they're normally always Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts.  But Splintered Fang seem pretty good to my uninitiated mind:

    - 6s to hit do mortal wounds on a front rank of 25mm models, means double ranked attacks. 

    - Cheap at 11 wounds for 75 points.

    - Given a Khorne mark and a Bloodsecrator ally (if I understand how allies work) basically doubles all the attacks they get (from 1 to 2)

    - An allied Exalted Deathbringer brings an 18" aura of immune to battleshock (again if Khorne marked)

    - Warshrines giving them the 6++ and reroll all hits allows you to fish for 6s

    - A Chaos Lord on foot allows them to fight twice and, if mark of Khorne, re-roll 1s to hit (assuming no Warshrine prayer buff)

    - Auto regen 2 wounds / battle round (more powerful than Troggoths as, I think,  they average about 1 and cannot return lost models).  A very minor benefit, but potentially useful.

    - Many models could be great for rally

    - In a non-horde meta, people might not be taking anti-horde spells and items?

    - Maybe some other bonuses/synergies I'm not aware of?

    I get that they're slow and fall to a soft breeze, but they're cheap because of it and I think could be quite deadly.

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