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Posts posted by Stux

  1. 1 hour ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    What ho chaps. 2 quick questions:

    Are blocks of 9 Boltboyz any good?

    Do the Hobgrots in the Dominion box have banners etc.?


    Yes, 9 Boltboyz are good, especially with Poisons and All Out Attack.


    Yes, Dominion Hobgrotz are the exact same models as the new box, complete with musicians and banners.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Vastianos said:

    I used the dominion boxes to get 1x9 boltboyz and 2x20 gutrippaz, however the new boltboyz box has a banner for the leader that the dominion boltboyz don't have and I am now worried that the gutrippaz will release special models to represent the musicians and banner in the gutrippaz units that they don't have in the dominion box. I feel more then a little cheated about this.

    The Gutrippaz box is already out, and it does have models for the musician and banner. Yes, I agree it's really crappy of GW to release units that don't have free upgrades included. But it seems to be a common pattern for the kits in starter sets the last few years. The 8e 40k starter Intercessors didn't have grenade launchers which were free at the time, and easy build Stormcast units in previous AoS starters didn't have things like Grandhammers that were free upgrades too.


    At least Dominion unit sizes were correct. Previous AoS starters regularly had things like 3 Retirbutors in the box which only came in units of 5, and similar for Nighthaunt units.

  3. Had my first game with the Boyz against Seraphon. Several stegadons plus Kroak.

    Did not go very well! He was able to shoot/spell blast my Sludgeraker and Swampcalla off the board before they could do anything. Kroak is nasty!

    Think I'll need the second Swampcalla next time...

  4. On 10/11/2021 at 5:23 PM, Landohammer said:

    Yea pre Codex i paid $37 for 6 but now they are double that. But strangely the dominion half prices havent changed. They are still hovering around $65-70 USD. 

    If you do the conversion i posted above, this creates the weird situation where you can get 4 bolt boyz and a dominion half for $5 more than just straight up buying 4 kruleboyz. 

    And im sure the Murknob could also easily be converted into a bolt boy too if you are desperate enough!


    Wow, that's mad. They've gone up a little in the UK, but nothing too crazy. Can see buy it now on ebay at the moment for £20. They were down to about £10 at their lowest.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Sivyre said:

    Haha how hard was it to fit the ghoul?

    Not too bad! Didn't take any reposing, just had to stick the arms on while he was already in the cage hah

    Also the cage isn't glued together yet. Going to paint it first so I can get the angles more easily.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:


    Most effects like this either the wounds can't be negated, or you don't get the bonus if you negate them. It would be strange if it wasn't the case here.

    Agreed. It doesn't really make sense for the fluff of it either, if the Troll isn't hurt it isn't enraged etc.

  7. 2 hours ago, Smash said:

    If I have amulet of destiny on Breaka boss on mirebrute, and use breaka-harnes. Do i get extra attacks for mortals negated by the amulet? 

    I've seen arguments both ways. I think you do, as you get the attacks when 'suffering' the wounds, which happens before negation.


    But... this really needs an FAQ to be certain.

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    • Thanks 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Considering warclans can ally with Gloomspites...does it makes sense to take something from them like the Dankhold or squig Bounderz?

    A unit of trolls to sit on an objective or something might be OK.

    But honestly, competitively I don't think there's much you'd want to take. Gitz are not in a great place, and we're generally going to be better off taking Orruk units we have synergies with.

    Other than maybe a Fungoid Cave Shaman, which I can see bringing sometimes for the CP.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Krule Tyrant said:

    So I know everybody is on the hype train for big yellers but I have exclusively played grinning blades and it has done wonders for me every game. Anybody else have any luck with them?

    Also quick question if gobsprakk denies a sentinel unit and he blows up there head does it stops them from casting or using the lantern to see past the grinning blades special rule?

    Its just quite matchplay dependent isn't it. Against some armies it's going to do very little or even nothing.

    But if you're playing fast alpha strike or heavy shooty armies, yeah it'll be really useful!

  10. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I think he was talking about Kruleboyz only. And let's be honest, our battlelines and objective grabbers don't care a lot about Big Waagh bonuses and Kruleboyz are not that good in building Waaagh points. 

    Yeah, this is fair. Big Waaagh is generally going to be a bad choice for Kruleboyz only. Not only are the benefits not as relevant, but your Waaagh point generation will be comparatively very poor - not only with not having any units that contribute to it directly, but also ranged units are very bad at generating Waaagh points.

    I'm looking into Iron Jaw and Kruleboy mixed Bug Waaagh though, and I think it has potential. Maybe not in competitive play, but as something that broadly functions and won't be just hobbled by its allegiance choice for pick up games hah

    In that context I'm looking at it as an Iron Jaw core that holds the centre, with Kruleboyz bringing some range and mortal wounds than the list might otherwise lack.

  11. 3 hours ago, LandonGolds said:

    Is it possible/worth it to convert the Murknob to a second Swampcalla? Or will the best choice be to take one of each in the list?

    Bit early to say for sure, there's been debate over which is the more useful out of a second Swampy or first Murky.

    I think more people are planning for the second Swampcalla. Some lists will probably run double Swampcalla AND a Murknob.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, Dejnar said:

    Do you guys thin the KB on Vulcha and Gobsprakk can be magnetised? That would solve alot! 

    Without building the kit, I would speculate that swapping the rider shouldn't be too difficult. There's lots of more subtle differences that would be much more of a pain though, eg the vultures have different neck/heads. Depends how particular you are on that sort of thing.

  13. 36 minutes ago, idn0971 said:

    If you are taking ironjawz you are going to want at least one warchanter to buff the brutes and get the 2 big waagh points. I'd take one instead of the megaboss personally

    Yeah, I think you're probably right in terms of optimising the list. I happen to already have a Megaboss and no Warchanter though hah

    Also, I'd need to factor in the new Megaboss ability to have command abilities affect two units. With him I can Mighty Destroyers/All Out Attack two units, so I think its a less obvious change than it might first appear, given how few units the Warchanter would be buffing in this build.

    Missing out on the Waaagh points is definitely an issue though. Annoying that no Kruleboyz units contribute additional points.

  14. While we're doing lists, this is my plan for a Big Waaagh:

    Megaboss 140
    Skumdrekk 320
    Killaboss on Gnashtoof 170
    Swampcalla 105
    Swampcalla 105
    Gutrippaz x20 360
    Brutes x5 160
    Brutes x5 160
    Boltboyz x6 240
    Boltboyz x6 240

    2k points on the nose. Killaboss would be general with Arcane Tome and probably Egomaniak. Amulet of Destiny from battalion on the Megaboss.

  15. Im not planning to run 3, but I think there is an argument for it. You'll always have poisons where you need it most, and all our spells are pretty good too. At 125 I'd probably agree with you, but now on 105 it looks pretty solid to me.

    Depends what else you're bringing of course.

  16. 1 hour ago, Mutton said:

    In my two games the Gnashtoof has been pretty useless. Doesn't do any damage. Is somewhat tanky, but not really enough to justify his existence. I mean he costs ten less points than a full unit of rippas.

    The mirebrute can potentially do a lot of damage, especially with a sloggoth pairing. I think he could be a good answer to hordes. Kruleboyz are going to struggle against armies with lots of wounds/bodies, since they're relying on handfuls of mortals that chunkier units don't really care about.

    Mirebrute doesn't have the battleshock protection. Most builds are going to want a Killaboss. Gnashtoof is for when you have have 60pts spare over a basic Killaboss and you can't spend it on anything else. Which isn't a great niche admittedly...

    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Voodoom said:

    Hello, what's your opinion on using Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha to abuse Unleash Hell with Boltboyz ?

    My main feeling on this is I just can't justify spending £89 on a 240pt model...

    I think he's OK in game though

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