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Swamp Trogg

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Posts posted by Swamp Trogg

  1. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    Eldars and Harlequins.
    Agents of Imperium + Grey Knights + Deathwatch?
    4 Gods legions + Daemons (this book seems could dissapear with recent rumours).

    Two books implies that other factions will be mixed or not be splitted instead that. I just don't want two orruk books, I prefer something new AND the orruk book.

    It is always the same discussion, the number of battletomes have a limit because only one thing is true, the time is not infinite and the deadline is always the same: two years and a half of releases and then a new edition comes.

    Same reasons, same results. 

    Harlequins are hard to paint, fiddle minis that only fared well in a limited, ultra competitive setting, because for a time they where op as hell. 

    But they probably didn't sell well enough to justify the investment of a new codex or new wave. Hence their fusion. 

    In fact, they probably shouldn't even have leaved the Aeldari Codex in the first place. 


    But it seems like Kruleboyz and Ironjaws are another story : they probably sell well enough to justify a battletome each. 


    And the simple fact that the indexes are split should be a good enough argument for this. 

    Why would GW even bother to split them for like some month before reuniting them? 

    With the reasonings I saw here and there, they could have done the same with let's say GSG. But they did not. Because they are meant to stay as a whole. 

    And Orruks aren't. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Let's wait a few months to see one of the 40k future books...

    Agents of the Imperium is a way to recycle old minis that, independently from each other, sell well enough to stay in production, but not enough to justify the investment of giving them a new book with a bunch of new models. 

    For what we know, it might not be the case of Ironjaws and Kruleboyz : they might sell enough to justify their separation.

    That's from the "economical" perspective. 

    From an esthetical perspective, Ironjaws and Kruleboyz shares less visual cues than Idoneth and Lumineth. 


    And last but not least, if there is just one book, a minimal treatment this edition could mean a single hero mini for Kruleboyz OR for Ironjaws. 

    With two books, we are assured to have at least one mini for each faction. 




    • Like 4
  3. Imho, all these preview shows that the new game design path respects the old "less is more" adage. 

    In this regard, the blightkings are perfect : they are though (high armor and Hp, then a nice little ward), they give you deseases (via the allegence ability) and they have their own little ability on top of that.

    Minis doesn't need a bazillion rules to feel unique or lore friendly. 

    • Like 14
  4. 11 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Seems like i have a different opinion. I dont see them any different than Moonclan and Spiderfang or Beastclaw and Gutbusters.

    I mean, beast claws are litteraly regular Ogors on big beasties so...

    We also have to remember that this army was thought as an unified one at its inception. 

    And for moonclan and spider fang, while I partially agree with you, at least they've got the snifflers that visually unify them, as well as multiple little spiders (like the one in the dank hold kit). 


    Kruleboyz and Ironjaws shares nothing like that. 

    • Like 4
  5. 11 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I dont think a different look has to mean they need their own tome though. Rather save that space for something new like Drogrukh or Frazzlegitz (cause gitz tome is getting a little to many subfactions).

    Yeah, and that's why I'd like pointy ears to be souped in a single book 😁


    On a more serious note, Kruleboyz and Ironjaws only similarity is they they both are Orruks. Like Steelhelms and Darkoath are both human. 


    Behind that, you have lanky sneaky Orruks, with barbed weapons, cross bows and swampy elements on their bases, versus Brutish and hulking green skins with axes and masses, riding gigantic boars. 


    Gloomspite might be diverse in looks, but they have visual elements that give them some coherency, like shrooms on their bases, or common cave theme. 


    Ironjaws and kruleboyz don't have that. 






    • Like 11
  6. 5 hours ago, petitionercity said:

    But the new stormcast are *just* as detailed as the cities models :)

    That's debatable, but their are still between twice and trice the size of a Steel Helm, half the number of models, and mostly have easy to work with texture, where CoS has a hard to handle mix of skin, metals, wood, fur, textiles, etc. 


    I don't like to be an annoying nay sayer, but Stormcasts being in all starters won't change ever. It's written in stone. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

    I know there has been a large rumor going around and kind of confirmed by some Warhammer media outlets that, stormcast intention was to be like space marines, but they learned over second edition that wouldn’t be the case so they are starting to cut and clean the line. 

    Could this mean that Cities could possibly get into an edition launch box?!?


    I think they may have stumbled upon that cities, not stormcast could be the ever producing faction that everyone wants. Dropping a launch box that would include new humans, aelfs and Duardin would appeal to the masses no matter what city or build their army was made of. Could the different cities be the equivalent to space marine chapters ? Think about all the cool creatures the stormcast have come out with… cough cough … sacrosanct. I think they would be much better suited to see the mortals of the realms riding such things. 

    SUPER hopium I know. Shoot, I don’t even collect the faction but feel like Cities is maybe the most important faction in AOS, model and lore wise. Their story is what makes all the other factions seem whimsical and powerful. 

    Being the poster childs of a GW core game is mostly about being relatively easy to paint / build as an army. 

    It's Stormcasts case (big golden models that can build you an army with a few dozen of models), not Cos one (a big bunch of detailed human sized models that are not as beginner friendly as Stormcasts). 

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    One day ago I would have told you that Kurnothis will always be 100% "Ents", but with the CoS faction focus emphasising the mix of cultures I don't know what to believe anymore 😅

    Maybe GW listen to their community in the end...

    Things is, numbers speaks louder than internet communities. 

    For what we know, and despite seeming quite popular within our echo chamber, Aelvish Kurnothi might have bombed the Underworld box in which they landed first and GW decided not to touch them anymore even with a ten foot long stick. 

    And since the last official Kurnothi is in fact a regular tree spirit, this might as well be true, and we'll never get fauns or centaurs aelfs 🤷

    • Like 2
  9. 22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think this will be the most likely scenario.

    As much as I like the Ogors, I don't see them being ever that popular to justify the investment of a whole range overall. Sadly. 

  10. 2 hours ago, novakai said:

    Well we shouldn’t be banking that they will get a refresh this edition either way. But it already a big task just to redo Gluttons, Leadbelcher, and Ironguts while also having room to redo every single resin unit (especially since most of them are on the BCR side)

    there also a possibility they sunset the whole range and reimagined them into a new range like what happen to Freeguild , High elves to LRL, or TK to OBR.

    Or it could be a Gloomspite/Fec situation, with the replacement of resign kits plus a bunch of new characters and one or two original units. 

    "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."

  11. 3 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Ogors need a Refresh. Much larger and more comprehensive 

    I don't see them getting a complete overhaul, but something more in the line of Fec: they get to keep what's already in plastic, have their resign models redone in plastic, plus a few all new units. 

  12. If something, the Warcry warband for Ogors is a good sign : neither BoC or Bonesplitters got one.

    On the other hand, the refresh could be limited, like keeping all the plastic and only changing what's in resin (yethees, maneaterd, butcher, etc), plus one or two new characters, like Glittermaw for exemple 🤔

  13. 7 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Plus the Old World core rulebook directly mentions Fimir. 

    Well, since I've got litteraly a dozen of the FW ones, plus the FW Fimirach and an old Mearch, I'd just like to have a game system to play them, as count as or with legit rules, and I don't care if this is in AoS or in TOW 😅

    And I know there are legend rules for them, but the warscroll has at least one blatant mistake and I could not get them to change it despite mailing client service various times 😔

  14. Mmmh, exquisite new rat-things, yes-yes! 

    Fantastic models. I was among the "clan rats don't need to be redone" crowd, but I'm still happy about how these fellows turned out. 

    That being said, I'm still gonna buy one box or two of the actual ones, because they will blend well with the new one, and are probably way cheaper. They will help fill the rank and will always add some visual diversity. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    more people play SCE because GW push them more than any other faction

    More people play SCE because the relative universality of their design is meant to appeal to the most. 

    That and the fact that they are inherently easy to paint. 

    It's not easy, but one have to admit that some armies, some concepts, are naturaly less appealing. 

    For exemple : I play aliens space beggars in 40k (AKA Genestealer Cult). I wish they got more attention from GW but I know deeply that, even if they got dozens of new kits, they would never sold as well as Space Marines. Because they are more niche. Because they are aliens space beggars.

    Same thing could be said about a lot of AoS armies : some armies will always sell less than Stormcasts, no matter how many kits they get. 

    • Like 11
  16. 3 minutes ago, Sealven said:

    Not really AoS related, but Im going to go ahead and call that we'll only get one Kill team revealed tonight. Nightmare isn't up for pre-order and the last time that we had a kill team preview before an already announced box was released, they only showed off Night Lords. 

    I'm pretty sure that the spoiled space dwarfs will steal the show and that my beloved space bug worshipping balddies will get the short end of the stick. My sorrow will probably please Lady Olynder... 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The problem with their current aesthetic is that there are hundreds of 3D printable clones. So that could lead to giving them a new distinctive look so they are "the only ones" with that kind of minis.

    Everything can be mimicked and rendered in 3D.


    Doing all new an different Chorfs won't stop 3d sculptors from copying GW stuff. 

    But don't see the point of doing something tottalu different with CD. A little bit, sure, but why throwing at the bin their identity? They are not generic like the old empire or to tolkineske like the old high elves. 

    • Like 1
  18. 27 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    We are not still on Spring, I am only expecting the Spring releases right now. You can check the roadmap.

    I guess it makes sense. I was still excepting a little bit more, since only one character for the whole 40k section of a major event seems a little bit slim as a preview but we'll see, and I'll huff some copium hoping for the genestealer reveal until then 😁

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