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Posts posted by MathV

  1. Third last post of WarhammerOfficial on instagram. Some people replied hoping for news about the army. They replied only to this:

    Random guy: "Gloomspite Gitz are great. Hope we have some news for them in 2022"

    Warhammer Official "We shell see!"

    Probably means nothing, I'm just reporting it.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

    Blood for the blood god! 

    Also if Skaven are getting the eldar treatment, it will be amazing! I ve been tempted by this army for so long, but the age of the models has always stopped me. 


    The question is when then, because if it is in 2023 than It doesn’t feel so good.

  3. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    It can work, just depends how your using the strategy. Unless you mean the prayer altogether on a warpgrinded unit.


    So now I just have to buy and paint 100 more clarats.

  4. So noway 

    13 minutes ago, umpac said:

    If you warp grind them unto the battlefield you won't have the save prayer up. Its also wholly within 12" and cast on a 4+ so its pretty unreliable. Many armies has access to horde breaker spells which kills 20-30 guys alone, depending on the spell. Just looking at our own roster, which is far from the highest damaging roster in the game, a unit of Clawleader + Skavenbrew buffed Stormvermin put 56 wounds into 5+ save (44.44 if you use All out defense) which kills a unit of 60 Clanrats in 2 combat phases even with rally. Just looking at my recent Statshammer math I can see 30 great weapon Grave Guards with vamp lord buff does 50 dmg to clanrats with AOD, Witch Aelves with razor deal 68dmg. Low damage armies might struggle against that but there are plenty of stuff with enough damage to destroy 60 Clanrats in 2 combat phases.


    You're capped at +1 to hit so they are hitting on 3s at best. 

    So this would fail you say. I trust you more than me. I ll go conceptualize other types of lists then. 

  5. 2 hours ago, umpac said:

    That would be a vast improvement for sure, at least helping with mobility issues. While 60 Clanrats will hold out for a while, there are plenty of armies with enough damage to take it off the board in 1-2 turns. If "ammunition" was a battlefield role, clanrats would have it. Much like in the lore they are mostly there to die. You need something to take advantage of your opponents being tied up fighting your expendable throw-away rats, like weapon teams, jezzails, cannons, 

    Do you think two turns with rally and the new prayer for the save? Well in two turn we can send 40 more clanrats in each objective.

    still not enought would you say? We could hold everything for like 4 turns 

    while the verminlord might skitterleap and kill something 

  6. 1 hour ago, umpac said:

    Conceptually interesting but with some major down sides (beside the daunting task of buying, assembling and painting 140-240 models).

    You have essentially 0 killing power so while you can hold objectives well it will be more or less impossible to take objectives off your opponent. You are not outdropping anyone with those lists so there is a high risk of opponent just taking first turn and taking control of the board early since you will struggle to wrestle back objectives or positions once he is in place.

    Victory Points are also scored differently now and objectives are less important. You're guaranteed to complete your grand strategy unless you get tabled with those lists if you pick hold the line (1 battleline unit needs to survive to complete it), but most Battle Tactics require you to kill something. Ive seen NH players take similar stuff to tournaments with a billion Chainrasps and they all had terrible showings (1-4s and 0-5s).

    What if we take 2 warp grinders taking out 1 unit of clarats. Than making 2x 60 clarets units We have 5 20xClanrats Unit remaining, this way we can make 1 one drop battalion and deep strike the 2 60 units blobs. It would solve the problem of retaking the objectives, going first this way. Still very low probability of killing something maybe. 

    So this is the first idea.

    Do you think storm vermin or clarats is the same?


  7. And taking inspiration from 40k how would a pure infantry list do?


    Verminlord Warpseer 335 (to keep them all together)

    Plague Priest 85

    12x 20 ClanRats 1560 Points

    Total 1980

    You would than have 240 rats on the table.. 



    Warpseer 335

    Plague Priest 85

    14x 10 Stormvermin 1540 Point


    I think we wouldn't have any problem holding objectives all the game 

    I think with the clanrats It would be a super strong list.

    What do you think?



  8. 31 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    Also I am still kind of reluctant to invest in more weapon teams than I already have. I still expect some of them to be on the endangered species list.

    But they are so cool as a concept for a model, they totally represent Skaven

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    1 hour ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    Not 100% necessary, but there has been a change in the way objectives are captured in AoS 3. You no longer need to capture the objectives that are in your territory in turn 1. This might mean that enemy units advance more quickly and leave space at the back. Having the grinder gives you an extra bonus of being able to capture these objectives with a screen of clanrats.

    And if your opponent is smart and expects this, then they have to think about leaving one or more units behind to cover these objectives. With some smartly placed gnawholes you have your opponent stretched out across the board trying to cover all the bases.

    Skaven have to be cunning and devious :D

    Since you seem knowledgeable, now you have made me really curious. What would be your list. Would you share it?

    • Thanks 1
  10. Do you 

    50 minutes ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    One tactic would be to warp-grinder a unit of clanrats to within 9" of an enemy and pop out the WTF. You could then attempt a charge with the clanrats to protect the WFT for another turn, or else use Unleash Hell if the enemy charge you.

    Do you think the warp grinder is needed? If you take 3 blobs of 40 + the priest/grey seer wouldn't that be enough to assure that they will get to the objective alive to fire off. I'm saying that cause you could take one more warpfire that way, and that could be a lot more damage

  11. Why no one is considering a warpfire spam list? I think that 4 warpfire would kill most units apart of monster, but we have Jezzails for that and the new priest can bless our clanrats to protect them and make them stay alive. Also we could take multiple priests since we could bless multiple times, since prayers are not the same as spell.


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