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Posts posted by Resvonmarenus

  1. The third of the four characters I am making is Anima von Marenus. Second of that bloodline, she is a foot commander similar to Arga, but also different in how she fights. As per usual I will perform a breakdown of points spent, and I won't bore you with the custom lore stuff as that's mostly present on the custom warscrolls as is. She is also 400 points, and NOT a Wizard Vampire.


    Vampire -4 points.

    Scythe -1 point.

    Mighty Weapon x3 -6 points.

    Sharpened Edge -2 points.

    Frenzy -3 points.

    Extra Armour x2 -4 points.

    Weapon Master -2 points.

    Superior Strength -2 points.

    Ferocity x2 -4 points. 

    Regenerate -3 points.

    Decapitating Strike -4 points.

    Superior Speed -2 points.

    Superior Vitality x3 -3 points.


  2. This is Resaria von Marenus, the matriarch if you would of this faction. Imperia Serpentis, I liked the idea of a vampire faction that is far more open. They focus solely on fighting Chaos, and will accept anyone willing to fight them so long as they understand who is in charge and that they continue to improve their martial prowess. Not necessarily good guys, but a more inclusive death faction. Arga was originally a mercenary who ended up being one of the main commanders lore wise! She is 400 points.

    Anyhow, allow me to put a point breakdown on stuff in which I chose.

    Vampire -4 points.

    Greatsword -2 points. 

    Mage: Curse of Damnation spell.

    Mount -8 points.

    Vicious Charge -1 point.

    Savage Frenzy -1 point.

    Savage Ferocity x2 -2 points.

    Savage Strength -1 point.

    Superior Speed x2 -4 points.

    Superior Vitality x3 -3 points.

    Sharpened Edge -2 points.

    Frenzy -3 points.

    Regenerate -3 points.

    Extra Armour x2 -4 points.

    Ferocity -2 points.



  3. Hello everyone! I am making a few characters for a cool narrative based thing, maybe even for roleplay campaigns on the tabletop. Custom of course, first up is Arga. A Conquerer at 40 points spent, so 400 points to use in any battle. I will post her choices from the anvil and their point cost as to show that nothing is out of place! 


    Ogor -7 points

    Grandhammer -2 points.

    Commander: Lead the Attack.

    Character Enhancement Abilities:

    Mighty Weapon x3 -6 points.

    Ferocity x3 -6 points.

    Weapon Master x2 -4 points.

    Superior Speed x2 -4 points.

    Regenerate -3 Points.

    Decapitating Strike -4 points.

    Zealot -4 points. 



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