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Spiney Norman

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Posts posted by Spiney Norman

  1. On 7/18/2020 at 9:59 PM, KingGabaSnagga said:

    I was having fun creating all those heroes that have been stuck in my head for some time... then I started to notice something. These custom made heroes are damn expensive. 😮 Like almost twice as expensive as an original hero .

    anyway, my creation: 

    Grot wizard

    Grot: 3DP
    Wizard (Free): 1 cast / 1 unbind
    weapon 1: Axe = 1DP
    weapon 2: improvised = 0 DP
    Consumate commander= 5DP

    Ward= 3DP
    Archmage = 3DP

    Move: 5 inch
    Bravery: 4
    Wounds: 4
    Save 6+

    Weapon 1: 3 attacks 4+ to hit 3+ to wound rend -1 damage 1
    Weapon 2: 3 attacks 4+ to hit 4+ to wound rend 0 damage 1

    18 DP = 180 points. 

    A "normal" Fungoid cave shaman comes at 90 ptn

    While my custom hero still feels cool, my army would be better off with 2x Fungoid cave shamans. 😛 
    Anyone else feels bummed out too by this?
    Or am I missing something? 

    I think it’s a fair comment that a character creator probably is going to cost a bit more than preset heroes just for the fact that you can mix and match the bits you like, equally I would say try and restrain yourself from throwing on too many extras - it can be tempting but they really do add up. For example if you stripped out archmage, regenerate and ward you’d be at the same price point as the fungoid.

    I had a go at at Moonclan shaman on a Squig, I’ve taken a few liberties like swapping in a random movement stat (there’s currently no way to do that but it’s arguably a nerf vs M8”) and exchanging the Grot keyword for Squig to make it fit with the GSG tome mechanics better.

    Grot - 3
    mage staff - 1
    Mage - 0
    mounted Beast - 8
    fly - 4
    +1 attack to Maw - 1
    Vicious charge - 1

    total = 18

    I don’t feel great about it costing 180, tbh I think that fly is kind of overvalued on him but it’s a standard rule for squigs so I threw it on anyway. Maybe if fly cost 4DP for a gargantuan and 2DP for a mounted beast that would be better? Having said that I think he’d actually be reasonable value for 140 without fly as a wizard who can keep up with my squigalanche.




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  2. On 10/7/2019 at 3:48 AM, Requizen said:

    One thing to note about Freeze and Run. It's not just the retreat move - it's another move in your turn. If you charge a small unit and run away from it, Boars can reach basically anywhere on the board after a move + charge + retreat in a single turn, making stealing objectives a breeze. 

    Another option to make freeze and run incredibly useful would be to cast Gorkamorkas warcry on something nasty, charge it with your boarboyz, then freeze and run before the enemy unit gets to attack (in your turn you can do your end-of-phase actions first). This becomes especially nice if it’s a monster and you can swing round it with a 6” pile in then catapult off with the command ability to take an objective.

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