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Posts posted by ArcLight

  1. 19 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



    NEW COS AND DESTRUCTION FACTION REVEAL!! Double Whammy with a new and improved Mortal Human army and a brand new out of left field Destruction Faction!!

    I'm always buoyed by your enthusiasm! That would make for an amazing reveal show!! 

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  2. It feels like this edition of AoS will really need to be measured on how 2023 goes. Either they pull out several (relatively) substantial releases (e.g. Sylvaneth/Nighthaunt or bigger) and show that the release order just needed to be shifted around to get the easier releases out first, or we get another year of predominantly uninspiring releases, at which point I don't think 3rd edition can be seen as anything other than a disappoint overall in terms of game growth/support.

    I'm personally hopeful that the former case is true and GW would do themselves a lot of favours if they would just come out and say something along those lines. Even avoiding any specifics, just "there will be more substantial releases next year than this year, bear with us".

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

    Someone posted this on the Slaves to Darkness Facebook group, Tzeentch must have been in charge of the postal service 😅.


    This seems crazy early! I guess full leaks of the battletome are likely to happen over the next few days, for better or worse.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Something that is interesting from my outside perspective is that all the armies that I thought would get larger or more impactful updates this edition have yet to receive their new battletomes. Gitz, OBR, Beasts, Seraphon, FEC, Cities and maybe even Soulblight are all good candidates for a large release. If we take the earnings report at face value and there were shipping delays affecting AoS releases, then maybe the battletome order was shuffled around to focus on small releases first?

    This is kinda where my thinking has been with it too. There's definitely room for some larger AoS releases in amongst the campaign books leading up to 40k 10th edition, especially given the relative lack of codexes they'll be releasing. 


    Thinking about the armies in need of refreshing / expansion, perhaps they're focusing on some of the armies with little-to-no models from post-Fantasy (e.g. Beasts, Seraphon, Flesh Eaters) rather than other armies with a more modern range (e.g. Fyreslayers, Idoneth) even if the latter ones are also in need of model support. 


    Maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist 🤷‍♂️

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    No doubt there will be a herdstone nerf for beasts, perhaps a wholly within bubble rather than a global effect. They also mentioned 'one or two warscrolls' being bent, which is worrying really because nothing really jumps to mind.


    They used the word 'efficient' so could be more a case of points increases on certain units rather than direct nerfs, e.g. Dragon Ogors, Cockatrices maybe? Alongside a tweak to the herdstone itself.

  6. 36 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

    The article says "Very soon" which usually means "next week" in GW language.

    I'm expecting rules changes more than points changes for a Battlescroll though (fingers crossed)

    Certainly hoping for some impactful rules changes! Anything in particular you're hoping or expecting to see?

  7. On the topic of rumours/speculation, does anyone have any thoughts on what we might see in the balance warscroll whenever it comes? Seems like there's a few cases where point increases (Beasts of Chaos, Incarnate) or decreases (Kruelboyz) could have a fairly significant impact independent of any actual changes to rules.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

    Now if GW would just hurry up and leak some info for Warhammer Day next week, we could all get on to speculating on what cool models we might see during the presentation!

    Sadly every indication so far is that the preview will be 40k only, that's certainly what it sounds like from the WarCom article:


    "Festivities kick off on Saturday the 8th of October with a special live Warhammer preview dedicated to all things Warhammer 40,000 and Kill Team."

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  9. 7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    Those are all epic models and that art tease for a COS Warband!! 


    Not only in Ghur, but specifically in the Gnarlwood now - same place as Warcry is currently set. Perhaps some potential cross over narratively / overlap in warbands?

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  10. 12 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Sure, but they were teased/leaked far far ahead of even the initial april fools not-joke announcement. Now, 40K gets way more leaks and accurate rumors than we do in general but even so, there's always chatter when a big thing is looming. If not outright leaks, then Warhammer Community dropping heavy-handed hints, a suspicious clustering of rumor engines, or what have you. It's more or less confirmed now that the only genuinely large AoS release for the entire year is STD, and we got a massive leak for that 6+ months in advance of it's scheduled release date.

    Not saying it's impossible mind, just...I've been pounding the rumor beat for a couple of years now, and I can't recall the last major reveal that wasn't already anticipated to some degree or another. Big secrets tend to be too big to be truly secret.

    That's when they surprise you with an actual release for Chaos Dwarves/Malerion's Elves or something! They've been rumoured so much that no one would take the suggestion too seriously lol.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Could be just me being paranoid, but feels like damage limitation. I.e. the individual warscroll changes are so bad that they want us to see them within the 'wider context of the whole battletome'

    This has never stopped them from previewing warscrolls before, if the usual doom mongering that accompanies a lot of the preview articles is anything to go off.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I do totally understand this part, and I agree, it's very good for impulse buyers to know not to buy - I suppose for myself, I don't tend to impulse buy and have a very limited range of armies, so I'm not too badly affected by the pile of shame, but it's good for those who are.

    A nice mix in the middle would be text list roadmaps - e.g. "World Eaters coming soon", so people know not to buy Bezerkers, but the hype of the model isn't spoiled either.

    I think this would be a good balance and a more comprehensive road map would make people a lot less hungry to jump on leaks all the time I imagine - at least you would be able to be excited to know that your army would be getting a release with 2-3 new kits in January, for example, and would be able to budget for releases like that. And then would get the additional excitement when it got to time for a proper preview and you could see the kits in all their glory.

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  13. 7 hours ago, OkayestDM said:

    So, it was about 40 days from the official announcement of the Skaven/Sylvaneth box to the release date for both battletomes.

    If the Lumineth/Tzeentch release follows the same time-frame, we could potentially see the books as soon as the first week of August.

    Admittedly, this runs counter to the "autumn" release time indicated by the roadmap, but GWs always been a bit wishy-washy on the exactness of such things.


    By comparison, it was 106 days between the announcement of Arena of Shades and the release of the Nighthaunt/DoK battletomes. I don't think we can guess anything too specific just based on the gap between announcing this and release of the books.

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  14. On the topic of the Destruction tomes that are coming, if the 2 fall ones are Gitz and Ogors then they would seem to give more credibility to the idea of the Sons book coming with a full new kit rather than just an upgrade sprue, possibly over the winter period. This is assuming that the Fall tomes all only getting a single hero release is true of course, since a new mega gargant kit feels like the sort of thing they would want to make a big deal out of rather than it being relegated to the same level of importance as a small single hero release for other factions.

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  15. Rumor Engine could be something for FEC? I'm sure I remember reading rumours about them getting a decent release next year (?) and the the clawed look of the hand would fit them + the scale vs the skull would fit with a a roughly Vargheist sized unit or character I think.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I can't actually remember a single time that's happened in the last few years, to be honest with you. Everyone says this everytime and then the book comes out and the warscrolls are exactly the same. And why wouldn't they be? We're talking about a months gap in release time between the boxset and the books most of the time, if not simultaneous release.

    Just to give a recent example, the Kurnoth Hunters warscroll changed between the Echoes of Doom box and the Sylvaneth book - the Envoys of the Everqueen ability changed to something completely different along with I think a couple other changes to their special rules.

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  17. 32 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


    Big week next week with two Battletomes, three Vanguard sets, four heros and the Sylvaneth units 

    (thought I'm surprised to see the Skaven Vanguard but not the Sylvaneth one)

    This is interesting, I wonder whether the Skaven one is early or the Sylvaneth one is late. Skaven seems to be the first one that has released at the same time as the battletome I believe so maybe the former? 

    Either way seems to be a sign of the cramped release schedule caused by the delays, especially with the GHB slipping in on the same date as all this other stuff.

  18. 22 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

    The two armies that I’m not so sure about is Skaven and Beastmen. I’m not sure what they want to do with them. I think both of those armies would require more than a few kits. So those could be more along the lines of what they did with Soulblight. Which will probably be far out. GW still cares about them because they do continue to find their way into the lore, so I do believe at some point they will be redone. 

    Beastmen could be done in a similar fashion to Soulblight, as a large range refresh near the end of the edition that 'caps off' the current narrative theme for the edition (I.e. Death led to vampires / Beasts leads to, well Beasts). Skaven are obviously likely to be further off because of the upcoming tome.

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  19. 2 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Wonder if it is the new Slaanesh hero coming with the LRL duel box? I could be wrong, but a lot of the new stuff have been solo foot heroes? 

    Isn't it meant to be Tzeentch coming alongside Lumineth? Are we expecting a mainline release for Slaanesh anytime soon?

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  20. 4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

       Personally I hope that the new bases will be bigger, so that the minis for TOW can be designed a tiny bit more freely than those back in WHFB.

    This would be awesome and could potentially tie in with encouraging supporting smaller units (model wise) while keeping a similar size of unit footprint. Maybe that's too optimistic to hope for though.

  21. 12 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Have anyone heard anything about revamp for the humans in Cities of Sigmar? Like new freeguild units/Order of azyr?

    There's been nothing other than speculation really based on the new narrative focus on the Dawnbreaker Crusades and some of the recent models like Cursed City heroes + the endless spell hunters from Broken Realms.

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