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Posts posted by ArcLight

  1. I see a lot of people bemoaning the lack of command abilities, but I actually think it's a good thing and something that did have some thought put into it. A good chunk of the old useful CA have been turned into free to use abilities for one thing (so still there + able to stack better in some cases), but more than that, reducing the amount of command points people feel they need frees up heroic actions to be used more on newer or more interesting stuff rather than the default of trying for an extra CP. 

    So they've made the army less CP hungry than they were before, while also giving more interesting option for heroic actions than going for extra CP - I like it.

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  2. Skeletons are also looking pretty solid at staying alive with that 4+ per slain model resurrection being every combat phase + the 3 or 4 in your hero phase with deathly invocation. Then they can actually hit kind of decently if the hero babysitting them is a vampire lord for +1 attack and the rend they should have.

    • Like 4
  3. Worth noting the corpse cart buff for zombies is on 6s to Wound and is a mortal in addition rather than instead of normal damage. But they function much better as a tarpit now and will take enemies down with them when they get murdered.

    All of the Vyrkos buffs go on Dire Wolves the same as zombies so it's interesting that they can use the heroic action to increase the size of a unit as well as do additional healing. Radukar's bonus 10 wolves is just something any of them can do now too which is nice.

  4. 11 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I might be wrong, but I think in this case it's mostly just because the edition rules changes are so large that the old codexes are going to be basically unusable as-is, so it's necessary for GW to provide an updated version of all factions on day one.

    To clarify, I mean the changes to battleshock. Seems like an interesting way of going about working it, although it does feel like AoS has been doing an increasingly good job of making battleshock relevant but not too punishing throughout this edition.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I'm ambivilent about her sculpt and story. Don't we already have a Vrykos vampire lord that has a thing for bats (Lady Annika). Besides Soulblight Gravelords needed another unique foot hero like I need another hole in my head. By my count this new Vamp Lord would make the 15th foot hero (13th unique) for Gravelords. Would have preferred a mid sized beast or a mounted hero. Or heck, a ranged hero? Anything really except another foot boss. Lets hope the new Battletome differentiated between them all instead, of 15 units with identical A4 H3 W3 R-1 Dam 2 melee profiles. 

    Did I miss anyone?


    Deintalos the Exile


    King Velmourn


    Lady Annika


    Prince Duvalle

    Radukar the Wolf

    Torgillius the Chamberlain

    Vampire Lord (plus alternate Sculpt Anasta Malkorion)

    Watch Captain Halgrim

    Wight King


    Heck Soulblight has more foot heroes than Flesheater Courts, Fyreslayers, and Ironjaws have for total UNITS in thier faction. 

    Think you got them all and I'm 100% with you. I wouldn't have minded a new foot hero if they were going to bring something new, like a vampire ancient or something who would be more like old school WHFB vampire lords, but a new special character on foot was needed less than literally anything else.

  6. 4 hours ago, OkayestDM said:

    Something from the stream regarding the new 40k edition that is actually exciting for us is the fact that they said faction rules and datasheets (warscrolls) would be released free digitally on day one. They also talked about fundamental changes to their battleshock phase. (There's also a change to the command phase, but it seems more or less in line with what we already have.)

    40k's Battleshock no longer causes models to flee, it instead makes them less effective at holding objectives, and may make them otherwise less effective in combat. If AoS adopts this change, that could be very interesting!

    This sounds very interesting! 

    • Like 1
  7. Some overall thoughts about the show. Firstly, this is definitely the best reveal show in a good year or 2 imo. Feels like the first time in a while that most people correctly called the vast majority of what would be shown too.

    40k: The Lion looks amazing, love the different head options. Very cool model. 10th edition is not a surprise and there's nothing really exciting yet I don't think. Definitely looking forward to seeing the other Tyranids and the direction they're going with the rules though.

    AoS: Holy cheeseburgers those Seraphon look amazing. All the new stuff has looked pretty good but the Saurus sort of stuff is what really looks cool for them and the Kroxigors + the aggradon riders... just lovely. 

    The OBR hero sure does seem uninspired (although admittedly cool), but I actually really like the look of the vampire huntress. The bestial elements are great and I love the idea of another less traditional vampire (with a wood chopping axe!), even if it is a shame they didn't go for a mounted vampire.

    The Cities Troops... meh. They look like models that you could get from half s dozen other places right now. They were never going to be my cup of tea to be fair, but I'm unimpressed. 

    Underworlds: Very cool, the out there designs for the Tzeentch in particular are great.

    Kill Team: The Votann sure are there. The Beastmen look okay, maybe I need more of a look at them.

    Overall very exciting stuff and interesting to see what will still be at Warhammer Fest (Cities, next Season of War, more 10th edition?)

  8. 7 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Sylvaneth did, but theirs was also significant larger than most new foot heroes so felt different.

    That's true (can't believe I forgot her I even have the model lol) , I suppose it felt different due to being part of a larger release. Was the Nighthaunt boat guy also a special character?

  9. 3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    You could probably fairly easily simply use her as a Vyrkos vampire lord I guess (the existing vampire lords don't look very Vyrkosy) but yes, I can see that as an issue.

    She does look a bit smaller than the existing vampire lord in the army photo, but hopefully base size will be the same. Its just bizarre as well when I don't think any other army had their one hero be a special character. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    Adepticon06 AoS Ossiarchs Image1Adepticon07 AoS Soulblight Image1image.png.e72c7546f739aa08f9c1fa7176caaaad.png


    I have to admit I'm disappointed that the Soulblight hero sounds like they are another named character in a battletome already full to the brim with them, and which is one of the few that actually feels lacking in generic hero options compared to the number of warscrolls in the book.

    Having said that, she does look fantastic though.

    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Well, while most of it is explained, there are lots of things were people have to make educated guesses that can change a lot of the details. Also, I don‘t think you should need to watch deep-dives into the lore to get a proper understanding of it, that‘s just not in the best interest of most players and thus in a way bad storytelling.

    E.g.: why is queen yarnham both alive in chalice dungeons and dead in the hunter‘s nightmare? What is the moon‘s presence/flora‘s ultimate goal other than killing other great ones - which is a stupid motivation as it can‘t kill formless odeon/mergo anyways? Why is ebrietas mourning rom or what appears to be rom? The particular state of the nanny was also a point of discussion to many. And then there‘s Mergo too. 

    if the old hunters was all about kos (or some say kos‘m awoooooooo) and its dead child, making the main story about odeon‘s kiddy mergo blends stuff together too…

    lots of people even get confused when it comes to the main human background characters, their teachings and functions. E.g. Wilhelm, Micolash, Ludwig… while I think that particular point is pretty clear, people still struggle to make true sense of it. The whole limbo aspect/multiple timelines doesn‘t make it easier for new players to get it all either. 

    I love Bloodborne but its storytelling is convoluted at best. There‘s like a 100 pages pdf to explain the story and that isn‘t even fully correct -  I think I got it but it took me a few playthroughs and reading lots of theories to really put it together. Not sure your typical gamer cares for that.

    what it does do is make you think about it more than you otherwise would.

    but it‘s like the whole godwyn story in elden ring. Yes, most of it can be put together but some things will stay educated guesses unless they confirm it. E.g. face below stormveil which likely is just deathroot imitating his actual corpse… anyways, my point stands. A couple more definite answers would help players to appreciate it even more without being annoying due to overexposition.


    That's fair, there's definitely a lot of detail that is 'confirmed only in the sense that people have made educated guesses that make sense and fit with the other lore. I agree on the vagueness in Elden Ring and I think there's a lot there left to be explored. It'll be interesting to see what the dlc covers or expands on.

  12. 53 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Yeah, so all your characters act strangely, die at the end of their story and the basic story can only be put together by reading item descriptions? 😂 

    I think FromSoft really needs to work on their actual storytelling. It‘s cool to not state everything bluntly and it‘s nice to have an actual game instead of cinematic games like God of War but I feel like they‘re venturing into the other extreme to a point where people think the „story“ sucks and only the general worldbuilding rocks. Bloodborne left many questions people still can‘t answer, same with Elden Ring. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I did love those two games though (Demon Souls was weaker, planning to go for DS3 soon) but it‘s frustrating to be this vague, especially if the story doesn‘t need to hide itself. And yes, I know Miyazaki‘s argument for it …and fundamentally disagree with it! 😇

    Bloodborne is actually one of the least obtuse of the games and has been dissected pretty thoroughly by this point. What are you thinking of that people haven't been able to answer?

    (Apologies for going a bit off topic, this just happens to be my favourite topic!)

  13. 5 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    As far as I can see the two Skinks use different arms (and staff), legs and heads so as long as there are also two torsos inside you could build a Starseer with the seated Skink and use the standing version as a Skink Priest on foot

    You can bet on there only being 1 torso to prevent exactly that!


    Definitely an unexpected model though, as others have said this could mean an even larger release than expected - very exciting!

    • Like 4
  14. 1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

    I'm keeping my expectations low. Kroxigors and Cold One Riders and little else.

    If we do get more, I'll be delighted, just not counting on it. 

    I think the curious thing is that out of all of this so far the only genuinely new thing we've had revealed is the Raptadons. Normally GW prefer to introduce more new things rather than just update old things, so hopefully we do get at least one new thing.

    Plus, keep in mind that for the next few editions we'll likely get little more than foot heroes in 4th or 5th, so things like saurus leaders on foot or somesuch will likely come much later XD

    In regards to the new units vs refresh of old units, it's useful to compare to Soulblight and Slaves to Darkness as they're similarly large scale refreshes of Fantasy armies.

    Excluding the Cursed City related special characters, Soulblight only got 1 new unit (Vengorian Lord) alongside a significant number of updated sculpts for existing units. S2D also saw mostly updated sculpts - just the Ogroid Theridons and the special character alternate build for the mounted lord were new units.

    Essentially, I wouldn't be surprised if the Raptordons were the only new unit, with maybe one more surprise new character/monster.

    • Like 2
  15. 36 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Interesting and logical take on why the last two band warcry box, nightmare quest, may in fact be kruleboyz 😀🤗 and vanguard stormcast. presumably in the new thunderstrike armor and proportions. 



    The suggested rumor engineimages.jpeg.979f705b3573a204490d3a544be6b43b.jpeg

    Has me worried that if it is kruleboyz the only models with talons are... the hobiest of grotz... 

    We shall see!!!

    Oh and if it is stormcast vanguard, geedubs, please position their hand crossbows the right way. 😄

    I just can't imagine them doing the first 3 boxes with Nurgle > Tzeentch > Khorne, then not doing Slaanesh in the 4th one.

  16. 4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    The next box in May is the final one of this season so maybe next season sees it set inside the ship. 

    Personally, I don't see that happening as it limits the use and appeal of the terrain. 

    I could see the next season of Underworlds set inside a crashed lizard an ship which is semi sentient and tries to kills anyone who wants to plunder its secrets. 

    They could also be aiming to tie the proper discovery of the ship / delving into more closely with the timing of the Seraphon battletome release itself. 

    • Like 1
  17. 20 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    I can help ;) (photo taken yesterday by me in a French store) :




    There was only him and a Spirit Host box on the other hand in this version.

    This is Nighthaunt, who got their book last year. I think people are looking for the Soulblight/OBR new box art that is apparently floating around.

  18. 2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Honestly the story development appear to happen in narrative books, with are more common at the end of the edition than at the start/middle. The new season of war should expand a little more on Ghur, but I woulnd't expect major developments until later in this year when we start to see the end of edition series, similarly to broken realms and the 40k books they are releasing right now.

    Also I wouldn't expect new factions from now on. AoS has a high number now, so 1 new faction each 2~3 editions would make more sense. It's not that bad if we get 2~3 major revamps to factions that need it. So far we got Slaves, Seraphon and Cities coming for this edition and a good expansion for Sylvaneth, lets hope we get the Skaven/Beasts/FeC/Ogors in the near future!

    The only reason why I kind of suspect a new faction may be incoming is that it will feel odd to go from the frenetic pace of battletome releases we've seen so far in this edition to only 2 battletomes (FEC and Cities) in the last year of the edition, even if one of them should be a massive release. There's been plenty of talk about how the first 6 months of an edition tend to be fairly light on new books, so there shouldn't be too much 40k stuff coming in the latter half of this year after the edition launch period is done in July-ish as well.

    Lots of finger in the air speculation, but that's the fun of this - I'm excited to see what the next 18 months or so brings.

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  19. The idea of it being a Destruction focused edition is also just following the logical trend where the narrative of 1st and 2nd Edition featured Chaos and Death respectively as the primary opponents of Order.


    I agree that a lot of the narrative focus would likely be later this year and into next year, but it just doesn't feel like Destruction as a grand alliance has had really any impact on the game at all - no narrative weight, no significant releases since the edition launch, nothing really. Maybe because their focal god character in Kragnos is less the type to scheme and plan so it feels less like his machinations are going on in the background compared to Nagash/Archaon? I don't know.

    • Like 1
  20. 3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    Each edition seems to focus on a grand alliance and develop that. For first edition each chaos god had it's lore expanded upon, second was Death and third is destruction.

    RIP Destruction if this truly is an edition focused on them. Unless we see a late edition revamp of the Warclans book with new kits or an entirely new army or two of course.

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