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Posts posted by ArcLight

  1. 21 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Yeah Season of War is not my cup of tea. I find the voice over disconnected and usually think to myself "I would happily read this instead of watching it".

    They have changed the editing style recently to reduce the amount of voice over and get more from the players saying what battle tactics, spells, abilities, etc they're using.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Important FAQ question:

    When determining visibility, do we have to take Krethusa's hair style into account? Not sure she has true line of sight to anything with that fringe of hers, to be honest.

    She's just gone for the Japanese horror film look. There will be a hugely creepy eye poking out from somewhere under that hair, even if she is 'blind'.

  3. 1 hour ago, Garrac said:


    Ok, now it's time for me to give my best shot at analysing this.


    On a 1rst look what we can see is:

    1) This is an engine controlled by 5 rats. It is big, but let's leave base deductions for later

    2) It's plastic (duh, but necessary)

    3) There's a 2024 date marked on the sprue

    4) There's  a rotatory cannon to be attached, with 6 terminations

    5) To mount the weapon, you must also muster the skaven aiming it.

    6) The skaven crew have their own base attached to their feet

    7) There are 4 skavens pushing the thing

    8  ) Push to fit

    I'll explain more 5): you see, the weapon thingy has a skaven attached to it. So, if you want to have the weapon built, the skaven pilot must also be accounted for. This will be important on DEDUCTION.


    A) There are no weapon variants. This is it

    B) This miniature is for AoS

    C) It's a clan Skyrre weapon

    D) It's not a hero option

    E) Base size: either 90x52mm or 60mm

    F) There are no other units featured on the sprue

    Why I look so certain about A)? Well, because we don't see room for more weapons, shilly! Alltho, I'd admit there's a big flaw on my reasoning: the weapon has 5 tubes, while the weapon attachment has 6 holes. Doesn't match! Why is that? Well, a better expert on sprue-building would be able to tell more. But the fact remains: read 5)

    Why do I know it's not a hero option? Well, this one is tricky and is more based on GW modelling style: when a weapon is being lead by a hero, the hero has some special gimmick. Call it an epic armour, an epic sword, or an epic rock, there are a lot of qualities on GW characters, of which the pilot engineer has none. There's room tho for this to be part of a platform with a hero later being attached to it, but because of 6) and 7) I don't see room for a bigger thing

    Base size is pure speculation, tho. But I'd say, this looks like a very "vertical" miniature, in the sense that it doesn't have anything on the sides that would aim for a bigger miniature, "horizontally speaking". So, for that and 6) I'd say it makes more sense for this mini to not be featured on a regular standard base, but on a 90x52mm or littler (doesn't look like it would fit bigger bases)

    Sorry TOW players, this is a proxy for a WLC, not a weapon team


    -It's not a ratling gun, nor any weapon team. Evidence: 1), 5), and A). Not gonna say it can't be, but I'm gonna bet on something: if you want to update weapon teams, you want to updte ALL weapon teams. Or at least 3-4 (warpfire thrower, ratling gun, and mortar/doom flayer) That's something that can't be achieved with this sprue, as 5) doesn't allow for alternatives. Could be possible there's another sprue with 3-4 more pilto engineers on diferent weapon options? Given Gw's historial, no, I'd say no. GW knows we'd kitbash the engineers as warlocks or clanrats, nah. Could be possible that it's a ratling gun, and a weapon team modular kit is coming? There's a chance for it to happen, but I have to reach a satisfactory conclusion on this article. But I'd say, that's not how starter boxes use to work like. Also, ratling guns have more weapon terminations. But maybe I'm way over my head sherlockholming my way out of here.

    -This is for a starter box. 2), 6), 8 ), and A) are the biggest giveaways for my reasoning here. I'll reckon that maybe I'm missing something on F) but give me a break, Im using the facts that we know so far, whitout using leaks. So, yes, there's a starter box with skavens coming, and I bet it's not the only big thingy featured on it.

    -Skavens are DEFINITIVELY coming this year. I mean, there's no way this is for Underworlds, it's too big for warcry, it's logically not a Blood Bowl mini, and the 3) is pretty obvious

    -It's a ****** cool sprue and mini. Can't wait to have it on my claws, yes-yes

    I may dig some more crazy deductions, who knows.



    • Haha 7
  4. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    This seems to me that would replace the Warpfire Thrower, Warp-Grinder and Ratling Gun. Wouldn't be too crazy to think this would be part of the big box and another option with different "guns" would be available separately. Otherwise, even this one replacing the three of them doesn't seem to be too crazy to me.

    Sounds like not (Whitefang confused reaction). Maybe this is just something completely new?

    • Like 1
  5. Lessons learned from Neferata's ability to give out super ethereal being problematic? None, apparently.

    Easy access to a 2+ unrendable save and 4+ ward, as well as good odds to insta-kill any foot heroes on top of okay melee output... what could possibly go wrong?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Garrac said:

    No Pestilens, no Eshin, a Moulder warcry warband instead, a miniature for the Great Horned Rat, geez, what's next? How can this forum ideas get any worse? Queek coming back? New monkeys? Thanquol but he's now a warlock engineer? Skreech killed forever by a rando stormcast? A skaven machine that doesnt fail? Honourable grey seers that don't stab back? Packmasters gone from existence? New screaming bells but they don't have bells?

    Jfc you're making me wish for another underworlds warband instead

    Waiting for the Whitefang like to come swooping in here.

    • Sad 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    I could rattle off a half dozen, off the top of my head, where battle tactics and warscroll rules clearly look like they’re referencing a mechanic that your army should be using, or be good at, which isn’t supported in the final draft of the army rules, even if those rules are otherwise perfectly acceptable (sylvaneth is a big example in my opinion there).

    Care to elaborate? I find this sort of thing interesting and trying to think what you mean with Sylvaneth specifically - only thing I can think of is the battle tactic involving a unit added to your army that turn, despite the lack of summoning capability (just Allarielle/LoV once per game). 

  8. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    What does that mean, something like extra format-specific allegiance abilities for each box?

    They also restrict certain Combat Patrols from using all the units in the box I believe (Grey Knights is the one example I'm aware of) so presumably could use that as a balancing lever if the Stormcast one ends up larger than most.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Jator said:

    They totally can reasure costumers that BoC will stay, there's no reason for them not to deny it and let people get discouraged from buying more miniatures...unless doing so will make them look bad when the culling/"reinvention"  happens, specially if it's in short term.

    The easiest way to test this would be to ask the same question about a faction we can be pretty well 100% sure isn't going to be removed and see if they answer it the same way. Either S2D for the similar position re: the Old World, or something like Seraphon, Soulblight, etc. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    So first ten black orks with hand weapon and shields are build.

    also 2 are converted.

    can’t have a black ork unit with out a banner bearer and musician

    even orks have their standartsEADC24DA-51D8-4302-B59C-1E23D26C4D5C.jpeg.95029fa4fdc528a4692b9dcb91c05654.jpeg

    Love the conversion for the musician!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    why is everyone hoping for kroak in box?????

    im sure those guys are the one who havent a kroak. like a seraphon player who has kroak, i would be really pissed if gw make a trash move including him in the box.


    noond ever had a named unique big model in a box before. kairos has an alternative build, lauka has alternative, mortachs has 3 builds, but im not wrong i dont remember any big model (90+ €) with a single build, unique character being in one. and really hope they dont include him only on my army turn on a battleforce since it would be an auto non buy box, for me and for every seraphon player that allready has him, since a second kroak has totally 0 use, making the box price even higher than individual models excluding kroak.

    in fact i hope it dont have slann neither since he isnt unique, but is expensive and 99% useless beyond first one, and allready was on previous box.


    a nice and balanced box would be something like


    -x1 or x2 kroxigors.

    -x1 or x2 agradons ( kroxis and agradons would be 3 in total, so 1 of one and 2 of the other)

    -x1 saurus warriors since they are the battleline, with an amazing new resculp

    -x1 spawn of sotek

    - hero on agradon or astrolith or skink on chair.

    would make the usual ratio of 1 troop, 1 big size or cavalry unit with 2 units of one of them, 1 single model unit alone and 1 small-medium hero. or they could take out 1 unit and make it worse, like some of last year being only 4units and 2 heros

    I think its more of an expectation based on what the 40k boxes looked like last year, rather than something people particularly want. Remember though that the boxes are usually designed more to entice people into a new army instead of being for existing players and a lot of new players would appreciate Kroak being included in there.

    • Like 2
  12. On 9/19/2023 at 5:31 PM, KriticalKhan said:

    My optimistic view is that we'll keep getting "second waves" to AoS concepts and maybe even new sub-factions for existing armies---ideas like the Kurnothi for Sylvaneth, or what the Witch Elves used to be for the Dark Elves in Fantasy: new units with new aesthetics and functions that still fit in the broader theme of their base faction. That would keep the overall number of factions to a reasonable level while still allowing new ideas and releases that might draw someone into a faction more than "old infantry but in a new pose with more greebly bits" updates might.

    Beast snagga orks for 40k are a good example of something like this as well and lends some validity to this being the potential long term route.

  13. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Hold on, we still don't know if he confirmed part of what I said, or everything. Cryptic as ever.

    Even if I do hope everything I said was correct. 

    He also reacted to a comment of mine that only referred to Darkoath, so that part should be on the money at least.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    So could we predict any more about what 12+ factions get updated with these books? 

    Gitz, Fyreslayers, Nurgle, FEC, Ironjawz are all already included, so that leaves 7+ to go.

    Sylvaneth and Khorne have both been heavily implied to have further involvement in the upcoming books and it would almost be more surprising if Stormcast didn't get anything. 

    Assuming those guesses are correct, there's still another 4 or more armies that should see something. For those who have been reading the lore in the books closely, have there been any other strong hints as to who might become involved in the narrative down the line?

    Edit: I could see Skaven getting something, as a precursor of sorts to the expected range refresh.

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Anyone else just seen the KO army of renown leaks in THWG stream? 

    Thunderers can fire twice in every phase, (so yeah that means two lots of unleash hell), and can catch a ride on the gunhauler. There's 4+ rallies/rezzing boats and 5+ wards.

    Hoping that troggs, pigs and sons all have broken rules too xD

    That... can't be right, surely? Baffling design choices from GW are nothing new though I suppose 🤦‍♂️

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 28 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    I, for one, refuse to acknowledge this. Nobody wants to play Orruk Warclans, people are pulled in either by Ironjawz or Kruleboyz (or this third, almost extinct flavour). With so many new kits for IJ it's either Vanguard or Battleforce, at the very least. 

    I agree with your main point 100%, not trying to argue it. I just don't think they'll do a Vanguard. Battleforce? Almost definitely, but probably next year.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

    I just realised that ardboys boss, 10 ardboys and one of the new boars are 500 points on the nose. Sounds like a vanguard box right there

    I think if you're expecting an Ironjawz Vanguard box you will be left disappointed. They have been pretty consistent with Vanguards/Combat Patrols being 1 per Battletome/Codex and, while Orruks are in a somewhat unique position with how the army is set up, I don't think it will lead to multiple Vanguards.


    Chaos Daemons for 40k is the biggest indicator imo. Their box is just pure Khorne and their is nothing for the other chaos gods. That and the fact that the new box is not 'Kruleboyz', but is 'Orruk Warclans', which to me says that it is the intended Vanguard for the whole battletome.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Oh, very interesting !! But let's discuss this in spoilers please :P

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    So. IMO this confirms that "Her highness of Ruin" who as plan for the Everspring Swathe in Ghyran (from Book I, Harbingers) is indeed VALKYA ! New Models ahead ❤️


    Good catch! Exciting times ahead!

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