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Posts posted by MothmanDraws

  1. 13 minutes ago, Beliman said:


    Revel in depravity have nice bonus. But it remind me of Big Waaagh, and that's bad for an army that should be the opposite of orruks: elegant and graceful until they discover a weakness, then they become sadistic and obsessive. 


    See i view it as that 

    Pre game- hedonits are lathargic and bored kinda weak and dont want to put effort in

    First tier- they get first smell of action and start moving, get their -1 to hit as they begin acrobatics to get to action

    2nd tier- mortal wounds they taste blood  and start to discover weak points

    3rd tier- overcome with slaughter they stop noticing their own injuries 

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  2. I think the army will be designed to ramp up depravity to attain peak performance, getting to 24 depravity by turn 2 will likely be the goal as then you have your -1 to hit and improved damage, so you will want to make some good offers for temptation dice. How fast you ramp will likely depend on enemy, armies with hordes or mortal saves will probably just tank your offers as they can either risk the mortals or dont care about 3 clanrats. But the horde armies are also weak to giving you a lot of depravity through euphoric killers. But I think most armies you should be able to get them to take 2-3 tempts by 2nd battle round atleast and have 1 round of EK depravity which I can see getting you at least 18 wounds.

    At the moment the weakest match up will be mortal wound saves, decently good armour save melee armies (cant easily tempt their shooting, armour saves and any temps going through can be saved) but these armies are also going to be weaker vs stuff like lord of hubris or relying on movement to keep away from them. 

    I think our strongest match up will be expensive shooting/melee hybrid units

    We are lucky that the core mechanic is cool and is very easy to tweak in balance patches if too strong or weak 

    Edit- One advantage we do have is the slaanesh unit roster is huge with alot of unique characters, if we keep summoning it might be very easy to buy a silver bullet to help in match ups, too much enemy magic go grab the epitomy, need more fight control get the masque. Mortal wound resistant enemies stopping your damage go grab high rend fiends

  3. tbh with name like nightmare quest I would imagine gloomspite as the destruction faction, though if its kruelboys they could be the nightmare and the quest is the hedonites hunting for slaanesh still, or they could push further into the unmade aesthetic for nightmare/body horror slaanesh as the warcry warbands have always been going for slightly different visual takes for chaos worship

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  4. Just now, Lucentia said:

    Thinking on things a little more, my main concern from what we've seen so far is that, although generating depravity is now done via a more flavourful and interesting system, the overall gameplan still seems to be focused around gaining a huge amount of DP to be used for buffs and summoning, and unless the summoning is heavily limited in some fashion (literally if you were only allowed to summon 1 unit per game I would be fine with that) then it runs into the same problem as previous books where hitting the right balance between how much DP can be generated and how much summoning can be done is extremely difficult.  Granted I'm being a little selfish, mostly I just don't want to have to cart around an extra army's worth of demons every time I want to play a game, and of course we don't have the full picture yet, but I was personally hoping the DP/summoning system would be downsized going into the new book, not upsized!

    I think the best approach is that depravity caps at 45, can only summon once per turn in movement and costs are like

    10- daemonettes

    15- 3 fiends and most flex pieces (infernal enrapturess/epitome)

    30- block of daemonettes

    40 -keeper

    This would mean just brinigng in 10 daemonettes costs you 2 temptations worth and knocks a single buff off anything bigger eats more of your buffs with keeper taking it all, I think what most people want in summoning is to bring toolboxes or roadbumps. So while keeper is a big play you really are pulling it off turn 2 and loosing all your buffs for the vital 2nd and 3rd rounds, or if you are keeping your buffs you are bringing road bumps and smaller tailored summons like epitome. The thing that makes summoning bad is when its easy to get a ton of new stuff dropping every turn I think people will be happy being able to summon a little few things.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    The issue that immediately jumped at me is that iof the Slaanesh player goes first and things line up for them, you might be -1 to hit against their whole army for the rest of the game even before your first turn.

    And THEN they get to pile in other benefits on top of that.

    Possible though you would need to weigh stuff up, don't take their offers on first turn if you want to shoot them and them to have the -1, they also have to wound you and you fail before they can procc the temptation so some tankier units should be safe for a little. On average you would have to take 3 offers in first battle round to give them. In fact I think armies that do better into temptations this are bulkier melee armies (wont be shooting or attempting to hit until already in combat so will only be tempted if shot and fail save, or have mortal wound mitigation) or horde armies (who can just take the mortals killing 3 goblins and starving you of depravity outside of using the euphoric killers), what it is strong against is semi elite ranged unit as they will be easiest to procc (units that want to shoot+fight+have middling saves).

    We also dont know the depravity ramp up outside of euphoric + temptations, its possible only euphoric + temptations are giving you solid depravity rest could be once per turn general abilities or spells. We also dont know how a lot of army is designed, its possible the unit profiles are so glass that they are designed to operate with a -1 to hit in place of armour and wards

  6. I think it would also be interesting if depravity capped at 45 ish and summons start at 10 means anything summoned is garunteed to drop a buff or two if bigger. Having no cap means you can get your buffs and carry on only summoning with excess (get it)

  7. 1 minute ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I noticed you failed an irrelevant save roll vs my archers.  Would you like to pass it instead and give me d6 depravity?  Or maybe take d3 mortals instead of one wound?


    No one said our deals are fair

    I wonder if one of our named characters will interact, if we had nkari i feel they would be interesting with a unique temptation offer like full re rolls but deal is upped to d3+3 or 12 dp

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  8. What would be fun is you let your opponent pick 1 of the random 6 dice and they can use it anywhere in their army, but you also get to pick 1 dice to use anywhere in their army as the cost, you cant adjust a dice if they adjusted it first (say they use 6 for a charge you cant over ride), the deal is they get 1 garuntee in their army so do. They can purchase more dice from you across whole game from the pile but the cost is you getting one

  9. I would need to see whole rule and interactions and if that is a side thing or our whole army ability. I am going to assume farming depravity is still going to be a thing for layered buffs.


    Current rules its a nice buff, basically a free summon t1 or first turn 5+ rally, though you would probably need to offer a good dice for it, 4-5 being sweet spot, the only issue if it was just plugged into current army is slaanesh is so fragile you might just ****** yourself giving opponent a 100% long charge or armour save (assuming its basically a miracle dice). 

  10. I personaly think the way to show speed for slaanesh is movement out of phase, like more redeploys or moving after shooting. Atm raw movement speed cant match just teleporting and if you make units too fast movement might aswell just teleport into base contact. Slaanesh should be fast but atm so much in aos is fast due to teleports or other stuff that its hard to be uniquely fast.

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  11. Tinfoil theory, syllesske gimick has been the fighting twice thing and twinsouls are usually their thematic unit. What if twinsouls now swap to being a unit with 2 different combat attacks but one has to be used at start and one at end of combat, would pair nice with this guy to keep aggro so the twinsouls can complete their dances.

  12. 3 hours ago, Unit1126PLL said:


    "Well, my Keepers of Secrets are literally immortal, living immersed in magic"

    "I can auto-cast on a 9 because my elves think hard"


    Worse than that "synessa, child of a chaos god an entity far stronger than any individual god in mortal realm, fuelled by souls of untold consumed elves, Born into the world with a mastery of magic as an avatar of the god incarnate"

    -knows a bunch of basic mortal wound spells that half dont work, and can throw some ok spells slightly further away but only 1 spell a turn she gets tired easily, no bonus to cast, in fact in same army some fat dude in a mobility scooter focused mostly on eating is more reliable. Also you are now fighting this flying elf in pyjamas and a silly hat can just stop your god child from casting their 1 spell and fire one back that you are not allowed to attempt to stop


    • Like 3
  13. Found the rule for if lord of hubris was old tome

    "Target a unit on 3+ within 1" of an enemy unit, if successful roll 3d6 if you exceed targets bravery the opponent can then elect to take the lord of hubris challenge, enemy unit gains first strike but must chose atleast 1 of that units weapon profile to attack this model during this round of combat"

    • Haha 1
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  14. Just now, Enoby said:

    I think he'll be really strong for just this reason - as well as a tactical piece to use. So long as you maximise his heroic sacrifice, you can take down some very expensive units at little cost. 

    In fact, when you charge him and friends into a 'longer' unit, you can deny loads of attacks. The rule forces them to target him, but doesn't allow them to pile in when they'd normally be unable to. So if he's parked to the side of a unit, the opponent may only get a couple of attacks into him and would waste the rest. He'd likely survive, and then next turn (if that unit's alive), they'd either have to retreat or waste more attacks (or find a way to kill him before combat). 

    I much prefer this over just some generic "give a friendly Hedonite model +1 to hit" or something. 

    Ye will be interesting also if sigvald still fights at start of phase, have them both go in, sigvald still fights first and this guy just limits return damage

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  15. ye I wonder where this will put the lord of pain


    Lord of Hubris might be a funny meme though, send him + bunch of units into archaeon, have lord of hubris say "1v1 me bro" have him die tanking all archaeons attacks while your unit gets a free turn to smack him

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