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Posts posted by MothmanDraws

  1. Time for the true and accurate predictions


    -show 2 marine kits and 2 nid kits, rest is all just fluffy no info

    -at the end show a teaser real of 3 new models like last edition that are mostly just 3 different boots (1 human, 1 squat and a space marine boot that is primaris cato sicarius)


    -40 mins of fluff and 1 new model (new stormcast hero option) and the new spider incarne that everyone will be fed up of in a few weeks

    Old World

    -reveal the box that is all only old minis with 1 new single hero on each side and announcement of movement trays

    middle earth

    -a new big boxset that will have more new minis than old world


    -a single render of a troop, this will make 30k players happy

    -legion rhino interiors


    -the leaked box, that is all, maybe a title for next stuff


    -genestealers vs terminators space hulk meme box



    • Haha 4
  2. So now we have had book for a bit and still chance of a warcry warband, what role do we think we need, personally I think a light chaff spear based unit is still the best option, something to have a little more insurance vs enemy agro

    If I could Wishlist something I would love them to re add the lord on boobsnake to old world and give him aos rules, a "lord of speed" maybe with an ability to at start of every turn let him +1 unit within 6 move at the start of turn to have a more fluid movement themed force. 

    On 4/16/2023 at 6:33 PM, Lucentia said:

    My opponent didn't take the bait in his inaugural game, so he didn't get to do very much beyond generate a couple of Invaders command points, but I did finish painting my Lord of Hubris, so I'm taking that as a win regardless.



    Lovely paintjob, tbh the actual true win is looking better than opponents army, id rather style win 5-0 in a tournament than 5-0 in battle wins

    • Like 1
  3. Maybe we will get lucky and GW will redo all the basic daemons, they really could do with updating the daemonettes/horrors/bloodletters/plague bearers, also if they could make it a dual kit for an exalted versions would be nice to give more variety to 40k daemon troop options. TBH even if they just had 40k killteam updates for an improved sprue.


    An other out there option is the 4 chaos gods getting a new old world faction leader with sigvald/vilitch/valkya and the others not being born in that time they need a new series of main champions.

    • Confused 1
  4. Ye tbh I think letting depravity spiral is way worse of an option, it sucks for them a hero dying randomly but having full strength units showing up from summon (that are buffed on max deprav) is way more of a risk. Late game slaanesh is anime villain tier of letting opponent think they have a shot by keeping 1 hero alive having it kill a unit only to summon a full powered keeper in their face just after.

    You want to beat slaanesh fast and early while they are monologing 

    I still think atm slaanesh will be a getekeeper faction in tournaments, strong enough to win alot on either really good match ups or opponent misplays, its probably going to struggle at highest level vs players who know how it works and learnt to say no to drugs.

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  5. I can see gw being a little hands off on old world stuff, drop tomb kings + bretonia as the two factions with no real support in aos, then let people run with a lot of old models. I think a lot of people will just be running their current aos armies or old fantasy ones they have for the game. So the initial drop, then like heresy just drop the odd few kits here and there for factions like empire (for stuff cities of sigmar cant cover) It also means when they get around to next skaven or Ork books(or other dual system factions that keep their old aesthetics) they can double dip audience by dropping old world book for them at same time.

    To be honest my main actual worry is all the side games are going to face same fate as old specialist games of starving each other out for attention, I remember a titanicus seminar where they said that epic killed old titanicus development. Some games like necromunda and bloodbowl though seem to be in an "end game" spot where they will just get occasional gang/book/character and be fine with minimal gw upkeep. Pretty sure outside of like 3 or so gangs needing to come out necromunda can nearly be considered a complete line and bloodbowl is a very minimal resource heavy game to make for them.

    Titanicus will probably die again to epic(keeping it to HH for now is probably a good idea so it doesn't eat up everything dev wise), HH will likely just survive on its own once it gets a few more infantry kits then just drip feed stuff. Aeronautica while fun im kind of surprised they brought back looking at it, unless it was just brought out as a side game with understanding its mostly going to be cannibalised into epic to justify its costs. 

    • Like 4
  6. To be honest I do think we will run afoul of the issue control builds do in other games like mtg or yugioh, were mid tier players will dislike fighting us as they will be good enough to play their army but not good enough to play against our army. Death star armies taking the bait and going into the lord of hubris deathball/tarpit. Feeling they are taking too much damage vs the dice (when other armies are doing similar just you dont feel its "your fault"), playing standard (chaff out front to eat charges).

    But ye to echo other statements I do think playing vs another and whole time bemoaning your opponents "op"ness is very unseemly, maybe he was just RPing as belakor the salt master. I always viewed it as "the controlling player rolls their own resource generation" but would be fine if opponent wanted to, they would just have to ask as I assume its my thing to roll, though unless they were subtly accusing you of rolling funky I dont think it would solve much and he would likely have then complained about bad luck when he rolled to give you the 6. 

    He made 3 major mistakes vs you which should be his take away, 1. dont let the masque have a fun spot vs your death star, just because a piece dies t1 without "doing anything" doesnt mean its not a value trade 2. Dont charge a death star into lord of hubris and painbringers (especially when buffed up) unless you have a plan you are stuck there for minimum 2 rounds, there is better value in ripping apart the rest of the slaanesh army, in fact the army is built on the idea that you ignore the real threats to go smack some pretty boys who are just stood midfield doing nothing 3. Dont let salt dictate tactics, my read on the entire "charge knights into mid" was a rash one along with not taking the extra turn of dark master (the entire point of bringing belakor) playing with a defeatist mindset will throw winnable games.

    • Like 3
  7. 6 hours ago, KrispyXIV said:

    Right, but we really want the first turn - which folks may be loathe to give us.  I dont think it helps much at all with competing for priority unless you're content with going second, which has advantages but comes with the risk of getting pummeled before defenses are in place. 


    6 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Personally I almost always want to go second.  Being double turned is just too devastating in the current meta, especially with fragile Slaanesh units. With defensive deployment and screening, we're unlikely to be alpha struck off the board but facing an early double turn will likely mean game over.

    To be honest this will likely be match up dependant, if you are against a shooting army or one with a credible t1 charge threat(though there could be some tech of using the crown to make the alpha strike unit 1a and putting your lord of hubris+myrmidesh as only targets in range) you want first turn, but if the opponent is a melee army I would just deploy as far back as possible and let them come to you, your seekers can still likely make their charges anyway.

    Those same shooting armies also have to weigh up getting a good alpha strike to prevent buffs with chance that you double turn them and they cant get enough damage in for value or risking double turn. Masque can also likely still earn her value going 2nd either forcing some resource to stay back to kill her (if opponent is an elite melee army she might tie up something of value anyway) or just have her move with your army as a blender hero. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Slaanesh, the Great Horned Rat and Gorkamorka / the Maw better get something in Warcry 2nd edition Season 2 : Talaxis Boogaloo !!!

    I was actually starting to believe in slaanesh cult (glutos aligned) vs ogres as an option, or slaanesh druggies vs bonesplitter mushroom tripping shamans 

    • Sad 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:


    Holy smokes ! The prophet has blessed me with a reacc ! Let's see what it is ! 


    Anf of course. Why does it have to be this way... Also, what did he mean by this ?

    It means in 4.0 destruction will be squatted in favour of more brutal barbarian themed stormcast in green armour and ork masks

    • Haha 6
  10. 25 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Just a small rumour bit this morning from THWG that the new spider incarnate is coming soon - maybe showcased this week.

    Apparently it can be summoned into combat!


    There was an old rumoure about a spider incarn, its likely the one in the rumour engine

    • Like 1
  11. Even outside of tech the big question for army is turn 1 12 depravity minimum or you die. Considering at worst a 10 wound screen catches seekers and no dice you are at 10 depravity and relying on all out defence to not take losses. The masque can avoid the worst screens to go for better depravity value with a more reliable charge. Her + casting the pretenders spell is the most garunteed t1 12 depravity you will get

    • Like 3
  12. 1 minute ago, KrispyXIV said:

    What I'm kindof wondering is if Slaanesh is going to be an army where its very easy for your opponent to misplay and feed like crazy.  6d3 mortals a round is nasty and valuable, but its not tons more than what I've had to absorb playing into Nurgle.  I think the correct play is generally going to be to avoid feeding Slaanesh DP, but some folks are going to want to avoid hurting their own stuff... 

    Even in your case, 5d6 DP is an average of 17-18 - the difference between you getting a big summon and retaining all your DP bonuses, and getting a big summon and giving up damage output and your ward.

    There's also going to be the element of avoiding feeding something soft'squishy to Euphoric Killers, but we may have enough rend and rend buffing now to have plenty of agency in picking good targets.  

    The trick vs euphoric isnt to send tough stuff its give them low wound units, 10 man 1 wound chaff catching seekers t1 charge will stunt the ramp. I think mirror and pretenders depravity spell will be key vs good players 

  13. 8 minutes ago, LeonBox said:

    Towards the end he realized that there was no point not eating the mortals in a Troggoth-heavy list where he could just regen the wounds back. I would say he gave me maybe 5 dice worth of DPs and the rest were all mortals. 

    Tbh i think this is a learning thing, if you play again and he never takes dice all has to worry about is mitigating eophoric killers to gut your depravity

    "Just say no to drugs"

    also this effect is easier  than expected20230318_011939.jpg.68da0065913b164da368432888b1b17d.jpg

    • Like 5
    • LOVE IT! 3
  14. I can see chosen doing next to no damage vs painbringers with -1 to hit (glutos or depravity) 2+ save from contesting, mystic shield, -2 attacks and all out defence. TBH I would be interested in units that can break through that, anything that can do damage through that can also just be tanked on lord of hubris for 1 turn.

    I do worry that our super brick will be rough for some armies, though I think the best solution vs slaanesh is magic, chuck mortal wounds into them.

    • Like 1
  15. I think the 3 hosts are interesting, pretenders will likely be the default unless you are trying something specific


    Big winners

    The Masque- though not as big of a debuff piece I think she is really really good, deep striking within 3" means she is getting a t1 charge at 9 attacks, she can either alpha a small hero or get your first depravity going, I was thinking slickblades would be only real t1 push unit but she can do it more reliably (opponents can screen with 4 wound units that slickblades will struggle vs). She can also run and charge so doesnt even need to be 3" away, go hide her like 12" somewhere 

    Myrmidesh- although initially an anemic looking scroll these guys soak up buffs, I personaly rate them better than twinsouls as they tank ranged fire better (I think ranged will get around a good portion of our buffs) the timing on the contesting for saves bonus will mess you up but I feel the only time you will have it trigger is vs units you are going into a grind fight with anyway.

    Blissbarbs archers - could be too strong with max buff stacking but are still paper until buffs are up

    shardspeaker- amazing glow up, though she suffers from 1 of our bigger weaknesses in no + to cast, its good her main utility is her ability

    Blissbarb seekers- really solid, getting the -1 to save on key units and if you can have shardspeaker trigger putting +2 rend on specific units will be solid

    Glutos- Could be too tanky but will have to see, he feels very strong

    Slaangors- very good if you get your buffs going (like most units)

    On summoning- it went where I wanted, mostly tech pieces or to fill in some gaps, Infernal enrapturess will be a solid summon in match ups, Fiends will probably be a good pick for your big rewards when you get into the 60 depravity, but if im honest if you are grabbing fiends or keepers you either are in a horde match up or are already winning. Most summons will be chariots or 10 daemonettes to keep tempo or reinforce areas.


    I feel most of my lists will revolve around

    10 myrmidesh

    1 shard speeker

    1 lord of hubris

    22 blissbarb archers

    5 slickblades

    5 blissbarb seekers

    and the rest kitted to flavour

    • Like 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Mortal-side of this book seems to be really good and fun to play.

    Battle traits are fine and useful, but Warscrolls abilities seems to be reallystrong. Still, a lot of Slaanesh units need a lot of layers of rules to be true powerhouses, but I think that they are going to be really annoying. A full buffed Painbringers are going to be... a pain... to deal with.
    Btw, Painbringers are 2 wounds with 3+save with an easy ability for an extra +1save. Solid tanks that can stack a lot of debuffs (-1 hit, ward saves, a lot of -X attacks, etc...) around them for an unkillable anvil.

    There are some interactions that have a red NPE mark and some FAQs. 

    I can't wait for Glutos and Seahorse riders!


    To be honest the main NPE will be if lowering attacks gets too much (they can jsut cap if needed) and the lord of hubris doing the challenge then leaving combat.

    Glutos will never die 

    The armies main weakness atm will be alpha strike shooting

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