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Posts posted by pnkdth

  1. 22 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I agree. Warcry fixed a lot of issues i had with 3rd edition and also made me enjoy my old models again that got shoved into legends too. It is really easy to proxy models by just looking at the weapon profiles. I am also in the process of building a Warcry board. It is actually doable because the board is really small and i dont have to build a complete 60x44 size board.

    I've dipped my toe in Necromunda and had a blast. Main reason for me breaking off from AoS (besides the BoC situation) was time. Since I barely get any games the hobbying aspect felt like it was missing the reward and social aspect of playing games. Painting up 2k+ models I barely would use simply wasn't worth the effort and so I kept setting myself up to fail.

    Today I've gotten rid of most of my AoS stuff and kept the stuff I want to use for different games. I did keep my 40k stuff since those models carries a lot of sentimental value. Other than that my focus is solely based on skirmish type games and other board/tabletop games of varied complexity. Exploring this side of the hobby has been a fantastic decision since I am not longer stuck the 'sunk cost' nonsense and the feeling of "I have to finish my army." Indeed, selling/giving away stuff I know I will never ever touch or use again really made current projects a lot more fun.

    Cause in the end life changes us and just because you used to doesn't mean you have to continue. Perhaps it is family, studies, work, or other hobbies you end up prioritising. As so often pointed out, GW is just a business and you owe them nothing.


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  2. 6 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    No less disingenuous than saying your 40mm model should be a melee combatant par excellence when any heavy hitter probably has at least a dozen of their heads mounted on trophy racks or bodyguards as strong as he is. Especially given how everyone else has gotten much stronger since Fantasy. 

    There's a big difference between wanting them to last longer/be punchier in melee and boosting their power towards mega-gargants/greater daemons/avatars of a chaos god(demi-god) levels.

    I'd, for instance, love to see more characterful Vampire Lords which some extra teeth (heh, sorry). :D

  3. 21 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    the only problem with this is that we've had writers tell us GW did this in 1e before allowing those writers to actually give Stormcast better/different characterization.

    Fair enough. In this case, perhaps they're reaffirming it now without leaving the human side in the shade. Also, when you think about it the Salamanders can link up quite well with SCE. Perpetual primarch and replace fire with lightning. Not a one-for-one but the Sallies are encouraged and allowed to remain in contact with the past lives which also being a chapter who willing put other humans before their own lives.

    For me it isn't a question of 40k vs AoS. There are differences and parallells.

  4. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    the irony being that 40k just copied a bunch of usually-fantasy tropes like squires to plop into scifi...

    I think that is why it works because it isn't you typical sci-fi setting with sleek armour and energy weapons.

    The writing was on the wall with the changes to Imperial Guard, errm I mean, CoS. I bet they're thinking since Space Marines are successful they gotta space marine it up with new grimdark SCE. Hence the "Sigmar lied" trailer and announcing the ruination chamber. 

    Doesn't have to be all bad since it is something you can work with, i.e. both the struggle to remain human and also include those who are too far gone. Gives the setting some very real stakes for the immortal warriors of the god-emperor, darn it, I mean Sigmar. :D


    26 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If anything, this guy looks like a fantasy miniature. Not the other way around. 

    The DA aesthetic is knights in space so that makes sense.

  5. 5 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    I said that too, and see how I am now, drowned in more new miniatures I can count. Wish you better luck than I had. ;)

    I intend to as well.

    The good thing about all these skirmish games is that they're almost infinitely reusable (the models anyways). Plus they really spice up more advanced board games. Necromunda feeling much like Mordheim means I can create all kinds of cool units. Can't believe I turned a blind eye to this system for so long since they really let me realise the "dirty dozen" vibe I first feel in love with in 40k (The Last Chancers and Imperial Guard). Also, this game is the perfect outlet for making use of my random stack of minis.

    I don't think I'll ever get rid of my Drukhari (or Dark Eldar as they were known as back then) though. Even those ugly as heck warriors in the earlier editions. They're a part of my hobbying journey and will stick with me to the end.

    • Like 1
  6. 55 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I already see this. It isn't emotion driving me to stop buying from this company. Relativistically I am under no delusion about how serious (or in this case not) this situation is, but my reaction to it is valid and I don't feel like telling people they'll get over it when they're older and wiser is helpful unless your goal is to shield GW from the consequences of their actions.


    I don't think you haven't experienced what angry players are feeling. I just think you're not giving consumer outrage it's due credit. Every time we excuse bad business practices we invite bad business practices. I for one don't have any desire to get sucker punched again.

    I admit to feeling some anger but mostly I feel deflated and disappointed. I had already started exploring other games ever since they started with their Activision Games Workshop shenanigans. Not boycotting GW as a whole but AoS/40k isn't on the map any more. 

    • Like 2
  7. Plus, BoC isn't going OOP. Without scarcity there's no incentive to buy high. They're just moving over to TOW and most people who might be interested in TOW BoC probably is looking at all the AoS BoC players for a cheap deal. Which ironically means BoC will look it is having poor sales in TOW as well. 

    For AoS, it wasn't much of a riddle. BoC was given no minis, questionable rules, bare minimum of attention, and be like, hmmm, I wonder why people aren't buying into this "brand new faction which definitely isn't just a bunch of repackaged WHFB models." Which gets even sillier now that they're being repackaged again for their original game system.

    Perhaps this is the chaos gods going full meta to ****** over the GOATs.


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  8. As more of the pieces all into place I think they listened to much of the feedback, notably, adding in more agency and counter-play during the opponent's turn (spell casting and counter-charges in particular). Counter-charging has obvious uses and we shouldn't sleep on being able to move up and position a spell-caster to threaten. Casters/priests who has to get up close might just get a bit more mileage out of them too.

    On first impressions it looks better than 3rd, that's for sure.

  9. 21 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    On the other hand, they said they will be moving these models to Legends next year. So, here's something I'm wondering: does the stuff in Legends really receive updates? I haven't checked the app, but the last PDF warscrolls for Legends models available on WHC are from 2021. Have there been further updates for these models in the app?

    The might get the odd update, sometimes, but for the most part Legends is the slow death of a faction. Eventually (or right away), the rules do not keep up either by being incredibly bad and/or not making much sense with future updates. The biggest slap in the face as far as BoC is concerned is the army won't actually becoming OOP but instead repackaged for TOW. So the usual argument, and common practice in the tabletop industry, that it makes sense because OOP, doesn't. They could have kept them around because they still will be. 

    I guess it is hip to be square, as a beasty boi. B| Humour is a fine coping mechanism, I hear. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    That flag might be a little tone deaf considering the times we're currently living in. But I don't think they purposefully decided to reference ******. Black, red, and white have been Skaven primary colors since old Fantasy.

    SBGL too. There's no imagery which connect it to a certain kind of abhorrent ideology. They're classic 'bad guy' colours.


  11. 1 hour ago, PiotrW said:

    People spent money and time on these models - just nixing them to make room for new stuff is heavily disrespectful toward the client base. Again, it's real money we're talking about here.

    A point which often glossed over.

    It isn't just the rules and army that goes, it is everything put into them that's lost too. Sometimes it even turns into blatant gaslighting, e.g. "It is only plastic toy soldiers, stop being upset." GW's business model is build around their players getting more and more attached, not only because cynical side of using sunk cost, but also because the army becomes a part in how they interact with the hobby overall (building, paint, playing, reading, etc, etc). When you take time/effort/money away from someone that someone is understandably going to feel aggrieved.


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  12. 4 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    Honestly speaking, I don't know what to do. I'm totally heartbroken by yesterday's news. GW nixed some of my favourite Stormcast minis *and* destroyed my concept for a colourful, varied, fun Slaves to Darkness army.

    I'm depressed as heck and I'm considering dropping both AoS and WH40K altogether. :(

    Yepp, most of the deleted units/factions will be used in other games. AoS 4th has to become a massive epic bombshell of a game for me to even consider it again. Deleting BoC like this isn't a trivial little thing where you can proxy it. Rule of cool works as long as the rules somewhat lets me play in a manner suitable to the lore. Anyone who claims S2D can even come close to what the current battletome is does not play BoC.

    And to those who say "just play ToW" is giving off the same vibes as Activision when they said "don't you have mobile phones?"

    Maybe I was naive but I was hoping for a FEC revival for BoC but I guess not. I wish I could be more positive but I'm just so deflated. BoC getting a refresh in 3-4 years is nothing but copium. So yeah, I'm thinking I'm done as well.

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  13. 17 hours ago, EonChao said:

    Whereas Primaris marines are different from firstborn from an enhanced biology standpoint, the Thunderstrike Stormcast are just wearing new armour that by lore is designed to help their souls return to Azyr upon death, as justification for better proportions in models. These are just Stormcast Liberators like the old models so players can continue to use the older bulkier models or these with the same rules 

    In that case, I admit I misunderstood the whole deal. I was thinking this was Primarisification and "look at this new cool unit which is the same as the other just better." However, since you can use them interchangeably, no harm no foul.

  14. 52 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    @pnkdthWHFB saw some units get repeated resculpts, so this isn’t anything new.

    As a Stormcast player, I am very happy to see the Oldcast sculpts getting replaced over new u it’s.


    There most likely will be new units, of course, but I am hoping GW consolidates enough warscrolls to reduce the overall number.

    How is that the same thing? I don't keep tabs on release dates but for the most part WHFB models which has been replaced is a fair bit older, no? Most of the new-ish sculpts have remained in factions like CoS too.

    New units are fun. Barely indistinguishable units are not. I guess it depends on the level of investment and/or willingness to seeing you army replaced in a fairly short amount of time. I think it more realistic to expect them to keep the "firstborn" SCE while pushing the sales of the units. GW very rarely resolve internal balance re-shuffling internal balance in a way that's customer friendly. 

    I mean, I definitely hope the old models remain relevant for those who does not want to buy a new army but, again, it seems very out of character for GW to incentivise using old models while releasing brand new ones.

  15. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

    So did the old ones, so there's not that much change there.


    And not to be that guy, but I'm getting major 40k vibes. This essentially an accelerated version of primaris and turning old models obsolete ever quicker. I can barely spot the differenc so any SCE player could just rebase their models and I'd be non the wiser.

    Seriously though, for AoS to move so quickly past established models is strange. They've barely established SCE "firstborn" or chambers properly before bloating their roster even more. Of course, more cool stuff is good but this is the bare minimum since it doesn't innovate their roster as much as it is iterating on existing units. I don't have any skin the game but if I were an SCE player I'd be a bit annoyed. It is like they realised the SCE roster is bloated but rather addressing the issue they created a new improved unit while leaving the rest behind.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Ah but the thing is, once you introduce xp gains / extra gear etc, the Holy Balance is upset between bands. That's why a game in Mordheim between an experienced band and a beginner one tend to be...let's say quick - and the beginner band better rout voluntarily as soon as possible, to get that juicy bonus xp while still have enough heroes to gain money properly. When a game has mechanisms that incite you -not- to play the actual scenario for better long term results (which would be normally the point of a game, after all...moving your models on the board, instead of having them on the sidelines while you just roll dice on exploration tables), that's the hint there's a problem. You can say Warcry campaign rules are less exciting than Mordheim's, sure, but you can never say Warcry doesn't incite you to really get engaged in the actual games preceding the aftermath phase. In Warcry, you rarely try to rout voluntarily, because you know playing the scenario to the best you can won't punish you as hard as in Mordheim.

    Unfortunately, I believe such a game is simply not to the current standards in GW industry. Which is why I don't believe we'll see a "true Mordheim remake"...if such a thing was actually necessary. I mean, the rules are already out on the internet, in more than a complete way to say the least. Why doing a remake if you already believe it's perfection ? ;)

    I am definitely not in the Mordheim is perfection and I do not seek a one-for-one copy. I quite like the underdog scenarios and decisions made mindful the long campaign. I think that more than anything is what I am looking for. Necromunda might be something. Haven't looked into it much yet though.

  17. 1 minute ago, Sarouan said:

    And I said that as a Mordheim player, who started from the very first day it released to still nowadays, 25 years later. ;) I'm just very aware of Mordheim's flaws, what it is and what it is not. And I certainly don't paint a lovelier picture of it because of nostalgia's bias. I'm not demeaning Mordheim players at all...I'm just amused at how some people tend to believe Mordheim is way better than it actually is / was (mostly those people don't play anymore or certainly not the core rules without heavy "patches" / fanmade rules to make the rules better, which is not my case).

    Personally, it is was the setting and vibe + all the flavour 'Town Crier' added. I'd love to see a Warcry plus, complete with lots of extra gear, exp gain, etc, etc. Give me some janky yet flavourful rules, GW!

  18. It isn't just the hyper-competitive people who enjoy playing "the right way" but new players not wanting to end up playing a game no one plays. Modularity is great for when you already understand the game and introducing AoS to someone who is brand new to tabletop gaming (taking it one step at a time). 

    Overall, I am not expecting this to blow our minds. Looks good as a presentation but the format is very familiar. For example, you can already choose not to use the GHB and stick the matched play rules only. Ultimately, even the most casual gamers enjoy games which are as fair as possible. That doesn't happen when playing open rules.

    That said, if the rules are presented in a more practical and clearer way everyone's a winner.

    • Like 2
  19. 21 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    The cards allow people to have a casual game and assign their wins or losses to bad draws, but the game is just as easily solvable as before. It's why you consistently see the same people winning events and its why I can basically score 37-40 secondary points in every single game, guaranteed, even when going tactical. And that's assuming you don't just go fixed where the game becomes easier to "solve" than before because now you're only having to worry about 2 easily scored secondaries rather than 3.

    People will find excuses no matter what. Good players should be getting consistent results because 'uncertainty', in my book, does not mean it has to be sheer randomness. I find it more engaging to have to have to make tactical decisions and games which involve more phases and straight up meat grinders. It is by no means perfect but it creates satisfying games.

  20. 9 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I think they mentioned in the video that they are staying roughly the same as what is in 3rd now. I may have misremembered that though or thinking about a rumour, but I don't think points will change too much.

    GW have done this for about 30 years and it's not going to change. It's annoying with FEC how close the book appeared to the new edition but it's the nature of the beast. I'd love GW to move away from armybooks and just have source books with art and background and keep gaming stuff online there's probably just as many people out there who like having a book. 

    That's good to hear.

    Yeah, I do not expect it to change any time soon, if ever. I do appreciate the feeling of a book myself and complete revamps won't happen every edition. 

  21. 2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Hmm, hadn't heard about this card system.  I wouldn't like that either, just one more bunch of thingies I have to carry around. 

    To me it is the 'uncertainty' element of 40k. AoS have priority rolls and secondary cards in 40k means you can't auto-pilot your way through a game, i.e. castling up and creating a death ball isn't viable because you can't score if you bunch up too much. Without I think it would be too easy to 'solve' 40k by simply fielding the most effective units at killing/tanking. Instead we see lists making use of units which are focused on objectives (or 'schemers' as they're know as in Malifaux). Their role isn't about producing the most dakka but rather protecting the back line, securing objectives, and so on.

    In this regard, I enjoy 10th and the list feels more dynamic and lot less mathhammery than before. Once I got used to the new systems/rules games do run a lot smoother than 9th too. Really hope USRs and consolidated rules work out similarly in AoS 4th (while remaining distinct enough not to become Fantasy 40k).


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  22. Looking forward to the shake-up. 3rd edition has become a bit of chore to play with the bloat that's been added over the years. Hopefully the USRs and reset will address things such as every unit needing some kind of 6s cause MWs or similar, or causing a gazillion mortals wounds on a charge.

    However, the deal breaker for me is how wounds (or appropriate toughness) and points cost reflect the actual units themselves. Because if they point armies to the, well, point where it becomes even more expensive to enter the hobby I'm out. Love the settings GW have created and I know that every designer are really passionate about what they do but recent times the business side of GW have really put a dampener on my excitement, e.g. I am very glad I didn't jump on the FEC bandwagon just yet because they will got WE:ed. Rob's (THW) advice to never buy any books until they figure out a better way of supplying rules is legit. Especially since, apparently, the newer books (especially in 40k post index) are even lighter on lore/art/hobbying than before while remaining expensive has heck.

    But to end on a positive note, for awhile the rules will be free, there will be new ways of playing the game. I'll hold them to their promises that the indexes won't be watered down and sub-factions and so on will still be there as 4th go live. Here's to brighter hobbying days going forwards. Cheers!

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  23. 25 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    All I know is the lines of some Factions blur their Alliances. Darkoath may as well be Destruction as they venerate no members or the Big 4. (6).

    I hope that Silent People are slotted into Destruction because they clearly dont worship Chaos and have been described as Sentient, Patient and Violent. Their appearance alone would not allow them in most Free Cities so Order seems off the table.

    It comes to Death and Destruction. With cocooning and husks and other Insect related abilites the arguement could be made for Death.

    But for me Destruction makes the most sense.

    Instead of capturing Souls like the Idoneth they could capture people whole and take them to their Hives to be cocooned in Amberstone, think Xenomorphs from Aliens, drained of their life force within the confines of their sticky prison to feed the Hives Queen who in turn lays more eggs. Eggs which Bonesplittaz steal.

    They dont eat to feed themselves the capture to feed their Queen. They dont barter for goods or trade with other races.They care not for ruling the Realms only to make sure the Queen is Protected and the Eggs are kept safe.




    At this point GW should just get rid of the grand alliances altogether. Just give factions an ally/coalition chart with appropriate factions.

    Silent People doesn't seem to care much about others unless they disturb the nest which seems like the polar opposite of other destruction factions. If anything, those factions seem the most likely to end up in direct conflict with them (the Silent People). Now if Silent People end up going full Tyranid, i.e. it is time to nomnom the world, then that is as destruction as it gets.

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