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Posts posted by pnkdth

  1. 11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Side rant but I really don't like WFB dark elves... I feel like their lore was created by a emo teen from the 90s/00s looking to create a dark and edgy faction, which created goth elves with a love of sacrifice and debauchery... and the models apart from the corsairs and the DoK ones have aged poorly. They're most emo looking with all the skulls and spikes and are very stiff looking. They even have edgy names like bleakswords and darkshards and dreadspears and executioners and black guard... Someone been listening to My Chemical Romance when naming those ? Sorry for dark elves players here...

    They used to be called Dark Elf Warriors with various weapons options. The silly (and new) naming scheme is GW's doing because copyright obsession. Their faction is a result of Slaaneshi corruption by the hands of Morathi and Malekith (plus conflicts with dwarfs). There's also quite a few interesting characters among them as well.

    Not liking a faction is A-OK but, seriously, going off a rant where you call people a bunch of cringey emos for liking a particular faction... Yikes.

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Try to think of it from the perspective of a marketing person who wants to build hype of the faction instead. The pitch for Cities is "This is what the cities of the mortal realms are like". We have now seen probably about half of the new kits. If elves and dwarves were a substantial part of the new release, they would have focussed on that fact by now. Not doing so just makes no sense from a marketing point of view.

    Yeah, I had hoped we'd see these units mixed to represent the fact of the cultural diversity the cities of Sigmar has. Not just in terms of the various factions soldiers but also in the weapons and gear they use.

    The new CoS has a striking resemblance to the 40k's Imperium style (which is a really cool aesthetic, I have to say). I mean, you could pick almost any miniature from CoS and it'd be right at home in a 40k imperial army. The new CoS looks like how one might expect the mortals to become, i.e. more and more warlike which gets represented in their appearance and attitude.

    There's also lots and lots of potential for kitbashing for other factions in AoS. A FEC player might use some of their kits to add more history of origins to their ghoulified units, a chaos army might use them to represent infiltrators who finally reveal their true selves, for SBGL it is just a smorgasbord for anything they want, and so on.

  3. On 6/29/2023 at 11:57 AM, JackStreicher said:

    From a first-ish read-through I am not a fan.

    as mentioned above it’s a reinforcement of r/p/s. There are obvious abuses (Tzeentch guaranteeing a 4D6 MW blizzard) und resulting NPEs.

    This feels like a step back from the previous GHB. It feels a lot like the Galletian-Fiasko GHB (maybe about 80% as bad)

    I might give this a try. However I think I might skip this GHB: imo it adds nothing to the game but frustration and very whacky matchups.


    Sorry for the negativity folks.


    I wouldn't call it negativity. Especially since it looks like you're right.

    Watching the latest SoW report this season is going to produce very one-sided games. In the post-game discussion they talk about just how ridiculous the MW output was and that unless you're playing an army with STRONG magic defence there's no answer for it. Of course, there are armies who will just shrug it off like Null Myriad OBR (though only effective versus targetted spells). This might be an issue with the army itself (won't spoil which) but with the new GHB toys it gets so much worse.

    The biggest issue with the new GHB is how flat out boosts magic dominant armies and the only drawback is more damaging miscasts. Very little nuance or interesting counter-play and it really adds to the lethality of the game. If SoB used to be a DPS check, then in this GHB its added in a magic/MW tanking check. Adding, as mentioned, to the issue of heavy-handed RPS in AoS.

    That said, hopefully life finds a way.

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  4. FEC hero got to be with 3" of an enemy unit and friendly unit (at the end a charge) and the opponent has to wilfully choose the option you want to fit an already situational ability... And then you roll against their bravery (if that option is chosen). That's a lot of jank and its also a 6W unit with a 5+ save who has to be in the thick of things.

    Yeah, that's a no from me. Shame though since it is a really cool model. Could have some play with summoning but that's a big maybe.


  5. They released essentially the same tome twice. Added a hero no one asked for. Made the army more expensive to collect while adding nothing of note.

    To get excited over any potential the faction has is going to need a lot more than "they might get an update in 2-5 years" or "AoS is in a good spot right now." This might be coming off as negative but I'm just so done with hoping for things I know 100% won't happen.

    As a concept I really like the FS. Mercs going mad for their god creates opportunities for stories which aren't just good versus evil but several shades of grey. More creative units and naming scheme would help too. I mean, they literally got a volcanic underworld of beasts and creatures to pull from. Not to mention the various aspects of warriors and cool looking armour/weapon designs they could have come up with... But then again, that's just unrealised potential, so it is just ash in the wind until something happens.

  6. 20 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    hey now, the humble basket is older than the Primarchs by at least 5000 years! show some respect :Phttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170524141745.htm

    AOS put sharks on land. now we've got a whole crow's nest on land. Maybe... the whole ship is next?

    Showcase: Marienburg Landship » Tale of Painters

    By contrast this contraption actually looks like it could work (if a bit dangerous!) and flying fish is what I'd put in the "because magic" category. The point is, the mounted on an ogre bucket just doesn't have that "because magic" vibe some of the crazier stuff AoS has. LRL got that Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon things going on which also supported with "because magic" with a dash of "because elves."

    It isn't that big of a deal and I do not have to like every mini. It just feels out of place. Maybe it'll start making more sense and more of the line is released.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    It's an odd thing that I find all the weirdness and strangeness of the Mortal Realms and all that's going on in and around them far more 'believable' and easy to immerse than I do 40k. I so badly struggle to willingly suspend my disbelief with 40k but don't have that problem with the Realms.


    I think why I struggle with the suspension of disbelief is because there's isn't anything fantastical about this model. It is a dude in a basket strapped to an ogre's back. Unless the new CoS has created a niche for using the arcane to create magical sniper buckets, ofc. 😆

    What I'm saying is, a dude in a bucket doesn't quite stack up to the weirdness of the mortal realms or the fantastical magical things which many call "AoSifying" traits (as in what makes it different from WHFB or other fantasy settings). To me it just looks like something which breaks its own setting's rules (for the lack of a better term).

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  8. 3 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Yeah but look where the weight is? The difference between that and WAAAAAAY up above him is a big one. I'm alone in thinking this is even stupider than the cow head helmets of the lumineth guys. Imagine you have to animate/write that thing fighting. Your options are: The ogor barely moves his body, and I mean barely, no waist movement what so ever which just does not mesh with ... well fighting. Or the man up top is just being flung around with all the grace and care of one of those little door stopper spring things you see on walls.


    It's not just "warhammer wacky" imo. It requires the same level of "idk magic" as skeletons moving without ligaments except that even if its magic anti grav wood it STILL would mean the guy at the top is getting shaken like a cat toy.


    It's just dumb to me.

    If ever were to build one it would be without the guy on top. Simply to represent he's flung somewhere to the other side of the board. 😆

    I call this the anti-whack meta.

    • Haha 3
  9. 3 hours ago, Still-young said:

    I really really like that Marshall and Envoy. I’m looking forward to seeing this full range. 

    Gonna give mine 2 swords:



    Why do three of them look like they just got rudely awakened from a 3 day binge? Complete with the "I-just-got-out-of-bed"-hair, pale as heck, and baggy eyes. Both the guy with the pistols and Mr Head of Staff seem to be trying to figure out where they are and how they got there. 😆

    Joking aside, I realise it is 'Eavy Metal's way of painting to make everything pop (same with the baboons) and very few people will actually paint them like that.

    Also, they remind me of Dragon Age is the best ways.

    • Like 1
  10. Nexon? Oof. Not exactly inspiring confidence. They could surprise us but I'm expecting mobile-like P2W hub based multiplayer gatcha game. I'm hope I am wrong but this company (Nexon) are known for their egregious P2W systems and, more worryingly, often go after known franchises and games and exploit their loyalty for their own gain. They usually start out slow (so their reviews won't tank) and then ramp up the P2W nonsense to 11.


  11. Just now, Beliman said:

    I hope that AoS Chorfs are an ALL IN civilization.  Instead of chaining daemons to warmachines, they could chain entire Gods/Godbeasts (like Necrons and C'than).

    What if that's why they're appearing just now... They already got one or two duardin gods/shards in their pocket. That would be enough to terrify/enrage the FS into action and get the rest of the duardin on the warpath, for sure.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think Chaos Duardin would be a good enemy for Fyreslayers necessarily. It'd be double in that they're both fire-themed AND Duardin. I've always imagined them more as a dark parallel to the Kharadron.

    Khorne and Fyreslayers would also probably be visually too similar, but the Vosforge is currently held by Khorne IIRC, so that would be an easy narrative setup especially if we shift the focus to Aqshy again.

    Skaven always work as enemies for anyone, but personally I really like the Idoneth/Fyreslayer rivalry. Even though I know that's not going to be expanded on in major lore events, it works so well. Water versus Fire, Soul-seeking and abandoned by their god versus Carrying god-essence/spirit in their bodies, the contrast between their runes, etc.

    Chorfs is a massive thorn in any Duardin's side.

    Their very existence an insult, reminder of what they lost and what they forsook. If they showed up on the doorstep of FS hoping to dominate a god the FS are desperately trying to reawaken I imagine the slayers might just raise and objection or fourteen. Doesn't matter how detached from the old world/ways FS/KO claim to be, chorfs will bring all that back to the fore. There might be some similarities in themes (as in element) but if you take a closer look there's there's a clear nature versus industry, martial freedom versus brutal might makes right.

    I see a pretty compelling redemption arc as FS/KO atone for their more shameful deeds and the rest of the Duardin are united around a common cause to reclaim the rekindling old traditions, reconnected with their ancestors, and maybe one day find a way back to, for example, Vayala the rest of the gang.

    It wholly depends on what GW does with CoS though... And as you no doubt can see I have some big hopes for both Duardin and Chorfs. 😇

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  13. 42 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’ve been enjoying 40k a lot more then aos lately.

    but I do must admit, I haven’t been playing any competitive games, just some fun beer and bretzel games with some of my buddies

    10th is looking really nice too. I was kind of worried about the reset but most, if not all, of the factions so far looks like they've retained a lot of flavour. My favourite so far has to be Daemons with The Shadow of Chaos as an opposite to the 'nids Shadow of The Warp. Love how it both reflects the sheer madness of a daemonic incursion and also its sustaining energies as you try to spread its influence over the board.

    For me 40k and AoS is two sides of the same coin. Striking similarities yet different in key places. Good to alternate between (as well as other games of the tabletop variety).

    • Like 2
  14. While I do not think AoS due for a reset like 40k when it does land I hope;

    1. Remove every single dice roll for heroic/monster actions. Just make them interesting and only ONE can be used per turn because if everyone's a bloody hero all the time, what's so heroic about these actions? Rename them to Routine Actions instead. Also, saves time as you don't have to play checklist-hammer. Naturally, some units who pointlessly had their abilities turned into heroic actions would have that change reverted back to a warscroll ability.

    2. Split mortal wounds into Arcane Wounds and Mortal Wounds. Arcane Wounds stay the same as Mortal Wounds and Mortal Wounds become something else (such as modifier to save). One extra rule but it would be a...

    3: USRs, which means they'll be super easy to remember. As a bonus, another tool for the designers to make things which doesn't have to be all or nothing. Ideally though, MWs on "normal weapons" should be avoided as much as possible and be reflected in the weapon's profile.

    4. Simplify degrading profiles to "If X unit has Y wounds or less" apply effect Z.

    Overall, I want to kill as much useless dice-rolling and time-wasting actions who provide very little impact on the game as possible. There are already armies with hero/magic phases which drags on and on, we do not need to add even more layers to that.

    • Like 5
  15. 8 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    To be honest I feel Dark Elves even when looking at many mortal Slaneesh models. Seekers, Painbringers, Twinsouls...

    Aye, some of the old designs of Slaanesh mortals (WHFB) share a very striking resemblance to Dark Elves/HoS. Makes sense too since Dark Elves (or the Druchii) were a direct result of Morathi opening up the door for Slaanesh.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I really need to see new Dark Aelves models. I'm curious about the direction they take with them. 

    I'm a bit surprised GW still hasn't introduced them. In many Warhammer card, board and video games Dark Elves were treated as one of the main factions, next to Empire, Greenskinz, Dwarfs, Chaos and High Elves.

    Perhaps they're struggling to find a niche for them outside of CoS/DoK? The latter, especially, already has a lot of the sneaky assassin + death by a thousand cuts of Dark Elves. CoS has the rest with their standing military and monsters. Even the shadow elves for the side games gives off immediate DoK vibes as there isn't much to visually differentiate them. However, if CoS takes a decided focus on the human elements of CoS then another door would open up.

    That said, I think we're eventually will see a new elf faction with Malerion in the centre. Hopefully after Chorfs though. 😄

  17. 54 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Ironically funny the further we go forward the more people wish for the AoS1 system again of free rules, books that are 98% for art & lore(only thing locked was battalions) and big Grand Alliance books for all those factions rules in one place. xD 

    I want free digitally available rules not a huge expensive book which will need 5 billions pages of FAQs/Erratas + lore and art in battletomes. I'd love world building and themes explored in a similar veins to Liber Chaotica.

    I really REALLY don't want to return to anything even remotely close to AoS 1. Grand Alliances are bound to create watered down and flavourless or horribly imbalanced rules. Currently the AoS team is doing a decent job at balancing 3rd. Just a shame they went so hard on MW spam.

    Looking at 40k I do not think we're at a place where we need a reset (give it an edition or two). They clearly want to add in a few new factions before that. That said, GW can be quite fickle at times. 😄

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  18. I am so conflicted. On the one hand I love seeing more FEC but on the other hand the only stand-out models are the leader-like character with the axe (the bone body mod armour is awesome) and the stupid surprised looking baboons. The rest are barely distinguishable from existing ghouls. Mixed bag but at least we actually got something in the bag... not to mention actually getting something like a bag. 😄

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