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Posts posted by DrShan

  1. On 4/23/2021 at 10:44 PM, Pickle The Hutt said:

    If you can see any part of the model from the shooting model, then you have line of sight. It's hard to stay out of LoS in the above ground scenarios, but the Catacombs walls make it harder to have LoS everywhere.

    If there's terrain between the two models (and the shooting model is not right next to the terrain), then the defending model gets a +1 bonus to toughness.

    Hang on a minute.. 🤔 I don't recall that from the core rules.. 🤔 

  2. On 5/5/2021 at 10:24 PM, Docthe3rd said:

    We were doing one from the Tome of Champions (the big, 3 month one), but it plays the same as a normal one. When I got extra glory, I just added in some more heroes, mostly. The Endrinmaster with the dirigible suit is expensive, but can really be useful in terms of getting around and messing with people, but the other endrinmaster (the one on foot) is equally good. He has a double (I believe) that gives him an extra attack and basically means you'll hit any target on 3s and deal a good chunk of damage. 

    Will have to look into this double. My plan is to spend my glory points and pump a bunch of spear arkiea into the fray to glut up the hoppers and troggoth.. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, Docthe3rd said:

    So I actually just finished a campaign with KO that I got lucky enough to win with, so here are some suggestions:

    1) use the Leader's Triple (fight for profit, I think it's called) as often as you can. If you can keep your volley guns near your leader and stay 3" away from the Gitz, each volley gun can pump out 14 shots a turn (assuming you shoot with both actions), which will shred most things (especially the smaller Gitz stuff)

    2) similarly, try to make use of the double that gets you a free disengage to keep stuff out of range.

    3) If you can, swap the arkanauts with a pistol and cutter to the ones with spears - they're SO good. Over my campaign my one guy with a spear would regularly take out stuff much bigger than itself.

    4) I love my thunderer with an aethercannon, since it would regularly delete stuff in one or two actions. Try to fit one in if you can. 


    As for actually playing, the keys are going to be to stay out of melee, and to try to get as many shots off as possible. If you can work it where everything is fighting the Troggoth once it lumbers over to you versus having to take on everything AND the Troggoth, it gets much simpler. My go-to was to, essentially, focus fire on one target at a time in order to make sure the things died before they could cause too much trouble. 


    Hope this helps!

    Congratulations 🎊! Was it the bad investment campaign? What's my options for using glory options?? Dominating territory seems like a bit of a waste. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

    Having a hard time staying out of mele range of the dam loomboss on his giant squig. They have the most OP quad!! Hate that add value of dice non sense. 

  4. On 3/8/2021 at 6:23 AM, Tinniez said:

    You can absolutely magnetize the Endrinrigger/Skywarden kit. The connections points where the arms attach to the torso are flat and wide, so a small drill should allow you to seat a magnet in there rather easily. Take a look at the Kharadron Overlords Facebook page - there are many examples of it on there.

    Arkanauts: I just build these lads with all the special weapon options available, because they 're fun. The volleygun is great in Warcry, as is the skypike.

    Thunderers: The aethercannon is undeniably powerful in Warcry, but many people (myself included) equip all of these lads with aethershot rifles, as they have better range in Age of Sigmar. Again, these models have flat and wide connection points, so you should be able to magnetize the arms if you so desire.

    Cheers Tinniez. I ended up picking up an old army of someone and so I have heaps of units. Also the magnets turned out to be a real pain. 

    my current band of brothers is: 

    Khemist (L) - For the extra shots

    Mizzenmaster (H) - for the mobility

    3 x Arkanaut w/Volley guns - for the pew pew

    2 x Arkanaut w/ pistol & cutter (might swap to spear)

    1 x Thunderer w/ mortar.


    I play against gloomspite gitz mainly (only have 1 friend who plays) and he kicks my behind. he has 1 hoppa, 1 boss & a Trogott as a thrall which I hate. Any suggestions or tips would be amazing!! 


  5. Hey everyone, Thanks for the lists. I recently picked up the warcry box and the Arkanaut box. Haven't started putting them together since I have ZERO idea what I want to field. 

    Wondering if anyone has built the skywardens with magnets and tried swapping them with Endrinrigger gear occassionally? ? Is that even an option? 


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