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Posts posted by Me-dude-sa

  1. 26 minutes ago, El Syf said:

    Oh, other than this and one other forum I have not contact with the larger community as only play against my brother game wise sue to being quite rural. Didn’t know it was that bad!

    The 40k community is especially rough. I'll try not to overshare, but the community where I was near at the time was incredibly bad and made me stop the hobby as a whole for a bit. The casual usage of slurs, constant unpleasant conversations and insults, and just general attitude was really bad and as an LGBT person, it did not make me feel welcome or even safe (and this was even before it all came to a head when someone brought they're unpleasently themed ork army decked out in Swastikas and everything)

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  2. On one hand, I'm glad that hobby will grow and more people will get interested in and have fun with Warhammer and war games as a whole. However, on the other hand, I'm not looking forward to an influx of new toxic fans of Cavill's and the insufferable pockets of the fanbases getting more vocal, abundant and just all around worse.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Still extremely curious about this one. It's now 2 years and 6 months old. Is it from a cancelled kit? 692920667_2020-04-07(1).jpg.9f81290ca8f1f1c863de8d8e1d290907.jpg

    Taking another glance after a while it kind of looks like it could be the back of a throne maybe? It would be attached to one  of these other minis:image.jpeg.c4c20ab418537183fe742f6dbe56b00c.jpegimage.jpeg.1a918409751bea68129963f49ab70a6e.jpegimage.jpeg.d8be939ce666f7427b1de76dcde5ca5a.jpeg


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  4. 3 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    It did mention seraphon and slaan quite a lot, which I always appreciate. Might be more hints towards the next warcry box indeed being lizards versus birds

    Definitely seems like that'll be the case. The terrain that was posted on the rumor engine a while back did look very Tzeentchian.

  5. On 9/9/2022 at 8:22 AM, Asbestress said:

    Devoted will probably just become Order of Azyr, and get a Flagellant kit refresh and some generic Witch Hunters and Priests I reckon with maybe some special units.

    I hope that when or if the Order of Azyr get their update, they kind of lean into how the Order is a pantheon and we get priests  and clerics based around some of the other key deities or godbeasts. Or even have those queues present in normal units.

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  6. 46 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Are they extinct?
    I thought they were just dormant under the earth like cicadas. IIRC there were some hints of stuff scuttling around and hiding during beastgrave but I might be mistaken.

    Yep, they're apparently around and kicking per the lore from Direchasm


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  7. 11 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Okay….. who had money on albino daemon rats? Jokes aside I’m happy for the skaven players amongst us, here’s hoping the new models revealed tomorrow can help us all win the fight against the Usurper Nagash and avenge LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! Or your local equivalent.

    Are they albino? They kinda look like those naked mole rat things.

  8. Oh man, I’m trying really hard to keep my expectations in the realm of possibility, but I’m also getting hyped. My main hopes for this are 1 or 2 warbands for Harrowdeep revealed as well as a road map released more like the one we got for Direchasm. As for AoS proper more or less expecting just the battletomes revealed and MAYBE some silhouettes and if we’re really lucky 1 or 2 characters revealed.

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  9. 20 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    So after thirty years without a map they finally made one and it's just three kingdoms era China. This project really isn't doing much to excite me. 

    Well, it's nothing but consistent with the old world, this is the same franchise that named they're expys of India and Japan, Ind and Nippon respectively. 

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Its only a matter of time,im so sure that we gonna get in any moment a tome of khaos space marines.......i mean stormcast corrupted with some diferent colour and some spyke and call it new khaos faction

    I mean, that's basically just chaos warriors.

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  11. 36 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    what was the leak refresh my rat memory

    It was a while ago, so I may get the details muddled but the basic gist of it was new warbands like the Kruel Boyz, a Cities of Sigmar band called Sigmar's Soul Seekers, and something about Dwarves? However, the person also listed something about a new token and that's come true apparently.

    Edit: Found it! It was apparently Spanish, anyways the old leaks  said the future bands and minis were Shadow Elves, goblins, empire hero, Sigmar's soul hunters, and Skaven Engineer crew and a big chaos model.

  12. 34 minutes ago, jaWn said:

    Really interesting, I don't know much about Beastmen so correct me if I'm wrong, but


    Is this the first time they're saying humans can mutate into them and that they can turn others into Beastmen?


  13. I think I may have figured out the new Idoneth Underworlds Warband. These specific pieces seem more organic than BoC and Orruk models and also more aquatic, so it seems like the models maybe some sort of IDK hunters and a Beastmaster using a flute like a pied piper with some critters in the warband for good measure.








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  14. Noticing a lot of people in the AoS community talking about the Silent People, don't know if this is siginaling a soon release but it does seem like people are into our buggy boys. Which makes me a little hopeful that GW may at least take not of this and do something with them down the line.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Talas said:

    As an addition to the 3.0 rumors, Rob from The Honest Wargamer just said in their podcast that the new Stormcasts will be "Bretonnia" themed.

    Dang, where was this info a month ago when I started planning a Bretonnian Stormcast kit-bash list. 

  16. So a Warhammer YouTube channel (2+ toughness I think?) in a video about the recent soul blight reveal said that the a source told him the new faction is going to be destruction aligned. I don't know how truthful, he is,  but the guy did understate it so I find it kind of trustworthy  but my gut still tells me this is Kurnoth. However, in classic mythology Centaurs were "destructive and uncivilized" so maybe it will be the first dual alliance faction.

  17. 4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Tomorrow is the big day guys!! What are your hopes and dreams for the Preview?

    -Different Soul Blight Bloodlines with unique minis and rules, new blood knights, updated zombies

    -Full reveal for the new OSBR Underworlds warband and some more details on the Idoneth release.

    -Some kind of surprise. 


  18. 2 hours ago, Marius au said:

    It would be super odd for Malerion to be dead. 

    Yeah, I'd kinda be disappointed if after all this build up, he's dead.  Particulary because  shadow elves we're the only ones I've been interested in, but I would be impressed by GW having the guts to kill off such a major character.


    -Some More Orruks: some more standard boyz would be good with just a little bit more flair would be perfect and maybe some more special characters. 

    -Ogors: They are in extreme need of an update and expansion for every iteration, because this could really make them something interesting and even iconic to the setting if done well enough. 

    -Something Else: Destruction is IMO the most underdeveloped grand alliance and I feel like a good bit of creativity could be really good for these folks. Silent People are something that's been referenced and would be really freaking cool if done right but there is the worry of them turning out to be fantasy Tyranids which would just be sort of disappointing. More giants would also be a great choice for new destruction content. 


    -I'm not a big chaos fan, but new Skaven would be really cool and boy do they really need some new stuff because I think they may be in the running for having the oldest models.

    -Beasts of Chaos also show their age in some places, but have fared somewhat better IMO, but they do need some love. Please put the old Razorgor out of its misery the derp levels are off the charts and throw in some female units, girls can be disgusting, murderous and unholy chimeras too that's equality. 


    - New Soulblights look amazing, keep that up but it would be cool if we had units, themed around different bloodlines and themes (I want Vampirates dang it!). New Zombies would also be cool and an updated Prince Vhordai seems like it should be a no brainer. 

    - 2 or 3 new things for Ossiarch Bone Reapers could be alright, we're already getting that war band for underworlds so that may actually be enough.

    -Now this is a stretch buuuut this is wish listing so, I would like to see something related to Tomb Kings. OBR scratch that itch a little but there's a lot of really cool stuff tied to that faction so some updating would be awesome.


    - Storm casts have enough, but GW going "what's the deal with these here lightning geists?" has changed my tune I need more info!

    -Seraphon need an update, the Kroxigor are especially ancient and don't even match with the other old units and those need updating too. I'd especially like to the differences between The Coalesced and Starborne. We need more Dinos !

    -Malerion has been something I've been interested in since the start of AoS and I really,really, want the Dark Elves 2.0 soon, come on Gee Dub's you've teased us enough.

    -I'd like to see Cities of Sigmar get some new updates  and maybe make them the most nostalgia focused faction. Give them some Bretonnia,Cathay, and, Kathay expys

    - Kurnothi are something that's really interesting and I would like to see them to make their appearance proper either as more Sylvaneth or their own thing

    - More new stuff I feel like order could do well to have their own OBR faction but what? I have no idea

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