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Posts posted by Garrac

  1. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It is a launchbox. It will have a sweet discount. With Skavens on the box, it will sell like crazy.

    Touchée. Alltho, im just realising that talking with skaven players, so little minis have been showed so far that most don't even know there's a starter box coming, they think it's just a few pair of minis for the new armybook. Many, a lot of tow players amongst them, dont even know that the 4th ed trailer exists.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Chikout said:

    They've been marketing the release this whole time. The pre order window is also still marketing time. Especially with a product like this that will be aimed at new players. They want people to walk into stores and pick up a box. 

    The only marketing that really counts to bring guys into playing stuff it's the one that shows actual miniatures, and now we have barely ¿half? of the box 37 days prior.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Rumored schedule:

    - Prerelease second June week

    - Release last June week + Spearhead pdfs

    So, then launch box gets revealed on 18th of may, and preorders for the 9th of June? That's barely 22 days of marketing. It's utterly insane, AoS (nor any other game for the matter) isn't 40k, it doesn't have the privilege of a large fandom instabuying every release. But, oh well, I'm not an executive...

  4. 5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    You can easily just make something based on his 6E rules for the Old World. From a quick look the only real major problem I see is that his armour is a 1+ save which is no longer around, but if you make him a 2+ save rerolling ones because of the Gromril Armour special rule it should still work for sheer "unopenable tin can" levels. 

    Quite a lot more of the rules should change as well, nowadays these kind of characters come even more expensive.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    And they don't release those characters after some time? Are they exclusive from those codes?

    Oh, yes, they're free from minute 1 I think, it's just a promotion thing to make people buy the White Dwarf. Not guaranteed it will happen again with number 500, tho.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    What's that?

    Basically, every time there's a milestone on the White Dwarf, Games Workshop gives a free code for a new character on Total Warhammer 3. Last time was Grombindal some years ago, and there's now speculation towards Josef Bugman being the gift for buying White Dwarf 500.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Quote

    Next week on Warhammer Community, we’ll be providing you with a glut of Warhammer Age of Sigmar coverage – a new miniature

    Seems like warcom'll anounce a sigmarine character now

    Also, no word on any Josef Bugman's code? Seems like we'll have to anoyingly wait for preorders...

    • Confused 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Did we every get that rumor about Warhammer underworld was being retire because of low sells?

    and that Warcry was also not performing as well so they are rebranding it next year with a mordheim esque setting with skaven vs city of sigmar?


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 12
  9. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    Yes there's a rumour... coming out of a random 4chan post... Which ends with "my father works at Nintendo". It says a lot about the level of the debate really.

    The past few days made me feel so happy that AoS, for all it's flaws, is not saddled with with the "boys club" lore.


    ^^^^^I can't believe how much people is falling for a 4chan shitposting that is very clearly a joke, lmao.

    Look guys, GW doesnt license ****** if they don't get the last word on anything. If you spend 50 millions of dollars into making a film and say "Now we want to put beastmen with beaks" GW is going to crush you, no matter if you're a Hollywood producer, or a triple A developper. Their licensing team is more ruthless than Archaon.

    • Like 4
  10. 47 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    First 40k faction focus was may the 2nd so we might have our starting next week. 

    For now we have 24 factions in the game (including BoC) so if like 40k we have one faction focus a day begginig next monday, we will have enough to last the whole month until june.

    Leviathan preorder was june the 10th so the schredule could work

    Btw, this week's article(s) is about battleplans, battle tactics and general handbook

    To anounce the full box on the 18th of may and get preorders started on 8th of june would be densely dumb. Marketing needs time to build. The Old World had way more...

  11. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think it was subtly confirmed:

    AoS Event Mar25 Dates

    1 - It happens during the US Open.
    2- The name of the event is pretty similar to what we had for Dominion:

    Warhammer Preview Online: Unboxing Dominion
    Warhammer Preview Online – Dominion Celebration

    So this one could be Warhammer Preview Online: The Mortal Realms Reforged.

    Im holding on it cos, as far as I know, GW hasnt still confirmed if there'll be a preview there. I keep thinking is dumb to delay the full reveal so much, but perhaps GW execs know something I don't.

    Also, someone on reddit has compiled all the SG Warhound skaven-stuff:


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