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Posts posted by Garrac

  1. Also, btw, I keep reading all these "Nah, bro, clanrats are new, they don't need an update"

    Latest clanrats models were from 2010. 14 years ago. Let that sink in.

    There were other skaven units in WAY most dire need of a refresh, but they also needed an update.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    Lovely looking new Skaven! I hope GW doesn't catch wind and changes today's reveal to be this instead!

    If they didnt show the artillery thing leaked (confirmed 100000% to be on the box) they wont care about this

    1 minute ago, Baron I_oyd said:

    Can confrm it is Galvolt obliterators


  3. Ok guys, new Sherlock Holmes post!!!!


    Seems like there's a new leaked skaven sprue!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!

    So, as usual, it's time for some deduction and cold analysis, and trying to guess what the heck is this


    1) A sprue of 10 parts

    2) A singular body, divided on 2 parts, one with the tail

    3) Tactical rock for left foot

    4) Two arms, one holding a spheric weapon, the other with a tunneler thing

    5) A backpack (confirmed by Op after building the mini)

    6) The tunneler thing (5) goes inside the cannon-thing

    7) This is a complete sprue, no more models atached (confirmed by Op after building the mini)

    😎 Helmet doesnt look very heroic

    9) It doesnt look too much push-to-fit

    10) Not multimodular


    a) Character sprues tend to have between 10-15 parts on their sprues (8 on the rocket engineer, f.e.)

    b) There was a weapon on a dawnbringers short story similar to this thing

    c) Weapon teams tend to be wielded by 2 crew, but this could change on a concept level


    A) It can be a new engineer model, because of 3) and 2).

    B) It could be a new weapon team. 7) is a big contender against it, but c) and 😎 are good advocators for the contrary

    C) New thing, neither a character nor weapon team, something that comes out in singular models.


    If I had to guess, this seems to me like it could be either B) or C), or maybe a new unsuspected A). What makes me think that I'm wrong on C) is that there are no precedents for singular non-character units on the skaven army, at least. And 10) makes the weapon-team thing more doubtish.

    So, Im torn up between A) and B). And I'd say, it's possibly? a mix of the two: weapon teams are going to be converted onto "engineers". But, just to let it written, Im not 100% about this statement. Not even 50%...

    Alltho, Im more certain it's either the plasmancer or the galvaneer that SG Warhound talked about.

    Also, cool to see skaven leaks, give me more. Can't never have enough of them.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I think its all much simpler.

    New models + support= good army sales

    Almost 10 years of nothing = bad army sales

    No way rats sell bad. My bs is big, but the swarm is bigger.

  5. 2 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Different strokes for different folks. When reading Skavenslayer etc I never once pictured the Clanrats etc. neatly forming up and marching forwards together ( Stormvermin being the exception)

    On skavenslayer there are literally various cases of the swarm going onwards. On one of the books there's even a scene where Thanquol has to fall back because he has let himself to follow the swarm like another plain skaven, which he explains it's dangerous af for any skaven leader.

    They are not forming, they are swarming. Like rats.

  6. 6 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Which is why they should be in a multitude of poses not neatly ranked up. Ironically this is also why Beastmen never quite fitted WHFB for me. In a game of square, ranked units their background was an ambushing, charging in a horde from the woods force. Which fits AoS playstyle far better than Fantasy.

    Skavens are rats, and rats come in swarms. When a group of skavens is going to battle, they almost lose all their sense of individuality under the supervision of a cruel lord until ****** starts crumbling down. That's why they have so many LD rules.

    Skavens are not just brown goblins with fur, please.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    They'll reveal a clanrat tomorrow then the entire squad later down the week like they did with the Libs.

    It sucks this will absolutely happen

    2 minutes ago, michu said:

    I wonder if those clanrats will be, "surprisingly", posed in a way that makes them hard to rank up on squares

    It sucks even more this will happen 100%, with a 28,5mm rebasing

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

    In case the week ahead announces a new miniature from the fourth edition starter box, do you think we will continue with the stormcast or see the Skaven.

    For my part, if another Stormcast miniature is shown, I would like to see a new Stormcast character mounted on a griffin.

    It's confirmed, tomorrow a skaven reveal is coming.

    If GW follows the Leviathan patterns, it will be a fantasy marine on 15th, and a skaven for the 22th. And then I guess that another fantasy marine for the 29th.

  9. 1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Well guess we have another week till DB6. New Skaven is good new wondering if we're doing Rat ogre or a Stormvermin

    I still struggle to see stormvermins there. Reasonings aside, I haven't seen a trustworthy leaker talking about them on the box (guess I'd have to put some trust on the guy that just made an account to only tell about the skaven contents for the box)

    Could be rat ogres, but I stand by my point 1)

  10. So now it's time to start guessing what skavens will be revealed tomorrow!

    I keep thinking this month we'll have clanrats and clawlord reveals. But tomorrow will most probably be clanrats. My reasoning being that:

    1) You just anounced a big chop-chop on the battleline stuff. Confirm that nothing is going away.

    2) Fantasy marines got battleline, show the other battleline

    3) Makes early marketing easier to have already showed all the troop stuff

    4) "some of the new skaven" implies multiple skaven, and clanrats are the only thing that is spamed on this box

    I may be wrong, tho. Also, please Warcom, do the reveal on the proper channels this time.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Dawnbringers 6. That's my bet. If it is not, then Orks and Custodes as you said and DB 6 next week.

    Perhaps it's both at the same time? The reason im beting on custodes and orks it's because their combat patrols have been deleted from the webstore (i think there were new ones coming?)

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